M’s Magic Garden – Photo: L. Weikel
Another World
Yesterday I wrote about how getting a wider view of a situation can sometimes yield a bit more of a distressing perspective than expected. I think part of the reason the revelations made in Bob Woodward’s soon-to-be-released book, Rage*, were so jarring to me was the fact that I’d just spent several hours in another world.
Many of you may be thinking I’m referring to journeying, as in I’d taken a shamanic journey, and therefore my consciousness was literally in another world that afternoon. While that could easily hold true on any given day, that wasn’t the case yesterday.
No, prior to the walk on which I took the photos of the clouds in yesterday’s post, I’d driven not ten miles away from my home and entered a paradise. Upon my arrival, I stepped out of my car and yelped in joy over the calliope of life and color bombarding my senses.

Dahlia – photo: L. Weikel
Only Fair
It seems only fair that I share with you the source of the open-hearted joy I felt earlier yesterday – before I returned home. Sadly, it was hard for me to recapture last night the essence of what I felt when I stepped into this wonderland earlier in the day. I allowed my perception of national events to suck almost all of the magic out of my day.

M’s Garden – Photo: L. Weikel
But luckily, I remembered. And I’m reclaiming that joyful life essence now – and want to share it with you.
Some of the dahlias remind me of the glass artistry of Chihuly that Karl and I saw when we were in Seattle a few years ago.

Chihuly Garden and Glass (Seattle) – Photo: L. Weikel
There’s so much beauty in the world, whether it’s Mother Nature bursting forth in multicolored dahlias to blown glass artistry that bursts the imagination. In the midst of the dark and ominous clouds that are approaching we must not forget how things look different in this direction, too.
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