Year of the Ox – Day 822

Oxen – Photo: New York Times

Year of the Ox

The new moon arrives on Thursday at 2:06 p.m. ET and marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year. We’re entering the Year of the Ox.

Actually, I have to admit that I’m not entirely sure if the New Year begins precisely at the time of the new moon. It seems to me that that would make the most sense, but I do notice that most links on the internet state that the new year begins on February 12th. My assumption is that 2:06 p.m. Eastern Time on the 11th is actually the 12th in China and the other countries that celebrate this on a national level.

So if I’m jumping the gun by a day, please forgive me.

Rituals and Customs

I found this site when I was looking to see what year we’re entering. While I suspect it is watered down for more superficial understanding, it nevertheless describes a lot of the traditions, rituals, and beliefs that comprise New Year celebrations in the cultures that celebrate this lunar observance.

I decided to write a quick post on this and include the link to this site for two reasons:

First, when I discovered this site I found the rituals intriguing. Some of the taboos and customs are quite specific, and it makes me wonder what fundamental benefits following these brought to the health and welfare of the people over the past thousands of years.

Second, I thought it might be worthwhile for us to use this opportunity to once again reflect, if ever so briefly, on what we want to let go of in our lives (leave it in the Year of the Rat!) and affirmatively contemplate what we would like to bring into our lives as we enter this new year.

New Moon Cycle

The new moon tomorrow is taking place in the sign of Aquarius. As usual, we can see this as a time when we’re planting the seeds of new ideas, projects, etc. and can watch to see how they develop and grow over the next two weeks as the moon grows to fullness in two weeks.

But of course there are times when the projects or ideas we’re ‘planting’ will take longer to bring to fruition. Another cycle we can look at is that it will take six months for the moon to become ‘full’ in the sign of Aquarius. So…perhaps we might want to note on our calendars the full moon in Aquarius and see whether our efforts (seeds) are bearing fruit by then.

Just a thought.

Happy New Year!


Powerful Aspects On Deck – Day 762

Orion’s Belt – 12/12/2020

Powerful Aspects On Deck

2020 has been an intense year so far no matter how you look at it. I don’t need to recite the myriad ways in which life as we knew it a year ago seems almost like a dream. But applying the concept of ‘as above, so below,’ I’m here to tell you: there remain breathtakingly powerful aspects on deck in our lives. December isn’t over yet.

While experiencing a meteor shower is not an astrological transit (although I believe it’s an astronomical weather event), I have to say my experience of leaning against my car and staring into the vastness of space the past two evenings has felt, I don’t know – deeply significant. Humbling. Perspective enhancing.

It’s easy for us to get lost in the crises that scream for our attention day in and day out. A pandemic. Systemic racism. Shocking threats of violence. Contempt for democracy. Vast swaths of our fellow Americans facing profound food and shelter insecurity.

The pain and chaos surrounds and threatens to drown us.

And yet for the half an hour I spent staring at the sky, talking out loud to the stars, to the cosmos, requesting insight – and absent that, a couple of shooting stars – I felt an odd sense of being re-set. It almost felt like the Universe pulled the plug on my systems for several minutes and just forced everything to recalibrate and calm the hell down. Staring upward and drinking in the incomprehensible, my perspective shifted.

It helped that I saw five meteors.

Monday’s Solar Eclipse

The next major astrological transit we’ll be experiencing will be a new moon on Monday, which is always a great time to plant the seeds for whatever we may desire to manifest in our life. But Monday’s is no ordinary new moon. It will be perfectly aligned with (conjunct) the sun, resulting in a total eclipse. While it will be a total eclipse, with both sun and moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius at 11:00 a.m. ET, the classic experience of the event, complete with a corona, will only be visible from South America and locations in the south of Africa.

Sagittarius classically occupies the 9th house of the zodiac, which highlights higher education, spirituality, beliefs, foreign or long distance travel, and adventure. Something tells me that we might want to consider planting some seeds that will expand our perspectives, broaden our horizons, and encourage us to learn new concepts and ways of approaching old problems.

My sense is that our old ways of dealing with conflict and problems that not only impact but expand far beyond our everyday lives will require strategies that will permit us access to new perspectives.

I’m going to be offering whomever is interested opportunities to learn and incorporate just such strategies as we enter a whole new world.


Old Ways – Day 733

Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn – “Transformation”

Old Ways

As I mentioned last night, the new moon will happen tomorrow night (technically at 12:07 a.m. Sunday morning for those of us on the east coast of the United States). There’s a lot of stuff ‘closing up’ and coming to an end, on scales personal, local, national, and global. If you glance around (or look within), you may recognize old ways of thinking and being, old ways of doing and believing that just don’t fit into our present reality anymore.

The time of the new moon is when we finally let go of those last vestiges of whatever it is we know we need (and often want) to finally excise from our life. As a result, it’s also when we dangle a bit in a limbo of not knowing, of emptiness. It’s the time of the Dark Moon.

The time of the Dark Moon is when the sun and the moon are perfectly aligned (together, on the same side of the Earth), creating a situation in which the moon is not in a position to reflect any of the sun’s light. It ‘goes dark.’ This time of the Dark Moon, as it is called, is a most fertile and abundant time. It is in the dark, moist, fecund soil of the new moon that we plant the seeds of what we want to manifest in our lives in the coming days, weeks, months, or even years.

Obviously, every seed we plant at the time of a new moon is not going to ripen and achieve its fullness in two weeks. The cycle of what you plant at this new moon may take an entire month, three months, a cycle of an entire year or perhaps even longer to come to fruition. Every project or intention has its own unique cycle. It is possible, however, to coordinate with the natural rhythms of Mother Earth, Grandmother Moon, and Father Sun.

New Moon Watchwords

Most of us are still going through some major transitions, including the challenge of navigating and hopefully keeping ourselves safe from the exploding Covid-19 infections. I don’t know that any of us can kick back and relax at this particular point in our evolution. We’re still in the thick of a lot.

So I decided to choose some cards for us from our trusty Mystic Art Medicine Oracle. Sitting with the deck and shuffling it, I blew into the cards my question for us: What concepts should we keep in mind as we plant our new seeds this weekend?


The primary card I chose was Transformation. This card, this concept, has been shadowing us for a while now. It was underneath (the ‘foundation’ card) back on the night of October 21st – giving context to and laying the foundation for the primary card of Perseverance.

Transformation – “Egyptian Magic”

“ (…) All things form and transform within the mysterious cycles of birth, life, and death. Instead of fearing the darkness you can bless it, learn from it, and embrace it. It is both your humanness and your light. The shadow you fear is powerless without the interpretation of your beliefs, thoughts, and desires. The power of Transformation lies in your ability to find the light within the shadow and make the connection, infusing focus on its light quality instead of the darkness.

Everything you think, feel, and do creates your lessons in the world you live in. Inside you great intelligence, wisdom, and love are ever present. It is the beliefs you have been taught that are the hindering factor here. Let the fire in your heart inspire you for Transformation. Perfecting your character and at the same time helping you let go while allowing any pain, sorrow, or difficulty to just be there. Allow the alchemical change to unfold and evolve you in its own time as you journey through your world with the power of intentions.

The Transformation card suggests that you be in touch with both your shadow side and your spiritual side. True Transformation can only happen in connection with your heart. Setting in motion authentic spiritual alchemy you will see a change in you, like base metal into gold. Essentially shifting your whole perspective.” (emphasis added)

But it actually made its first appearance in another deck – The Ocean Oracle, by Susan Marte – on the night of July 10th of this year. The top or main card from that deck was Flow (Stingray), with Hidden Gifts (Jellyfish) and Transformation (Sea Glass) forming the foundation of that oracular message as well.

So. What are the chances that Transformation would form the foundation of two substantial ‘picks’ I made, months apart, from two separate decks?

What Does It Mean

We’ve had Transformation stalking us since July – and now, on the eve of a new moon in the passionate, life/death/rebirth transformational sign of Scorpio, it takes center stage. We are on the cusp of transforming all our lives, as well as the life of our country and quite possibly the world.

I’m going to leave you tonight with the words that speak to me most powerfully from the Transformation card, which I quoted above. And while I will include below the image of the Creation card, which was the foundational card of this ‘pick’ for us, I will hold off on writing about it until tomorrow. It feels important that we really sit with the ‘Scorpionic’ aspects of this Transformation card and ponder precisely what it has been asking us each to discern within our own lives: what aspects of our lives have run their course, what old ways need to fall by the wayside, and what ideas or rays of light need to be given the opportunity to germinate now.

What within each of us needs to transform from base metal into gold?

Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn – “Creation”


Ugh Oh – Day 732

Tree Huddle – Photo: L. Weikel

Ugh Oh

I just realized that about fifteen minutes from when I’m writing this, it’s going to be Friday the 13th. Normally, I embrace the 13th of anything – and I certainly do not ascribe any ill-fated inclinations to the number. As a matter of fact, I’ve considered the 13th to be a fortunate number in my own life. It is historically associated with women and the moon, and best yet, my eldest son was born on the 13th, albeit not a Friday. That said, when I saw that tomorrow is Friday the 13th, my first thought was, “Ugh oh.”

Let’s not forget: it may be November, but it’s still 2020. I don’t think there’s been much of anything this year that’s not had a little bit of “ugh oh” associated with it. But the next several days are going to be particularly intense.

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto

In fact, one astrological aspect that occurred today and that’s impacting all of us is Jupiter conjuncting Pluto. This is an aspect that occurs every 13 years. It’s generally associated with big death or major (Jupiter) transformation (Pluto).

The unique specialness that we’ve come to know as 2020 brought us the tremendously lovely (eye roll) opportunity to experience this conjunction three times within seven months. Why? Because both planets went retrograde this year right around when they were aspecting each other in Capricorn.

That means that Jupiter and Pluto were conjunct (meaning occupying the same degree and sign at the same time) on April 4, 2020. It may be recalled, that’s right around when the pandemic started exploding in New York.

Both Pluto and Jupiter then stationed (appeared to ‘stop’) and went retrograde (an optical illusion that makes a planet appear to be going backwards in its usual orbit), Pluto at the end of April and then Jupiter in early May. This caused the two planets to meet up with each other and become conjunct again – on June 30th. This coincided with another blip in the coronavirus spread.

And today, we just had the third conjunction of the two planets, as they both are moving forward again and have, once again, caught up with each other. Sad to report, but the pandemic is reaching crisis proportions here. Just today, I believe there were something like 158,000+ new positive cases. That’s more than 10,000 more cases today than yesterday. And hospitalizations and deaths are increasing as well, although they are, as always, ‘lagging’ indicators. (Because people don’t usually get hospitalized and rarely die the same day they’re diagnosed with Covid-19. That takes some time.)

On the Bright Side

We’ll be experiencing a new moon early Sunday morning (late Saturday evening for those on the west coast), so we might want to think about planting some fresh intentions geared toward keeping ourselves, our families, and everyone we come into contact with safer. It feels especially important to set such intentions this weekend because the next two weeks will encompass Thanksgiving. Remember: short term sacrifice for long-term gain.

There are other planetary aspects occurring over the next few days that could portend additional  likelihood of volatility, rage, and acting out. Given that tomorrow is Friday the 13th, then, it might behoove all of us to be mindful of everything that’s going on right now and just chill out.

We didn’t get a chance to walk today because every time we thought about setting out, it started to drizzle. Here’s hoping we get to walk tomorrow. Stay well, everyone.


Twelve Days – Day 704

Created within 12 days – Photo: L. Weikel

Twelve Days

What a difference twelve days make.

Karl and I finally managed to drag our weary bones out to do the larger (4.1 mile) ‘walk-about’ today, and not a moment too soon. It’s been far too long since we took this longer route. It’s not that we weren’t game to walk it earlier this week – we were. It’s just that we found ourselves caught a bit flat-footed by how much earlier the sun was setting. While we yearned the past few days to do the longer walk-about, we found the darkening skies, both from the sun setting and a somewhat daunting cloud cover, persuasive in their insidious whispers cajoling us to only walk the shorter 2-mile walk-around.

And while you might be thinking this post’s initial sentence is referring to my realization of the shocking rapidity with which our bodies devolve into languid corporeal decrepitude when not consistently engaged, you would be incorrect. Well, not entirely, for that is actually also true; we did become slugs. But my main thrust was an astonishment at what can be accomplished in twelve days, as opposed to lost in that amount of time.

Massive Wasp Nest

Enter exhibit ‘A.’ We discovered this massive wasp’s nest hanging from a tree along our ‘walk-about’ route today. It was not there twelve days ago – not even as a fledgling nest. I suppose we may have missed seeing it, but it is directly at eye level and, as can be seen, rather conspicuously positioned.

It is a work of art. And of course, me being who I am, I ‘see’ things – expressions, if you will – within the patterns of the paper wasps’ creation. But I will leave each of you to see what you see.

Photo: L. Weikel

New Moon Tomorrow

This reminds me that tomorrow (Friday, October 16th, 2020) a new moon occurs at 3:30 p.m. eastern time. What do you hope to create over the next two weeks? Or what seeds do you wish to plant that will flourish in six months’ time? Or a year from now?

It’s amazing what can be accomplished in twelve days by tiny, if ferocious, creatures. I’m feeling inspired.


Smoky Times – Day 675

Photo: L. Weikel

Smoky Times

I find myself at a loss for words this evening. We’re living in some mighty smoky times, my friends. While I know I don’t need to tell you, I do find myself unable to concentrate on much else.

What does it say that the skies over the East Coast of the United States are being viewed through a burnt sienna filter as a result of raging infernos 3,000 miles away?

Is there no comprehension of the perversity surrounding two to three feet of rain falling on Alabama and Florida in a single day, at the same time that fires are consuming 4 million acres of land out west?

What blows my mind is that it is neither the peak of wildfire season nor the peak of hurricane season. Yet.

Meanwhile, we have proof positive, playing out before our very eyes, that those in the highest positions of authority in our government are lying to us day in and day out. Atrocities – literal atrocities – are being committed in our name and with our tax dollars against women who have been locked up in private prisons, some for three years or more, as a result of seeking asylum in our country. The country that used to pride itself on being a model of freedom and justice.


I’m sitting here writing these words with the front door of my home open. I was being serenaded by the heartiest of crickets remaining in the grasses and woods just outside.

As I wrote those last paragraphs above, I just heard gunfire. Rapid fire (semi-automatic?) gunfire.

It is 12:53 a.m.

I feel like I’m looking at my country through a haze of smoke and lies and disbelief that go far beyond the ravaging wildfires our brothers and sisters in California, Oregon, and Washington are enduring right now.

I need to consider, again, the small seeds I intend to plant tomorrow for the new moon. What will you be planting?


Major Shifts and Movements – Day 673

Saturn, Jupiter, and the moon – Photo: L.Weikel

Major Shifts and Movements

There’s a lot happening celestially this week that’s impacting all of us, in big ways and small, and our life here on Earth. On a grand and profound scale, major shifts and movements of three of the outer, slower moving planets are beginning to take place. These shifts are directly related to movements and alignments that began in January and then reversed in late April/early to mid May. On a smaller scale, a new moon is occurring on Thursday.

As we all know by now, astrologically, new moons are times when we are encouraged to begin new projects, enter new relationships, and plant the seeds of new ideas. Full moons are often viewed as times of reaching full ripeness and peak expression and experience. In the podcast I’m recommending today, master astrologer Rick Levine gives a synopsis of the major planetary influences that will be occurring during the month of September.

Plant Small Seeds

Given the nature of everything that’s going on around us, from a pandemic, to unprecedented wildfires, to hurricanes and water tornadoes, it would be easy to think that the seeds of intention we might want to plant around now would be big honkers that will herald a whole new world. But apparently that would not be the wisest course. Rather, Levine counsels that we plant small seeds. In other words, right now, the wisest course of action is to set small, manageable goals of intention. Take our lives and our intentions to create change one small step at a time.

When I heard this today (I’ve begun listening to podcasts, especially when I mow the lawn, since receiving earpods for Mother’s Day), it not only made sense to me – it felt like a relief. When I set intentions (or make a wish, for instance, on the candles of my birthday cake), I tend to ‘go big.’ I often aspire to make what feel like significant shifts in my approach to life or my practice.

And with the election only 50 days away, I feel like I should also be setting all sorts of intentions to be more of an activist on behalf of voting rights and preserving the integrity of our elections.

Yet the wisdom of setting some small, attainable goals in the midst of the insanity all around us feels really good to me.

The Big Guns

This might be at least partially because the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are now beginning to shift their configuration again – and based upon what’s happened so far, I expect we will see the impact of that within a couple of weeks.

Briefly, in January, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all basically clumped together in the sign of Capricorn, which can be seen as the sign of patriarchy, structure, and capitalism, among other things. This is also when we started hearing rumblings of the arrival of a virus that could cause a pandemic. It’s when, unbeknownst to us, the virus was spreading like wildfire, particularly in New York.

In late April and early to mid May, each one of those major, very slow moving planets stationed retrograde. It could be argued that this is when the assurances were being made that it would go away, it would all disappear, and we would be able to return to normal by Memorial Day. Remember that?

Well, just this past Saturday, Jupiter stopped its retrograde movement, stationed direct, and is now moving forward again. Jupiter ‘makes things bigger.’ Saturn, planet of boundaries, restrictions, lessons, and karma will station direct and begin moving forward the last week of September. And then Pluto, planet of transmutation, change, and death, will station direct and begin moving forward on October 3rd. Can’t help but wonder what these planets moving ‘full steam ahead’ might bring.

Hold Your Fire

I encourage you to listen to the podcast I’ve linked. It’s all quite fascinating. And it doesn’t need to be scary. Not by any means. Education and preparation is power. There’s only so much any of us can do individually. But we can remain aware. Plant small seeds. Be prepared.

The ‘theme’ Rick Levine gives for this month is ‘hold your fire.’ It makes total sense when you consider the celestial movements as they relate to our experiences here on Earth, particularly in the United States and the calamitous spewing of revelations we’re being confronted with day after day. It’s important that we not allow ourselves to become exhausted by trying to fight too many huge battles every damn day as we plod through this month and next. It is a temptation we must resist.

We need to allow ourselves to charge our batteries so that when it is time, we will be operating at full power. Take a listen. Especially starting around minute 47 or so. Wow.


Empathy and Listens – Day 645

Discordant and tumultuous sky – Photo: L. Weikel

Empathy and Listens

The two words that stood out to me the most tonight as I watched the Virtual Democratic Convention were ‘empathy’ and ‘listens.’

Throughout the evening, these words – and many others, to be sure – were used to describe attributes Joe Biden brings to the table that differentiate him from the current occupant of the White House. The way Joe Biden embodies the essence of these two words in particular was very effectively conveyed in photo after photo as the night progressed. I have to admit it: I’ve always taken for granted the genuine affection for and interest in people that he has so readily displayed all these years.

Of course, Michelle Obama knocked it out of the park when she drove home the indisputable fact that we yearn for a leader who not only listens – to experts, to scientists, to advisors, to warnings, to facts, to the people he governs – but also has the inherent ability to imagine walking in the shoes of another and can imagine their pain, their fear, their sorrow, and their needs.

It is painful to witness this president’s lack of empathy. It is virtually impossible to dispute that there is something deeply, inherently damaged in him. And oddly, it is hard not to feel sorry for him (if only fleetingly) and his obvious inability to feel sorry for anyone other than himself. (That’s quite a pretzel – feeling empathy for a person who has none himself.)

New Moon

I’m glad this virtual convention is taking place this week. Tomorrow evening is the new moon. It is, in truth, the time when the moon is darkest, which serves as a decent metaphor for the very dark times we find ourselves in as a country and, in an unprecedented number, individually.

It’s sort of that ‘darkest before the dawn’ scenario. This is the time when we plant the seeds of new beginnings, new ideas, new approaches to life. This is when we realize that what we’ve been doing isn’t working, what we’ve had isn’t cutting it.

So what do we do? We dream our world into being. We collectively envision what it is we want to create in our country, in our government, in our lives, and we paint that image for all to see. We paint it for others through words and actions so they, too, can add their energy to the collective imagining or dreaming-into-being of the world we wish to create.

And there’s no better time than to do that planting, painting, and envisioning than at the new moon. So I feel this virtual convention was well-timed.

Virtual Convention

And I for one found the format of this ‘convention’ made it far easier to hear the speakers and grasp their ideas and passions. Interestingly, it made it easier, for me at least, to connect with the speakers, get a sense of who they were and listen to what they were saying. While I’m sure those who would have been delegates to the convention are lamenting the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, it seemed to me that if people are truly valuing the quality of listening, then this format was perfect for this unique time in our lives and the life of our country.

I’m looking forward to engaging in more listening this week. I yearn to believe there’s reason to hope we can reclaim the soul of our country.

And I have to admit, as a shamanic practitioner, I feel the concept of reclaiming (retrieving) the soul of our country could not be a more perfect metaphor for what is needed.

After the storm – Photo: L. Weikel


Another New Moon – Day 617

Photo: L. Weikel

Another New Moon

Ah yes, tonight is yet another new moon, another new beginning in the lunar cycle that definitely and peculiarly influences us, whether we realize it consciously or not.

There is a period of time each month known as the ‘dark moon,’ when the night sky is the darkest because no portion of the moon is illuminated. The ‘upside’ to the time when Grandmother Moon is invisible is the way her absence allows our eyes to take our star-gazing to a whole new level. In the darkness, we’re actually able to see a whole lot more of what’s really out there.

Is This a Metaphor?

I don’t know why, but this new moon I am more acutely aware of the darkness than I’ve been in a very long time. It feels like we’re cloaked in darkness at the moment – our country, our world. And yet, at the same time, precisely because we’ve plunged into this darkness, we’re seeing things that have been there all along, but we’re only just now allowing our eyes to adjust enough to really see.

As I’ve written about a number of times before, at the time of the new moon, it’s a time of new beginnings. I’m usually enthusiastic about the opportunity a new moon gives us to plant new seeds, to set the intention of what we want to start cultivating in our lives over the next month or year, cultivating as our future.

Something’s Different

I feel a need to shift my focus a bit this month, take a bit of a different approach with this new moon. Yes, I want to set some intentions and call in new energy. I want to infuse new life into some of my greatest hopes and cherished goals. Absolutely.

But for some reason or another, I feel like the power of this new moon lies more in its ability to reveal a whole lot of stuff that’s been lurking behind the scenes, hiding in plain sight, but remaining unseen because we’ve been blinded – or at least distracted – by the light. And it feels like it’s time. It’s time to stop for a moment, in this Time of the Dark Moon, and take stock of what it is that’s right there, right in front of us, being revealed for us to finally see.

Because right now, if we don’t take the time to look and see what’s been there all this time – and deal with it – it will be a huge missed opportunity. Why? Because nothing we plant at the time of this new moon will flourish the way it could, the way we hope it will, if we don’t act on what’s being revealed in this darkness and get rid of that which either never or no longer serves the highest good.


What Light Nurtures?

It’s important to remember, sometimes, that the light that’s been distracting us hasn’t even been ‘Light’ – meaning light that originates from its own source – light that’s generative, warm, and nurturing. No, it’s been reflected light. Illusory light. Light that can seem pretty bright and even dazzling at times, but doesn’t warm us, doesn’t feed us, doesn’t coax us to grow toward it.

So I am finding myself contemplating this a lot the past few days. Yes, the full moon is usually when we realize the completion of things, the realization that some aspects of our life may have reached their peak and need to be released.

But the new moon, with its attendant darkness, is also an opportunity to let go. It gives us the chance to see what’s been hiding in the light, hoping we’ll be entranced by the brightness and fail to notice the stuff that perhaps doesn’t have our best interests at heart but wants to remain undetected.

Perhaps, in our own lives, these cloaked beasts are lies we tell ourselves about situations or people, lies about our fears or our weaknesses. They hide in the dark. But maybe this is the window when we can see them and face the truth.

Bring Them Into the Sunlight

If we bring those hiding saboteurs into the sunlight, everything can change. The entire landscape of where we plant the new seeds of our desires and intentions is cleared.

Take a look at what might be lurking in the darkness. Don’t be afraid to see it and call it out for what it is. Only then can we plant the Seeds of Our Becoming without fear of the distractions of a false light.


Strategically Holding Space – Day 586

Nighttime Messenger – Photo: L. Weikel

Strategically Holding Space

There’s so much happening in the cosmos this weekend. Well, not just this weekend; we’re not out of the thick of things for quite a while, actually. But this weekend feels huge to me, and the best recommendation I can make (that I will be following as well) is that we engage in strategically holding space. We must hold this space for each other and ourselves. Our country and our planet.

There’s no other way to describe what’s happening in the U.S. right now but to say we’re being bombarded. Information, revelations, lies, conspiracy theories, a pandemic, isolation, fear, sickness, death. We’re being confronted with irrefutable proof that people of color do not share the same freedoms as white people. And we’re seeing a huge majority of our brothers and sisters (or perhaps for a lot of us, our sons and daughters) stand up and say, “The system is broken. It doesn’t stand for what we’ve been taught it does and we won’t pretend or allow it to persist any longer.”

Some of us will join in the protests continuing to unfold all across our nation in support of Black Lives Matter. Some of us will lend our support in other ways. Each as they are able, as they say. But as we witness injustice, as we begin to see with clear eyes the ugly parts of our history that have conveniently been left out of most of our educations, I do believe we will unite to create the ideal we all, deep down, want to believe is possible.

New Moon

We have so many indicators of a new paradigm coming to the fore, and a new moon (coupled with all the other major aspects) is, as we know, the time to set in motion the dream we wish to manifest.

As a result, I feel in my heart and soul that we are also being confronted with radical hope. Deep within our souls, thousands – perhaps millions – of people of all skin pigmentations are resonating with a seismic shift that will change our country forever.

Perhaps, just maybe, we are witnessing the birth of a new world.

Opossum Reminds Us

This opossum was just visiting me only minutes before I sat down to write this post tonight. I felt like its appearance was fortuitous. It’s urging us to use strategy to accomplish the change we demand. We need to expect the unexpected; be clever in seeking our goals. And above all, we’re being reminded to use our brains and sense of drama and cleverness to change the world.

We don’t need to stoop to the level of violence. We’re smarter than that. All of us.

We need to strategically hold space for each other to get this done. We can do this. It’s time. Time for an evolution.

A Heart in the Center of the Fire – Photo: L. Weikel
