After the Rain – Photo: L. Weikel
Emerald Cocoon
After the heat and humidity of the past several days, today’s rain felt delicious. The dripping emerald cocoon that wrapped itself around us for most of the day was restorative and nourishing. I didn’t realize how thirsty I was – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Time wore a different outfit today. It donned a duster from an old Western and seemed in absolutely no hurry to ‘move along.’ In fact, it almost felt like this afternoon stopped and still hasn’t resumed.
It’s hard to explain what I mean. I think it was how dark it got when the cold front finally moved in. Our living room took on the lighting of midwinter, with the increase in summer solstice sunlight substantially compromised by the dense leaves of the trees just outside most of our windows. Yes, come to think of it. The house was cloaked in a profound darkness.
A New Day
Eventually, the sky began to clear. Sunset from the vantage point of my place of soul replenishment was profound and lovely. The lightning bugs weren’t happy, though. Neither were the cicadas. Everyone was quiet, even after the rain stopped.
It was as if they all needed to stay in bed today. And by the time better weather moved in, they said, “Bag it. We’ll take up with life tomorrow.”

The Watcher – Photo: L. Weikel
A Watcher
Taking advantage of the clearing skies, I sat outside and began writing in my journal. After several minutes, I felt eyes upon me. I glanced around. No beasts. No wildlife.
But then my gaze settled upon a knot in a 2 x 4 not very far away from where I was sitting. Yep. That was it.
Clearly I’m not alone, I concluded. Where have I been that I hadn’t noticed this guy before? Is he a Wood Dragon? Not sure. But he sure has a set of very sharp teeth.
Nevertheless, the smirk doesn’t feel dangerous. A showing of teeth; but not a baring of teeth. It’s critical to make these distinctions.

Sharp Teeth – But Not a Bite? – Photo: L. Weikel