Pungent Pooch – Day 730

Bath Bummer – Photo: L. Weikel

Pungent Pooch

I’m keeping it light tonight. Light and short. Given my post from last night and my delusions of the stink ‘not being that bad,’ I’ve paid the price wrought by my pungent pooch all day.

I don’t know if I was just so tired last night that I persuaded myself to believe Spartacus hadn’t received a ‘direct hit’ by the visiting skunk or what, but wow – I walked into our living room this morning and, umm, I definitely could tell that Spartacus had hung out there last night.

Even though I did whip up some of the hydrogen peroxide/baking soda/mild detergent concoction last night and washed him cursorily, I got the distinct impression that I’d not done enough. So Spart and I did a deep dive this morning, as can be seen. Tomorrow I’m going to give this stuff a try – based on the recommendation of a friend whose baby, Augie, has also probably seen his share of the wrong end of skunk.

There’s something here in the living room that’s harboring the stench. I think it might be an errant pillow hiding on me, for I’ve done three loads of wash, tackling every single blanket he may have even thought about cuddling in last night, yet still something…SOMETHING…is emitting a mighty waft.

I’m tired.

I’m also finding the stench of poor losers and those who lie and cast aspersions on our democratic process without any proof are also exhausting.

Silly me, I thought maybe – maybe – we were putting all this behind us. Apparently not yet.

Definitely a stench of another kind, but a stench nevertheless.
