Nascent Good Fortune – Day 625

Photo: L. Weikel

Nascent Good Fortune

This little guy hopped onto the porch this morning as I was having my first cup of coffee. Obviously, I at least had enough of my wits about me to have snuck on him and caught a photo of him (or her…). I chose to think it might be an indication of nascent good fortune.

At first, I was thinking this cricket must be a baby (a nymph?), since it looks like it’s so ‘fresh’ that it hasn’t had a chance to gain its deeper coloration. Hence the title of my post.

But upon reflection, I’m wondering if it might be a cricket that has molted. That thought actually resonates more closely with what I suspect, since if it were a baby, it probably would’ve been much smaller.


And wouldn’t you know it? I actually found information precisely on what that might indicate. Again, I’m referencing Animal-Wise by Ted Andrews:

“Most crickets molt at least once, and a cricket may warn us that it is time to shed old beliefs that are no longer suitable. (…)

The cricket should stimulate some self-examination. Are we not seeing things properly? Are we denying our own beliefs? Hav we forgotten how to believe? Is it time to get some new beliefs? Are we exaggerating what we perceive? Are we not hearing the true songs of the people around us? Do we need to listen to what is not being said as much as to what is? Are we not holding true to our beliefs? Are others?

The power of your beliefs is strong now – for good or bad. Do not distort your ideas. Trust in your own intuition before believing others.”

I need to get tonight’s post published.

There’s a lot swirling around, mixed up and intertwined in my thoughts and beliefs that could use shedding, I suspect. Perhaps if I make a point of doing that specific work, that examination and shedding of beliefs, I will call in some new opportunities – possibly a bit of nascent good fortune.

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