Gathering of Dream Clouds – Photo: L. Weikel
Meet You in the Dreamtime
I have to get my post written quickly tonight; I have a date.
The stage has been set; our minds, bodies, and spirits have been clarified. It’s as if we’ve had our inner sparkplugs cleaned and sanded. The preparation itself was magic. Alchemical.
I’ll admit it: It’s tough sometimes to keep my hands on the keys of my laptop, especially when my eyes close and I forget where I am. When I suddenly find myself following a string of thought – or is it experience? – taking me somewhere unexpected yet utterly real.
An Intention Has Been Set
Tonight, though, it’s entirely different. An intention has been set. Our group will reconvene in just a few short hours. And as gorgeous as the moon is tonight, playing hide and seek with the clouds, not one of us will need to don a jacket or throw on shoes.
But we’ll need to heighten our awareness. Make sure we’re paying attention.
Whose dream is this, anyway?
Will we ever know for sure?

Looking Up – Photo: L. Weikel