Pennsylvania Delivers – Day 725

Photo: L. Weikel

Pennsylvania Delivers

I’m sitting here on the couch, alternately falling asleep from sheer nervous exhaustion, then suddenly waking to hear yet another update on the count of the votes across the country. It would appear (from MSNBC’s uber-number-cruncher Steve Kornacki) that between the time I post this and when I wake up tomorrow morning, there’s an extremely high probability that Pennsylvania delivers the presidency to Joe Biden.

I have to say, the prospect of this is particularly sweet given DT’s sneering disparagement of Pennsylvania in general, and Philadelphia in particular.

There’s his stunningly tone deaf admission-against-interest statement when he campaigned in Erie (was that only last week?) basically admitting that he wouldn’t have been back visiting Erie if he hadn’t felt desperate.

And of course, his recent infamous statement, “Bad things happen in Philadelphia.” Hmm. I’m thinking there just might be some poetic justice coming DT’s way, courtesy of Pennsylvania.

Big Question

The question I’m facing now is whether or not I should try to stay awake to watch the call in real time. Yeah, I’m that confident. Why? Because it’s all down to the mail-in ballots. And the mail-in ballots have been yielding vastly greater numbers of votes for Biden uniformly, throughout the state. (Why? Because most people who believe in science and the contagiousness of Covid-19 and decided to be smart and vote by mail are Democrats. They also didn’t believe DT’s scare tactics about mail-in voting.)

It’s almost as if he shot himself in the foot by making all the bogus claims about mail-in voting. His scare tactics caused the vast majority of his supporters to vote in person, which then gave him a false sense of superiority and confidence on the evening of the election.

The results of the election have been blurred by the obfuscations of the current occupant of the White House. But tonight, and tomorrow, my sense is that everything is going to become crystal clear to all of us, including him.

But, as always, we must count every vote.

Photo: L. Weikel


Sad Reality – Day 716


There are a lot of things I could be writing about with a title like ‘Sad Reality.’ Good grief, it seems as though we can barely cast our gaze in any direction and not be confronted with something that makes our stomach flip, our heart to feel squeezed in anguish, or our breath whisked away into the ethers.

I’m not going to touch upon any of the heavy duty stuff tonight, though. That’s not to say that what’s concerning me isn’t critically important. Because it absolutely is – and it’s a national disgrace that’s it’s even occurring and that it needs to be discussed. But here it is:

When you read this there will be six days left before Election Day. And if you have any intention whatsoever of voting by mail or absentee ballot, it is TOO LATE to rely on the United States Postal Service to deliver your ballot in time to be counted. It’s stunning, really. And yet it is entirely predictable.

Deliberate Sabotage

You might remember the brazen changes the then newly appointed U.S. Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy, ordered this past summer, including the removal of over 700 high speed sorting machines and changing the rules for employees which deliberately caused slowdowns in delivery times. Well, it worked.

And it worked especially well, interestingly enough, in several key states that may be pivotal to the results of the election, including Pennsylvania.

As a result, if you requested an absentee or mail-in ballot and haven’t yet filled it out (and in PA, that includes placing it in the smaller, inner ‘secrecy’ envelope and then into the larger outer envelope that you fill out and sign), it is TOO LATE to put it in the mail and expect it to arrive at your Board of Elections in time for it to be counted. Instead, you need to hand-deliver it to an official drop off box. Check with your Board of Elections to determine where they are.

Alternatively, you can always vote in person on Election Day. But if you decide to do that, YOU MUST BRING YOUR ABSENTEE BALLOT (including all the envelopes) WITH YOU TO THE POLL. This is IMPERATIVE.

Be Wise – Be Savvy

If in doubt, check out the several websites, including Plan Your Vote, that can help you make sure your vote is counted. Vote.
