Tick Tock – Day 182


Tick Tock     

I guess I felt a teensy bit too smug last night – getting my post written and hitting the ‘publish’ button with about a minute to spare.

So here I am: I have 20 minutes to write something and maybe – possibly – if I’m lucky – snag a photo to include. I’m thinking my luck may have run out on that score.

Ha ha – just goes to show; right?

What a fascinating weekend we just had. It never ceases to amaze me how people can walk into your life one day and two days later leave as friends you know have entered your life for a reason.

Mother’s Day…

I wish I had more to say. Of course, I extend Mother’s Day wishes for happiness and appreciation to all the mothers in my life. You know who you are.

And I say to my own kids – all five of you, but also the other kids out there who are mine (you know who you are, too) – I love you. My life is exponentially richer as a result of having each one of you in my life.

I love being your mother.
