Stone People – Day 957

You See a Cascade – I See Two Stone Beings- Photo: L. Weikel

Stone People

Oh how I love my Stone People. In some ways, I think I love them even more than all the Cloud Beings. And we all know how much I love – and relish discovering – them, especially on our walks.

There’s something much more substantial about Stone People, though. Don’t roll your eyes. I mean beyond the obvious – although there is a truth to the whole granite vs. water vapor comparison.

I think what I love most about Stone People is their staying power. First of all, it often takes a substantial chunk of time to create a decent Stone Being. Granted (it took all I had not to write “Granite”), a Stone Being could be created or revealed in one fell swoop of an event. But usually they’re molded and created by sustained bombardment by the elements over vast swaths of time. That’s why they are most often considered (or should be) Elders of the planet.

What Gives Can Take Away

As I write this, I’m reminded of the Old Man of the Mountain in Franconia, New Hampshire. The famous profile was created by erosion, with water freezing and contracting within cracks, etc., over the past 12,000 years. His presence over Franconia Notch was obvious; and it was a presence that endured for probably thousands of years. I find it somewhat offensive to note that in the Wikipedia entry I linked to, above, the ‘official’ recognition of his existence only dates back to 1805, which of course was the first written acknowledgment of him by colonizers.

Even if they didn’t have written language, I cannot imagine the indigenous people who lived in the area (and still do) for thousands of years before Europeans arrived on this continent failed to recognize the profile jutting into the air above them. It seems extraordinarily unlikely that there are no myths or stories about this Stone Being among the tribes of New England.

My point in referencing the Old Man of the Mountain, though, was actually how he was an example of how quickly Stone Beings can disappear, in spite of the length of time it usually takes for them to be created. Perhaps not with the puff of a good gust of wind (although who’s to say what ultimately is the final straw?), which is the usual destroyer of Cloud Beings, but for all their resilience, they can indeed be here one moment and gone the next. (And in truth, they can be created as instantly as well.)

Stone Eel or Stone ALIEN? – Photo: L. Weikel

Stone Beings In the Tohickon

As you might’ve guessed, I noticed some Stone Beings in the Tohickon the other day and wanted to share them with you. I can’t really call them both Stone People, as one of them reminds me more of either a massive stone eel or – perhaps more menacingly (for people of a certain age) – a Tohickon version of the alien in the movie Alien.

Both of these Stone Beings were overseeing the rush of a cascade along one side of the creek. And while the one creature does look like an eel or alien, the other without a doubt resembles an Ancient Elder.

When I saw that face, I absolutely had to acknowledge his presence. He reminds me of those carvings on Easter Island. And to be honest, he kind of looks like a more humanoid alien…

I simply love the magic that surrounds us. We’re not alone; of that I’m certain.

Stone Elder – or also a Stone Alien? – Photo: L. Weikel
