Tonight’s Sky Without the Moon – Photo: L. Weikel
New Moon In Scorpio
I’m sitting here on my couch anticipating this final new moon of my 1111 Devotion. Specifically, the new moon in Scorpio will occur tomorrow: Thursday, 4 November 2021, at 5:14 p.m. EDT. I feel like I should be planting the seeds for the next chapter in my life.
Perhaps that sounds a bit hyperbolic. Maybe it is. But it’s how I feel and what I’m contemplating as I sit here listening to the silence. For one thing, as I pointed out above, this new moon is taking place in Scorpio, the sign of death and rebirth, hidden or buried treasures, resources, and secrets.
Obviously, one thing that will die during the upcoming lunation is my 1111 Devotion. It comes to an end this month. Will the commitment, the Act of Power, the dedication and devotion it represents to the memory of my son find another expression? Will my 1111 Devotion die in one sense yet find rebirth in another form?
I don’t know. I’ve yet to receive any inspiration or direction from Spirit powerful enough for me to sit back and say, “Yup. That’s it. That’s my next devotion.”
So I wait.
A Card For Inspiration or Guidance
Perhaps choosing a card for this New Moon (I’ll capitalize it in this sentence – it wants to feel special) will give me a clue or serve as an inspiration? As I’ve been working a lot with my Witches’ Wisdom Tarot deck this year, I feel drawn to work with it tonight.
As I sat here shuffling, I held as my intention the question, “What seed can I plant at this time that will serve as the next expression of my devotion to Karl’s life? How can I continue to honor him and his memory?”

Ace of Air – Witches’ Wisdom Tarot* by Phyllis Curott
Ace of Air
At first glance, I’m struck by how similar the background of the card resembles the two photos I took of the night sky this evening as Karl, the pups, and I took a quick walk. It is indeed the time of the approaching Dark Moon. The absence of the moon’s brilliant reflected light allowed the artistry of the clouds and stars to fill us with wonder and awe.
To me, an Ace represents a gift, a seed, a new beginning. So I’m delighted that an Ace appeared as an inspiration for this new moon and the larger purpose of my intention. The nature of the seed I’m being asked to plant? Just from looking at the card and knowing that the element of Air is associated with thoughts and the mind, I suppose it could signify a new project ‘of the mind.’

Magical Sky of the Dark Moon – Photo: L. Weikel
A Few More Details
Of course, the main element of the card (beyond the backdrop of the starry evening sky) is the Celtic harp created from bones. I’m not sure in this moment what those bones signify (or if it’s even Celtic), but they feel sturdy and somehow fundamental. The spurs on the bones? Or are they claws? I’m not sure what they signify – perhaps when I read the narrative from the deck’s creator I’ll understand better what inspired her (and her illustrator) to include them in this image.
There is a sturdiness to the three sides of this musical instrument that sends vibrations, if not melody and beauty, out into the world. It reminds me of how I felt for the first seven years of Karl’s life – that we were a “Sacred Three.” And then of course, with the arrival of M and S, our sons themselves were our Sacred Three.
I’m also keenly aware of the Spider spinning the 13th string of the instrument. Grandmother Spider is the creator of the Universe and thus is the ultimate representative of creativity. The strings also seem to be incorporating the stars, which somehow feels significant. And 13 is a wonderfully sacred number associated with the Feminine and the Goddess – not to mention that Karl was born on a 13th.
Each of the bones comprising the Harp is of a different part of the body. Are they all related to the legs, perhaps signifying movement? Are they even all human – or are any of them? I’m not sure. Again, those talons or claws feel significant.
When I really look closely at this card, I notice something red in the upper left corner of the harp. I’m not sure what it is. And this obvious instrument of great power is sitting atop a grassy hill – evoking a sense of it being an offering to the sky and the stars…and maybe even the Universe.
Sleep On It
I’m going to sleep on the details I’ve noticed in this image and reflect upon this card’s message as the new moon occurs. Perhaps tomorrow night I’ll share what ‘the book’ has to say. Something may be dying, but surely a rebirth is also on its way. What will this new moon in Scorpio inspire you to end…and begin?
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