Numeric Palindrome – ND #77

Dark Clouds on the Horizon – Photo: L. Weikel

Numeric Palindrome

Realizing today’s post is #77, I’m even more acutely aware of the abundance of repeating numbers today. Of course, lots of people have referenced the 02/22/2022 (on a TWOsday, no less) occurring today. There are a plethora of interpretations of what significance this date could hold. We could also write it the way Europeans do: 22/02/2022, which actually is even cooler when you think about it. It creates a numeric palindrome. It also creates, in this configuration, three 22s in a row, each separated by zeros.

You may recollect that, in numerology, 22 is a Master Number – indeed, it’s known as the Master Builder Number. As Alison Baughman enumerates in her book, Speaking to Your Soul Through Numerology*, some of the ‘positive’ attributes associated with this number are:

  • Mastery through self-enterprise, Master Organizer, Master Planner, visionary, practical idealism, dreams into reality, ambitious, intuitive, methodical, disciplined, natural leader, wise, confident.

And of course the corollary to that are the potentially ‘negative’ attributes:

  • Narrow-minded, judgmental, humorless, blunt, crude, intolerant, opinionated, stubborn, repressive, rigid, slow, uncompromising, limited, overwhelmed, controlling.

If you examine those key words, it’s not hard to see that a dominant theme underlying both the positive and negative attributes of ‘22’ is power. When 22 energy is being harnessed in a balanced manner and used with integrity and compassion great things can be achieved and even tangibly created. But when 22 energy is being manipulated for the acquisition of personal power and aggrandizement? It can turn toxic and wreak devastation wherever it’s wielded.


It is fascinating to entertain the possibility that Putin holds more stock in numerology than one might think. For instance, on August 8, 2008 (08/08/08), Russia invaded Georgia, with the aid of two self-declared separatist states of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The parallels to what happened today (on 22/02/2022), including Russia relying on ‘separatist states,’ is fascinating. Finally, today’s date also happened to be the 8th anniversary (exactly) of Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

There is a pattern to his behavior. And while I grant it could be ‘coincidence,’ I suggest there is at the very least symbolic significance to the timing of these occurrences – if not some inherent energetic impetus behind the numbers themselves, subtly propelling the aggressive (humorless, blunt, overwhelming, and repressive) behavior.

While I recognize there are a lot of different ways people were suggesting today’s date could be used as a powerful day of manifestation or dreaming, and perhaps it was, my attention was focused instead on watching the power plays at work in the world.

And on a smaller scale, we were probably well-advised to monitor how we might be wielding and potentially abusing our power, too – especially in relationships where an imbalance of power might exist. Perhaps it was especially easy (or tempting) to go overboard with power today, even if we ordinarily use great discretion and temperance when exercising it. We also might reflect on whether those in a position of power over us in our personal lives potentially misused it.


Obviously, the day is over by the time you read this. I nevertheless hope you’ll take a moment now to reflect on these power dynamics. In retrospect, can you see how this may have played out or in some way been reflected in your own life experiences yesterday?

Sometimes reflection is actually more persuasive than anticipation. That’s because there’s always the possibility that we will get caught up in confirmation bias and see what we expect to see or have unfold in our life. But if we have no specific expectations ahead of time, and these influences are nevertheless felt, the whole scenario can at least give you pause to say, “Hmm.”

Personally, I saw it reflected in a couple ways in my life. First in a doctor/patient scenario I witnessed and again in a close personal relationship where power dynamics were at play, influential, and potentially triggering.

No territories were annexed or invaded in my little world, but there were definitely some warning shots and skirmishes at the borders.

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New Moon In Scorpio – Day 1088

Tonight’s Sky Without the Moon – Photo: L. Weikel

New Moon In Scorpio

I’m sitting here on my couch anticipating this final new moon of my 1111 Devotion. Specifically, the new moon in Scorpio will occur tomorrow: Thursday, 4 November 2021, at 5:14 p.m. EDT. I feel like I should be planting the seeds for the next chapter in my life.

Perhaps that sounds a bit hyperbolic. Maybe it is. But it’s how I feel and what I’m contemplating as I sit here listening to the silence. For one thing, as I pointed out above, this new moon is taking place in Scorpio, the sign of death and rebirth, hidden or buried treasures, resources, and secrets.

Obviously, one thing that will die during the upcoming lunation is my 1111 Devotion. It comes to an end this month. Will the commitment, the Act of Power, the dedication and devotion it represents to the memory of my son find another expression? Will my 1111 Devotion die in one sense yet find rebirth in another form?

I don’t know. I’ve yet to receive any inspiration or direction from Spirit powerful enough for me to sit back and say, “Yup. That’s it. That’s my next devotion.”

So I wait.

A Card For Inspiration or Guidance

Perhaps choosing a card for this New Moon (I’ll capitalize it in this sentence – it wants to feel special) will give me a clue or serve as an inspiration? As I’ve been working a lot with my Witches’ Wisdom Tarot deck this year, I feel drawn to work with it tonight.

As I sat here shuffling, I held as my intention the question, “What seed can I plant at this time that will serve as the next expression of my devotion to Karl’s life? How can I continue to honor him and his memory?”

Ace of Air – Witches’ Wisdom Tarot* by Phyllis Curott

Ace of Air

At first glance, I’m struck by how similar the background of the card resembles the two photos I took of the night sky this evening as Karl, the pups, and I took a quick walk. It is indeed the time of the approaching Dark Moon. The absence of the moon’s brilliant reflected light allowed the artistry of the clouds and stars to fill us with wonder and awe.

To me, an Ace represents a gift, a seed, a new beginning. So I’m delighted that an Ace appeared as an inspiration for this new moon and the larger purpose of my intention. The nature of the seed I’m being asked to plant? Just from looking at the card and knowing that the element of Air is associated with thoughts and the mind, I suppose it could signify a new project ‘of the mind.’

Magical Sky of the Dark Moon – Photo: L. Weikel

A Few More Details

Of course, the main element of the card (beyond the backdrop of the starry evening sky) is the Celtic harp created from bones. I’m not sure in this moment what those bones signify (or if it’s even Celtic), but they feel sturdy and somehow fundamental. The spurs on the bones? Or are they claws? I’m not sure what they signify – perhaps when I read the narrative from the deck’s creator I’ll understand better what inspired her (and her illustrator) to include them in this image.

There is a sturdiness to the three sides of this musical instrument that sends vibrations, if not melody and beauty, out into the world. It reminds me of how I felt for the first seven years of Karl’s life – that we were a “Sacred Three.” And then of course, with the arrival of M and S, our sons themselves were our Sacred Three.

I’m also keenly aware of the Spider spinning the 13th string of the instrument. Grandmother Spider is the creator of the Universe and thus is the ultimate representative of creativity. The strings also seem to be incorporating the stars, which somehow feels significant. And 13 is a wonderfully sacred number associated with the Feminine and the Goddess – not to mention that Karl was born on a 13th.

Each of the bones comprising the Harp is of a different part of the body. Are they all related to the legs, perhaps signifying movement? Are they even all human – or are any of them? I’m not sure. Again, those talons or claws feel significant.

When I really look closely at this card, I notice something red in the upper left corner of the harp. I’m not sure what it is. And this obvious instrument of great power is sitting atop a grassy hill –  evoking a sense of it being an offering to the sky and the stars…and maybe even the Universe.

Sleep On It

I’m going to sleep on the details I’ve noticed in this image and reflect upon this card’s message as the new moon occurs. Perhaps tomorrow night I’ll share what ‘the book’ has to say. Something may be dying, but surely a rebirth is also on its way. What will this new moon in Scorpio inspire you to end…and begin?

*affililate link


Fork – Day 769

A Gigantic Fork – Photo: L. Weikel


The photo above is of a gargantuan fork that’s been in our cutlery drawer for several decades. I put a pen beside it to give context to the extraordinary size of that fork. But even with that, I doubt you’re getting the full flavor of what I’m trying to convey.

But what I may be struggling to convey in the photo is actually something I sense we’re all feeling. Something we all know, at the deepest level of our being.

“Stick a fork in me; I’m done.” Or perhaps more accurately: “Stick a fork in us; we’re done.”

That’s the sentiment I’m feeling at the moment, and it’s threatening to overwhelm me. I don’t think I’m speaking solely for myself, either. Far from it.

So What’s My Deal?

I can’t say for sure. Perhaps this is part of what I ‘do’ in the world. I pay attention to what’s happening in our shared reality and do my best to hold space in my heart for others. We can’t all be on the front lines, after all. We can’t all be reporting on it, either. Not all of us are trained for – or even suited to – engaging in what, at this moment in our evolution, feels like exacting the greatest of sacrifices day in and day out.

But even though I’m not doing it myself, I’m paying attention. I’m also paying attention (on behalf of those who are so engrossed in the day to day efforts of keeping people alive and safe) to what is going on at the highest levels of our government, right before our very eyes. There is a concerted effort, it seems, to rip us asunder while we’re all preoccupied with exponential infection rates and vertical hospitalization and death rates.

While we fight for survival, we’re being taken to the cleaners. Sold out. Compromised in the worst ways. It’s a cynical and even diabolical calculation. But it must be called out. We must each do our part to end the madness.

What’s Our Deal?

We need to stay home. We need to be smart and vigilant and take this threat to our health seriously. We would be wise to pay attention to what we have and what we cherish – and resist the temptation to lament what we’re being asked to forego for a few days, weeks, or months.

We need to stick a fork in our belligerent refusal to acknowledge the astounding suffering of so many in our country (and around the world, but especially here). It’s done. It serves no one – except, perhaps, those who are banking on our preoccupation.

Things are getting worse. All the warnings about what would happen if people ignored the warnings about gathering at Thanksgiving are coming to pass. A single county in California just logged 100,000 new cases in the past week. And yet people shop and carry on – as if nothing is happening.

We can see – right before our eyes – what will happen a month from now. Only it will be worse. Guaranteed.

We need to stick a gargantuan fork in our denial of reality because it’s killing us and distracting us. We must refuse to be distracted any longer.

We’re Better Than This

It’s time to take responsibility for ourselves and each other. If there’s a strain of Covid that’s in the UK that’s spreading at a rate 70% faster than what we’re encountering now, we need to be smart. We need to take even greater precautions than what’s being asked of us. We need to stop living in denial and realize that what they’re dealing with, we’ll be dealing with in the blink of an eye.

We need to love ourselves and each other enough to realize that we’re in this together.

We need to stick a fork in our selfish ways. Ultimately, those ways are hurting us all. They’re breaking our hearts, wearing us down, and sapping our will to be kind and courageous. And perhaps worst of all, they’re serving those who want us distracted from an unprecedented power grab that could have untold implications.

We must find our will. We must be vigilant. We must find our compassion.

And we must remember: we’re better than this.


Blend Into the Background – Day 680

 Marsh Wren – Blending In; Photo: L. Weikel

Blend Into the Background

Oh my goodness. The past few evenings have been quite the shock to my system! The chilly edge to the air takes my breath away and makes me feel – I don’t know – vulnerable. And I’m not even sure I could answer if you asked me, “Vulnerable to what?” It’s a rather ineffable sense. Nevertheless, I must admit, I’m feeling a strong urge to just stop, step back, and blend into the background.

Since the death of RBG, I’ve not paid quite as much attention to the news. Actually, I don’t know if that’s exactly true. It wasn’t immediately upon her passing that I withdrew from tracking the news. It was more like 18 hours later. It was when I saw that trusting Republicans to behave with any semblance of integrity or honor was fruitless and a fool’s errand.

There is no sense of decorum being exhibited by the Republicans nor is there even the remotest attempt to honor the historic recognition of the most basic of moral consistency or responsibility to telling the truth. I guess I knew it when the Senate refused to convict and remove DT for his corrupt solicitation of Ukraine. Or at least I should have known, since they broadcast their willingness to tolerate obvious malfeasance if the purveyor of that corruption would garner them more power.

Stepping Back

I’m feeling the need to step back and blend into the background. The assaults on my fundamental belief that people will inherently do what is right in matters of grave consequence are taking their toll. I am seeing with stark clarity that the acquisition and retention of power is everything to Trump Republicans. And yes, I do see a difference between Trump Republicans and the Republicans I knew growing up – my parents, just to name two off the top of my head.

The reason for feeling I must step back at this moment is because it is crystal clear that nothing will persuade Trump Republicans to act with integrity. There is no appealing to their sense of right or wrong, their sense of decency, or even their own sense of shame over blatantly bulldozing through supposed behavioral firewalls they professed that they could be held to account over.

Nothing matters to them other than accruing and wielding power. And winning. So much winning. Who cares if it’s at the expense of their integrity? Or causes the death of fellow citizens. What a laugh.

Marsh Wren going about it’s business – Photo: L. Weikel

Stop Wasting Energy

And so, blending into the background feels appropriate at this moment. Not because I’m giving up. Not because I have any intention of running away. Rather, it’s time for me (and all of us) to stop wasting energy expecting anything from them but the most selfish and self-serving choices and actions in any given situation, especially those pertaining to power in any form. Instead, we need to gather our resources.

Don’t waste your breath arguing. Don’t waste your time trying to shame them or appeal to their sense of decency. Instead, we are best served by blending into the background and strategizing how to counter the treachery. Imagine the worst case scenarios and plan for them. For they are broadcasting their intentions loud and clear. Everything they accuse Democrats of doing and plotting is precisely their own game plan. How many times must we see this play out?

Get quiet. Take a few steps back. Instead of expressing surprise yet again at their behavior and lack of character, pay careful attention. Observe what they’re broadcasting is their intention. How do we do that? Listen to what they’re screaming that Democrats will do to subvert the election. Listen to what they repeat over and over again will happen after November 3rd. Listen to the dire predictions of armed ‘insurrection.’ Why? Because that’s their  plan. They’re broadcasting it.

So we must stop, step back, blend into the background, and prepare.

Let’s get smart and stop falling for the bullshit.


Peace – Day 582

Peace – Mystic Art Medicine Cards by Cher Lyn


This evening, I got out the set of oracle cards I wrote about some time ago, Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards, by Cher Lyn. I asked for a message or a concept that we would benefit from contemplating and reflecting upon this week, as we approach the solstice and solar eclipse. The card that presented itself for us is Peace.

We all have our ideas of what “Peace” means. The obviousness of how beneficial it could be for all of us to be holding this concept in our minds this week is inescapable. But I want to share with you the uncanny words that the author wrote to accompany this card. Her words are, in my opinion, even more essential to contemplate than the image.

Peace – “Mother Mary”


In the aftermath of a war zone, its devastating effect brings to mind one question: What could have been so important to cause such violence and bloodshed? Everyone’s soul wants Peace, everyone wants love; so what’s the problem? The minds of our civilized culture are programmed with dysfunctional information. Beginning at birth you undergo cultural programming, indoctrination and subtle brainwashing. Your mind has been the domain of your parents, teachers, and preachers; you’ve given rights over to psychics, authors, and television politicians to mention a few. In other words, you’ve allowed others to think for you, without thinking.

Be cognizant, protesting for Peace while unleashing force will most likely create more anger, more war. Everyone around you has emotional wounds. You can’t fix anyone else. Your responsibility and power is within to change ‘you’ and only you. Transform that which is in you. Release attempts to solve, as judge and jury, the anger of the world. The only functioning place to truly propagate Peace is within your conscious mind and open heart.


The beloved Mother Mary is here, full of compassion and understanding. Whatever it is you are seeking, for all that you need ask the Mother. Allow inner Peace and receive.”

Worthy Goal

Given everything we are witnessing at the moment, I was moved by not only the serenity of the image but especially the uncanny applicability of Cher Lyn’s words at this specific time in our lives – and the life of our nation.

No matter what else we do this week, it feels wise and worthy to contemplate our own inner transformation – to allow inner Peace and receive.


I Just Can’t  – Day 246

Tonight’s sky – Photo: L. Weikel

I Just Can’t                                      

I woke up this morning and was feeling remarkably ‘down.’ This feeling was as pervasive as it was unexpected. There was no obvious reason for it, either – dietary or otherwise.

But then, the day unfolded, and I made the mistake of reading news headlines.

I have to admit it: My stomach has been hurting all day. I’ve felt a little short of breath all day.

Honestly, I feel as though there is nowhere to look anymore that is not shocking, awful, and hateful. The blatant racism, misogyny, corruption, and deliberate attack on the rule of law being spewed and inflicted on our country is beyond the pale.

My heart hurts for our country. My heart hurts for our integrity. My heart hurts for our children – yours, mine, and everyone else’s.

My heart hurts for the soul of us all – and by that, I mean everything we stand for, believe in, and hold sacred.

If we don’t take a stand now, when everywhere we look we’re slapped in the face with vile divisiveness, cruelty, and utter corruption and self-dealing, we never will.

So Many Secrets/So Many Compromised People in Power

It broke my heart to read that so-called leaders of the Republican party such as Lindsey Graham were actually condoning Trump’s hate-filled racist rants of yesterday and today. His comments do not reflect simple policy-related differences of opinion with my own views. His comments reflect a fundamental abrogation of everything I was taught our country stands for.

Yes, I’m calling Graham out. Why? Because Donald Trump may be the biggest liar to ever cross the doorstep of the White House (and yes, I am saying with absolute lack of equivocation that he is the single biggest serial liar to ever cross the threshold of the White House), but we knew he was an ignorant con-man for decades. We knew it when he declared he was running. We’ve known it all along. All we had to do was read the background. All we had to do was open our eyes and read.

But Lindsey Graham? I remember a time when he appeared to be a man of principle. A man who had courage and integrity. So I have to say…this behavior of his, including his kowtowing to Trump since the inauguration, tells me there’s something about Lindsey Graham we don’t know. I think we have yet another example of a puppet whose strings are being pulled by a power that has the dirt.

The case that’s unfolding with Jeffrey Epstein is horrific. But you know what? I read about it at the very beginning of Trump’s candidacy. I was aware of the young girl who dropped her case because of death threats. I was aware of Alex Acosta. This has all been readily available. It is not ‘fake’ news. It is entirely documented.

This Is All About Power OVER

And it is all related. The utterly malignant foundation of so much of what goes on in our country is tied to and inextricably bound up in rampant, unabashed, unchecked, abuse of power. Power over women, power over young girls, power over little boys, power over the homeless, power over the defenseless, power over the poor, power over the black and brown in our country (and outside – you know, entire ‘shithole’ countries).

This has gone on for so long, they laugh and clink their glasses behind their billion dollar enclaves and think they’ll rule the world forever. But they’ve become sloppy, which comes from feeling they can live their exploitive, debauched existences out in the open, simply because they hold so much power.

Well, we’re the ones who have the power. We’re the ones who must look each other and ourselves in the eyes and act in a way that serves something greater.

I believe in us. But really, we must, must, must look at the raw truth of what is unfolding before our very eyes. And we must do it NOW.

Let us stand together and say “ENOUGH.”

The sun is setting on all we hold dear – Photo: L. Weikel


Names Matter – Day 206

Photo: L. Weikel

Words Matter                                  

I’ve written a lot about the importance of words. The impact words have on shaping our reality is huge and filled with responsibility.

Often we do not fully realize the power of our words until we witness first-hand how we often manifest, quite literally, usually, precisely what we tend to repeat over and over in our everyday conversations.

Anyone who’s spent any significant amount of time with me knows how I tend to pay attention to the words that come out of people’s mouths. Because I was taught manifestation techniques early on in my metaphysical studies (I’m talking back in the late 80’s here – yikes), I’ve tried to live my life with awareness of what comes out of my mouth.

Words Hold Power

As a result, we also taught our sons the power of words and encouraged them to take responsibility for what comes out of their mouths. And for the most part, they tend to be careful in the words they choose (OK, with maybe some profanity not getting ‘canceled,’ since, well… I don’t know. Bad example?)

But it wasn’t until our youngest son adopted a cat about four years ago that we all learned just how powerful names are, too.

While in college, Sage adopted a mature cat from an adoption agency associated with a local pet food and supply store. He immediately dubbed the cat “Wally,” after a friend’s cat he’d known who had a similar laid back attitude and luxuriously soft coat.

Wally was obviously pleased to have been liberated from his caged existence. He was always happy to see Sage when he’d get back from class, and he was a welcome addition to Sage’s life, for the most part.

But after a month or two, Wally seemed a little different than when he’d first been adopted. He became noticeably more shy. He would duck when anyone reached out to pet him, as if he might get hit. And while he was always glad when Sage returned to his room, he was starting to hide in places and not come out unless we went looking for him.

Within another month, Sage was frustrated and it was discovered by housekeeping that he was harboring a four-legged, which wasn’t exactly within the rules of the residence in which he was living.

Happy to Reclusive


As soon as I heard the precise tone and inflection of that “Mom?” I knew I was going to be asked to cat-sit. Of course, I was right. Within days, Wally was delivered.

We all started giving Sage a hard time, because this cat was such an anti-social beast. Indeed he almost rivaled our psycho-kitty, Precious. But he didn’t howl or act bizarre. No, Wally simply hid. We teased Sage as to why in the world he picked him out to adopt. Sage swore he hadn’t acted like that when he’d visited the cat in the store several times before taking the plunge.

That may have been the case, but he wouldn’t come out from under beds. At all. He didn’t sleep with us. He never seemed to be in the same room as us. We didn’t even see him at mealtime. We knew he must be eating after our other cats ate their fill, but they weren’t fighting.  Wally was in full-blown avoidance mode.

Annoyed Tigger – What’s with this “Wally” garbage? – Photo: L. Weikel

Pleading with his eyes

When I would occasionally have a chance to talk to him one-on-one and pet him and scratch under his ears, I started noticing a really weird vibe from him when I would call him by his name; when I would coo “Sweet Wallys” in his ear. He looked like he was pleading with his eyes for me to figure something out. Something that would ease his pain.

I started mentioning to Karl (Sage was back at school by this time) that I felt like he didn’t like being called Wally. I told Karl the cat got a weird look in his eyes when I’d call him by that name.

(Karl gave me a weird look when I said this to him; so I was getting weird looks from everybody.) But still, weeks went by, and Wally was very seriously miserable and reclusive.

Eventually, it was time for us to take Wally in for his booster shots. Sage brought home Wally’s paperwork so I could provide his history to our vet. There, in the paperwork, I discovered Wally’s PRIOR name – the name he’d had when he was left at the shelter: Tigger.

Tigger it was!

I swear to you: as soon as I saw that name on his paperwork, I turned to the cat and asked him if that was his name. Tigger’s eyes lit up. His body language, which I’d not realized was the equivalent of hunched shoulders, immediately relaxed.

That cat morphed before my eyes into his true self: his Tigger self.

It turns out he’s extremely affectionate and wildly astute in understanding when you’re calling him by his correct name. He gained weight; his fur took on a sheen and softness that is irresistible. And he can now be anywhere in our house – and if I call his name, “Heeeeeeeere, Tiggety Tig!” he comes running. To me. A cat. Running to me when I call his name.

It’s been a long time now since he came to live with us. He’s part of the family now.

But one thing I can tell you is that he will always and forever love me like no other. Because I figured out how to call him by his ‘real’ name.

Names matter.

Happy Tigger – Photo: L. Weikel


Electricity Restored, Awareness Heightened – Day 113

Aftermath: Still Ominous – Photo: L.Weikel

Electricity Restored and Awareness Heightened

I’m delighted to report that our electricity was restored at approximately 4:30 this afternoon.

The last time we lost our electricity for any significant amount of time was in 2012, after Hurricane Sandy, when it was out for something like ten days or so. What an awful, deeply uncomfortable ordeal. A tiny, insignificant taste, I realize, of what so many others have endured following tornadoes, wildfires, and hurricanes. But enough of a taste to leave a stark impression.

But during that profoundly uncomfortable and very chilly time, we had guests. Our dear friends, Karen Ward and John Cantwell, founders of Sli an Chroi (Path of the Heart) from Dublin, Ireland, were visiting us and presenting a wonderful retreat on Celtic shamanism and spirituality.

Asking Our Guests to Rough It

Karen and John were troopers throughout that experience in 2012. It was uncomfortable, to say the least, for them to ‘make do’ in our home without heat, lights, or running water. Nor did we yet have our fireplace installed (that came a mere two months later – lesson learned!), so we would sit briefly each night, swapping stories over candlelight before retiring to our respective bedrooms and the comfort of cuddling under piles of comforters!

Friends Come Through In a Big and Generous Way

At first we weren’t even sure if we would be able to follow through with offering the program, for we knew no one personally or commercially who had space that was not impacted by the electricity situation. Finally, one of my closest friends in the world offered to host our retreat in her living room – by the light and warmth of her gas fireplace. Janet and her daughters generously opened their doors and quite literally saved the day for all of us!

What a wonderful retreat it ended up being, too. Filled with magic and playfulness, wisdom and ancient insights, we spent the weekend reconnecting with our ancestors (Irish or not, it didn’t matter) in profound and meaningful ways.

Photo: L.Weikel

There are many aspects of our work together that weekend that I could write about here. And there’s a strong chance, too, that I’ll harvest ideas from those myriad experiences as we wend our way through the next 998 posts in my 1111 Devotion. But the one thing I want to focus upon this evening is yet another example of the power of words.

Naturally, a major focus of many of our conversations (of pretty much everyone, everywhere you went in our community) that long weekend centered upon the status of our electricity. It was not uncommon, if one were to simply grow quiet for a moment, to hear several conversations being carried on at once, each one of which was peppered with the phrases, ”We’ve lost our power;” “I have no power;” “How long will we have to be without power?” “When did you lose your power?” – and innumerable variations on that theme.

We’ve Lost our POWER?

It was our Irish visitors who called our attention to our flagrant disregard for the power of our words. In fact, they didn’t know what Karl and I were talking about when we picked them up at the airport and started babbling about our ‘lost power.’ That’s simply not the way a disruption in electrical service is described in Ireland. Ever. As a result, they were acutely aware of the precise words we were using to describe our situation, for they sounded so odd and curiously out of place.

And they noticed it even more when we gathered at Janet’s home for the retreat. They were astonished by how all these Americans were going on and on about having lost their power. They were appalled at our lack of precision with our vocabulary, and rightly called us out on it.

Precision is Important

Thus, since October of 2012, I know I, and my entire family, have been careful to exercise precision in our language when a situation such as last night’s occurs.

To be clear? Our electricity cut out last night. We did not ‘lose our power.’

Has paying attention to how we describe this situation made a tangible difference in our lives? Who’s to say? One thing I do know, however, is that this was and is a case of walking my talk.

I know the power of words. I have seen how the way we phrase our description of situations can have a remarkable impact upon our perception of experiences. And I have seen words, used often or forcefully enough, wield a great deal of power.

So I pass along this lesson from my Irish brother and sister on to you: Use your power well. And don’t ‘lose’ it indiscriminately!

Aftermath: Brilliant Sky – Photo: L.Weikel

(T- 998)

Words Have Power – Day Seventy One

Words Have Power

This is going to be a quick post. I don’t know if it’s the frigid weather (we actually have ice forming on the inside of some of our windows) (yea for old houses?) or what, but I am much more tired than usual.

I had a conversation today that highlighted a habit so many of us indulge in without even realizing it: using words in our routine conversations, often completely unaware of what we are “putting out into the Universe,” that can end up having unintended consequences.

I’m surprised I haven’t written about this before. I suppose it’s possible I have, and I’ve just forgotten. But I don’t think that’s the case.

The “Background” Noise We Make All the Time

Anyway, I know this is something that I will write about again and again because it is critically important for all of us to be aware of not only the specific obvious things that we say, but also the background noise that we utter.

For instance, I’ve seen many instances in which someone makes a comment such as, “I’m pissed,” or “I’m pissed off,” when describing how they feel about a situation or person they’re dealing with. Now, obviously, if this is a random statement, it’s rare that anything will come of it. But I have noticed both in observing other people and, sadly, in my own experience, that if you say such a thing (or a close facsimile) often enough, it is not a big surprise when a urinary tract infection or some type of similar physical issue pops up.

I’ve noticed a similar long-term-use effect in the oft-used phrase “such and such is a pain in the ass.” I guarantee you would be astonished by how many people end up experiencing some form of a literal “pain in the ass” when this type of a phrase is used often enough. From hemorrhoids to sciatica, I’ve seen it manifest.

I know. I realize this may sound like some really dumb, anecdotal stuff. And it is anecdotal. I’m not sure how one would go about proving this correlation scientifically. But you know what? Anecdotal evidence is good enough for me to watch what I put out into the world.

The Energy of Thought, Word, and Deed

I first learned about the importance of taking responsibility for the words we utter when I was first being schooled in the energy associated with thoughts, words, and (obviously) deeds. There is an order of magnitude associated with the power our words have on us and our environment. When those words exist in our thoughts alone, they most definitely have power. But once spoken, they have an even greater impact. And it is obvious, of course, that deeds, putting our thoughts and words into action, often have the most profound and most rapid impact.

The error is in thinking that only our deeds have the power to impact our minds, bodies, or circumstances.

The couple of examples I’ve used above are a drop in the bucket of the myriad ways in which I hear people using words (almost always unconsciously) that feels, to me, like they’re playing with fire and laying the groundwork for some serious ramifications. And it isn’t even that they’ll always manifest it in themselves. But speaking it out loud will almost always end up bringing some form of it into your life in some way.

It’s the Everyday Conversations

Which is why we need to take responsibility for the words we choose to use, not only when we’re speaking in front of a crowd or writing something for publication. Indeed, we are often more careful about the words we use in those settings. It’s the every day conversations that have the greatest effect, as these are the conversations we have over and over and over. And these are the situations in which we are most likely to find ourselves using phrases or expressions that we do not intend literally, but, said over and over and over again (unconsciously) can result in an unintended cumulative effect of manifesting in some way in our life.

Indeed, even more insidious than the words we use in our everyday conversations are the words we use when we speak to ourselves. Those repeated thoughts, judgments, and phrases that are only heard between our own ears.

Our bodies are listening. Our minds are listening. Our souls are listening.

Truth be told, I’m only speaking of the effect we might have on ourselves by the words we use in our everyday conversations.

Sticks and Stones?

As hard as it may be to believe, the old adage we were taught as kids, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me,” is definitely not as iron-clad a truism as we might like to think. And again: I’m not even talking about the damage I’ve seen inflicted by others on others.

I’ve been hearing a lot of really dicey use of words and phrases lately by a number of people I care about. I do not want them manifesting the flippant or unconscious comments they make in describing how they feel about what’s going on in their lives.

While I know I sound like a broken record, I’m just trying to call attention to the words we use. Please, pay attention. Try your best to be vigilant and refrain from using phrases such as, “That gave me a heart attack;” “I nearly had a stroke;” “He’s a pain in the ass;” “It’s killing me;” “I feel crazy;” etc., etc.

Listen to yourself. Realize that you are creating with your words, so choose wisely.

Go forth and have a great day.
