A Trick of Email – Day 189

Amadell Sunset – Photo: L. Weikel

A Trick of Email      

I missed the deadline again that sends my posts out at night.

But guess what? I missed it last night, too.

The thing is, you might not have noticed. That’s because I literally hit the ‘publish’ button last night at 1:00 a.m. and it was nevertheless too late. It didn’t get sent out as an email last night because I missed the deadline and it was therefore held until tonight. But because I also put a link to my posts on Facebook, you still got to read it.

So tonight, last night’s went out and it looked like I’d made a timely submission. But I hadn’t. I missed the boat.

As a result, tonight’s post, which is obviously (abysmally) late getting published, will go out (if you have the email subscription) tomorrow night.

Good Grief

If I manage to get my Monday night submission published in a timely fashion (i.e., before 1:00 a.m), you’ll then receive both tonight’s and tomorrow’s in one email.

Good grief, this post is a load of hooey. But you know what? You just never know when you might want to know the intricacies of publishing a blog post every single night and the repercussions of meeting or missing an email deadline.

Tuesday is Primary Day in PA

Well, tomorrow night I’ll be back in Pennsylvania. Tired, I’m sure, and anticipating a very early morning on Tuesday because I’ll be happily playing my very small part in local democracy by working at our local poll. And Tuesday is Primary Day in Pennsylvania.

So if you take nothing else from tonight’s post, let it serve as a reminder that if you live in Pennsylvania, you need to VOTE on Tuesday!
