Dragon Blood – Day 944

Iris Dragon – Photo: L. Weikel

Dragon Blood

It’s futile to dispute: Irises traffic in Dragon blood. They have to. They either traffic in it or have it coursing within themselves. There’s no way Dragons could feature so prominently in the visages of irises without there being a deep and abiding  – magical some might say – connection between the two.

They’re tricksters, too. I’ll give them that. Just take a look at this spray of irises emerging from a well-manicured garden along the path of my walk. Sure appears benign to me. In fact, it almost goes without saying that these flowers could call out in unison, “Nothing to see here!” and passersby would, well, pass by without nary a second look.

But of course, I’m not your ordinary passerby. I tend to linger a bit when I happen upon a thing of beauty. (Photos in my repertoire would suggest that I’m not only attracted to the beautiful. But I’ll leave that for another day.) When my attention is drawn to something, I tend to examine it from many angles and, if possible, get a couple good shots of it to share here in my 1111 Devotion.

So much beauty – with Dragons hiding in plain sight! Photo: L. Weikel

Magic Strikes Twice

As it happens, I’ve encountered these irises before. I wrote about them two years ago – almost to the day. I’m not sure if I even saw them bloom last year. But if I did, I apparently was too distracted by life to write about them.

From the quality of my photos, I’d say this year’s crop of Dragons is more blatant and ready to be identified and claimed. I’ll leave that assessment up to you, though. But I dare you to tell me this one isn’t pushing the sassy envelope. I can even read expressions on the face of this Nature Being.

Interesting Coincidence

I was pretty sure I wrote a post about these Iris Dragons a while ago. Turns out, as I mentioned above, it was two years ago – within two days or so of this exact date, not to put too fine a point on it.

When I researched that post, I was fascinated to be reminded of the appearance of Raven in my Medicine Card choice that day. Indeed, I’d chosen ‘Raven Squared,’ which means Raven was the main card that I chose, with only a blank card at the bottom of the deck.

Raven is often associated with magic and synchronicity. As a result, I wrote about the magic coursing through my life at that moment, which was exemplified by my discovery of these whimsical creatures ‘in plain sight.’

As it happens, I chose Swan reversed this morning. And underneath that choice? You guessed it: Raven.

A Magic Message

My Swan may have been telling me that I’ve been doubting myself and my intuition lately. I’ve been doubting what I know. I realize now that Raven came pecking at the door to my inner knowing through the appearance of the Iris Dragon. Raven shows up when we need to remember the magic – a timely reminder for all of us?

What an expression – Photo: L. Weikel


Some Beautiful Things – Day 910

Buttercup – Photo: L. Weikel

Some Beautiful Things

Between my walks yesterday and today (both of which I managed to get in just under the wire, dodging the rain), I managed to photograph some beautiful things. I just love how every once in a while I discover something small beside the road and when I zoom in on it, it appears even more exquisite than it did when I first glimpsed it.

Most of my walks lately have been silent. I wonder if this causes me to notice the little things even more. I don’t know.

The first flower I came upon today – which I don’t think I’ve written a post about before (although I may be wrong) – was the buttercup. I saw a flower being written about on Facebook a week or so ago, and the people writing were calling the yellow flowers buttercups. But they didn’t look like the buttercups I grew up with.

The ones I grew up with looked like the one above. I remember holding them under the chin of my friend Chris, or my mom, or even under my own wrist – you know, to see if it reflected yellow, which meant you ‘liked butter.’ Ha – I never was a big butter fan when I was younger. But I always loved the magic of buttercups.

Spartacus enjoyed tromping around on them today. I didn’t pick any, so I’m not sure if they reflected on him. But I do know he loves butter.

Spartacus Wondering What All the Fuss Is About – Photo: L. Weikel

Another Beauty

I’m not sure what wildflower this is, but it was a singlet – alone in the midst of a lot of greenery. I don’t remember seeing it yesterday, so it’s possible it only bloomed this morning.

Forgive me – I feel like I can get lost in the act of just staring into the faces of these wildflowers. They’re simply lovely.

Somehow or another, just seeing them today reminded me of the countryside in which I grew up. I have to wonder how it is that those days seem so long ago yet almost just yesterday.

Purple Wildflower Perfection – Photo: L. Weikel


Whimsical Sight – Day 876

Fire Pit Shadow Dancers and Water Sprites – Photo: L. Weikel

Whimsical Sight

I managed to spend some extended time outside today and got some work done while sitting in the sun and gazing at our fire pit. Actually, I was staring off into space, not actually gazing at the fire pit, when I suddenly realized the whimsical sight coming into focus before my eyes. It was almost as if the Spirits of the Land were sharing a little bit of magic with me, kicking off the arrival of April and showing me how they celebrate.

The fire pit tends to be my easiest and most convenient gauge of how much rain we’ve had on any particular day. The last day it rained may have been Friday, and there were a couple of inches of rainwater still in the copper container. What caught my eye was the perfect placement of the shadows thrown by the sun’s rays filtering through the metal mesh designed to keep sparks from flying out of the pit when the flames are dancing.

Usually the figures on the fire pit top appear to be dancing in the flames. That’s pretty much the point of the design. It took me a moment to shift my perspective and really see what my eyes were resting upon but not fully comprehending. Suddenly, the fire sprites were actually arising from the water and both prancing and dancing on its surface.

Best Office Anywhere

What a joy to suddenly realize the playful scene evolving before my eyes! I love when the seasons change and the warm intimacy of watching snowfall from inside the house shifts to writing or editing on the porch. Having the opportunity to do what I love while spending time outside feels like such an indulgence.

And it is, I guess. I’ve worked in a fascinating array of offices over the years, from staid Bucks County law firms ensconced in buildings with some serious historical cred (a couple being over two hundred years old) to a bustling non-profit in downtown Philadelphia, to an office in a storage facility that, upon opening the office door, revealed a plant-filled nurturing haven of healing. But I have to say: working in the magical environs of my home, surrounded by nature, is a gift that’s irreplaceable.


Snagged It – Day 831

Icy Tree – Photo: L. Weikel

Snagged It

Last night I waxed on about my hope that today would bring the shimmering beauty of ice coating tree branches, blades of grass, and pine needles. While such crystalline delights are enhanced by the reflections and refractions of sunlight, that wasn’t happening today. But then, even though we walked well after sundown, between some well-positioned porch lights and an assist from an approaching car, our neighbors’ tree declared its brilliance and demanded an appearance in my blog. And I snagged it!

So without further ado, I give you the wintery wonder of our walk this evening.

Waxing Moon

It precipitated pretty much all day here; there was no sunshine peeking out anywhere. So when we looked up and saw Grandmother Moon beaming down upon us, we were happy to welcome her as our unexpected companion.

Once again, the silence was such a balm to our souls. Our walk was mostly focused on remaining upright and immersing ourselves in the comfort of our togetherness.

As I was sending the photos included in this post from my phone to my laptop, I came across one that really has me wondering just what it is I’m looking at.

Maybe I’ll share it tomorrow. I would prefer to give it its own platform – mostly because the moon and the ice lacing the trees deserve their own night in the spotlight.

I’m so grateful I snagged a shot to share!

Waxing Winter Moon – Photo: L. Weikel


Must See – Day 808

Photo: L. Weikel

Must See

One unexpected result of the pandemic, for me, has been my appreciation for the allure of Twitter. While I’m not one to initiate tweets, I readily admit to being a reader of them. I think my fascination with the platform arose during the George Floyd protests. Because I’ve carefully selected the people I ‘follow,’ I honestly feel my exposure to and understanding of the world has expanded tremendously. Mostly this expansion has related to politics, as well as breaking national and international news. But most recently? I was tipped off to watching something I can only say is a must see.

The tweet itself, like this post won’t, didn’t describe the program. In fact, it suggested, as I do as well, that you not read about the premise or, really, do any research on it before watching.

Just approach with an open mind and watch it.

Some Just Can’t

I realize that taking a risk – even if it’s just flirting with the possibility that I’ll waste 90 minutes or two hours on something that’s a dud – is something that floats my boat. It’s an especially intriguing prospect when I get the sense, vague as it might be, that it could push my perception of reality or of who I am. That’s like catnip to Cletus, baby. Sign me up.

But I realize that some of you might not be as turned on by the prospect of indulging in a film that has the potential to shift your conceptions. Maybe you need a little bit of a teaser (even if it’s recommended that you go into it with a paucity of preconceptions). For those of you, I offer the official trailer.

And for those of you who like to read reviews, here’s one from Rolling Stone. Perhaps Rotten Tomatoes is a leading indicator. I just checked and it’s got a 100% rating.


I recognize that I’ll be snagged back like a fish on a hook to watching what’s happening in Washington D.C. when the impeachment trial begins. And I admit to relishing the ability to peek in on press briefings from Jen Psaki, President Biden’s new Press Secretary, or to occasionally listen to highlights of briefings on Covid and the Climate Crisis.

But I must confess. After watching the interview I referenced last night with Senator Schumer, I’m actually giving myself permission to enter into a more comprehensive detoxification. I do not need to compulsively check my Twitter feed to assure myself we’re not on the brink of another crisis.

That’s not to say appalling information, especially with respect to the plotting behind the 1/6 insurrection, isn’t continuing to come to light. It is. And there are expositions of scandals buried and time bombs planted by the previous administration (hopefully not literally) just waiting to be revealed.

But for the first time in a very long time I’m starting to feel like I can breathe between crises.

And that means I can start taking the time again to contemplate the stuff that makes life worth living. My focus can return to that which reminds me of the magic of life. It’s that magic that feeds my passion for shamanic work and writing and journeying and listening.

Stir Your Soul

So…take a risk. Trust me. Don’t follow the links above. Instead, just watch In & Of Itself on Hulu. You need to see it to believe it. Or do you?


Blown Away – Day 606

Visible Breath of the Wind – Photo: L. Weikel

Blown Away

Karl and I took a walk early this evening and noticed that the clouds seemed particularly expressive. Not in the massive, billowy, rather threatening way the thunderheads have been of late. The clouds today were of a much more playful nature, some even bordering on the whimsical. And then…I was blown away.

I didn’t realize I was going to have such a reaction when I took the photo. In fact, there’s a reason I speak in the first-person singular, above, and that’s because Karl will only be seeing the photo that just blew me away when he reads this post tomorrow morning.

Fodder For the Blog

Karl’s gotten used to the fact that our walks are the saving grace of my 1111 devotion. (Yeah…remember that? Can you believe I’m at 606 with only 505 left to write?) Actually, it’s not so much our walks per se that are the inspiration for a lot of my posts. It’s the photos I take along the way. The photos capture the inspiration that Mother Earth and, to be fair, equally or even more often Father Sky, provide. They are the Creative Team that actually make my posts possible. But you knew that.

As a result, I’m always passing Spartacus’s leash to Karl to hold while I capture moments in my iPhone like fireflies in a jar. Only the photos are better since I don’t have to poke holes in the top of my iPhone and, better yet, the photos don’t end up belly up the next morning.

But they do sometimes yield surprises. There have been many photos that revealed faces or figures that I only saw long after I got home, that ended up inspiring posts.

Spiral – Photo: L. Weikel

Well, as I mentioned, tonight’s clouds seemed especially playful and light. Like this spiral: long and drawn out, stretching across the sky in a straight line – but most definitely a spiral. It’s fascinating to contemplate the winds aloft that created such a cloud.

The photo at the top of this post reminded me of breath made visible as it’s blown across the sky.


And then there’s this photo, below. Wow. I took it simply because the shapes looked weird to me. I walked into a field to capture the full effect because I didn’t want telephone wires in the foreground. Karl half grumbled that he’d have to do a ‘tick check’ on me because of my venture into the tall grass just to take a shot of more clouds.

But what’s particularly fascinating to me is that I did not actually ‘See’ what this photo now seems to broadcast so obviously. Maybe I’m tired and seeing what I want to see. It’s possible, I suppose. But the magic of this photo popped out at me tonight when I went to send it from my phone to my computer. It gave me chills when I saw it. And the magic turned into the subject of this post.

I was blown away – not unlike when the Easter egg ‘happened.’

See for yourself and make your own decision:

Karl Cloud – Photo: L. Weikel



Best Easter Egg Ever – Photo: L. Weikel

Thanks, Karl, my son. Love you. Miss you.


Lightning Bugs – Day 577

Lightning Bug – Photo: L. Weikel

Lightning Bugs

Two nights ago, on Monday evening, Karl and I took a good long walk that extended into the magical time of twilight. Much to my delight, we were welcomed along the way by lightning bugs rising from their slumber and peeking their heads above the tall grasses that fill the fields and line the roads around our home.

With my sense of time rather hopelessly distorted as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, it felt early to be greeting these harbingers of summer. But I guess it’s not. I see I first wrote about them last year on June 3rd, when I discovered a lone firefly hanging out on our porch one morning. I then wrote another post on June 9th – when I reported seeing a grand display as they rose from the forest floor near High Rocks.

Come to think of it, then, it would appear that they’re pretty much right on track. Practically to the day, since it was June 8th when we saw them this year!

Wow. Bug time. You can set your calendar by it.

First Heat Wave of the Season

We took a walk this evening that bumped up close to twilight, but wasn’t late enough, apparently, to witness my favorite luminescent creatures. I have to wonder if they weren’t sleeping in, tucked into the cool shade of the matted undergrowth of the meadows and forests. They may have been tempted to hunker down a bit longer than usual tonight, as the heavy blanket of heat and humidity today made all movement feel like a major, sticky effort.

The heat index was up to 100 degrees today. That’s oppressive. It means that the heat and humidity weren’t bad enough on their own, but they decided to work together to add a little oomph to the punishment being meted out to the humans. But I also think these are prime conditions for firefly eggs to hatch.

I’m optimistic that a post-twilight walk later this week will yield tremendous firefly activity. Or maybe we’ll have to wait until July for the best natural pyrotechnics. In the meantime? I just looked out the window and a wink of light acknowledged my glance.

Lightning bugs. They’re one of the little joys in life that keep me going.

Fireflies – Photo: Stocksy United


Full Flower Moon – Day 540

Approaching Full Flower Moon – Photo: L. Weikel

Full Flower Moon

Nope; not yet. But when it does arrive – at 6:45 a.m. EDT on Thursday, May 7th, 2020 – we will be enjoying what’s known as the Full Flower Moon.

I just thought I’d give everyone a little heads up. After all, who wants to miss a full moon whose name conjures images of abundant bouquets of heady-scented, multi-hued blossoms?

Sometimes I wish I could smell the colors of some of the flowers we encounter on our walks. Take these precious little gems sunning themselves beside the creek that flows parallel to our road:

Wildflowers – Photo: L. Weikel

Moon Shadows – Already

As Karl and I walked early this evening, our eyes kept getting drawn toward the waxing moon above our heads. Of course, as we continued along our trek and the sun disappeared completely behind a bank of dark slate gray clouds on the horizon, she became brighter and more brilliant with each passing minute.

By the time we reached home, our forms – and everything around us, especially the trees – cast sharp, unmistakable shadows. And this with two and a half days left until she reaches her fullest expression!

I don’t know what it is that makes me catch my breath every time I see them, but there’s something magical about moon shadows. When I am lucky enough to be outside when the moon casts her brilliance powerfully enough, joy bubbles up and I feel what I can only describe as childlike delight. Magic.

I took the photo above early in our walk tonight – well before the sun even approached the horizon. Something tells me, if we’re lucky to escape cloud cover over the next few nights, we’re in for some serious urges to howl.

A Little Forethought

Remember, full moons are the perfect time to release those feelings, thoughts, or perspectives on circumstances that have maxed out on their usefulness in our lives. As Grandmother Moon is already beaming her message of reflection to us in these days preceding her technical fullness, perhaps she’s encouraging us to spend a little bit of this Covid-19 isolation reflecting on what might not be working for us anymore.

Is there an attitude, a belief, a perspective on life that we used to hold very dear (and which may have worked well enough), but which might not serve us anymore as we adjust to a vastly different world? Is there a rigidity lurking somewhere within ourselves that we might release, perhaps by symbolically blowing it into a tiny stick and willingly sacrificing to a full moon fire?

Intention is Everything

Remember, a full moon fire can be as simple as a tea candle on a dish. The power of any ritual rests in our intention.

Perhaps we can take advantage of the next day or two to reflect on what we’ve experienced ‘enough’ of and wish to release. This month’s Full Flower Moon is arriving at a time when most of us are realizing that this – all of this, this new reality – is, indeed, real. And perhaps here to stay for a lot longer than any of us would’ve believed a month or two ago.

If we’re going to slow down and revel in the beauty and aroma of the flowers that are only starting to bloom in our lives, perhaps we better first clear out the dead beliefs about how things are.


Didn’t See That – Day 538

Angel’s Wings – Photo: L. Weikel

Didn’t See That

Walking this early evening was a particularly spectacular treat. The setting sun toyed with the clouds that cascaded across the sky and created moment after moment that demanded our attention. I would try to swear off taking any further photos, only to relent to the temptation time after time. One particular effort, though, yielded a photo that simply didn’t resemble what we were observing. “I didn’t see that, did you?” I asked Karl when I showed him the photo on my iPhone’s screen.

We both looked up at the sky, the clouds arcing across the sky before us. Then we looked down at my iPhone. Nope. Not the same.

Angel’s Wings

There a chance that even transferring the image to a larger screen (such as a laptop or desktop) will wreck the effect of what we both saw within moments of each other – and that’s the angel’s wings.

To both of us, the photo seemed to clearly reflect wings high above us, holding, protecting, and shielding us (and all our neighbors – indeed, the entire world) from harm. But when we simply looked at the sky, all we saw was the initial beauty that had warranted taking the photo in the first place.

We kept looking back and forth between the actual sky and the photograph. It was as if an angelic or higher force is trying to keep us protected and centered, but chooses to remain anonymous. And it was only through the perspective afforded by the camera’s unique lenses that revealed the support hidden in plain sight.

And regardless of the objective ‘truth’ of unseen protection, it is a comforting thought sometimes to think that it might occur, especially when so many people are refusing to take responsibility for themselves (and all of us). When everything else has failed, there is a power in allowing our imagination to ease our stress even just a notch or two, simply by bolstering a sense that a higher power is protecting us from the most dangerous among us.

Even the most cynical among us cannot dispute the research that establishes that stress makes us more vulnerable to illness and other maladies. Surely feeling that there’s some unseen protection can bolster our immune systems even a little bit?

At the very least, it made us smile.

Sunset Spectacular

About a mile of our walk later, we crested a hill and encountered a sunset of epic beauty. Perhaps it’s a result of all the rain we’ve had lately, but wow. In spite of the reality of the astonishing number of deaths occurring in our country and across the world, it is indisputably easier – at least for a few short moments – to disengage the clutch that always has our minds in gear and allow ourselves to simply get lost in the unspeakable beauty of a moment.

Everything about this evening has been exquisite. The song of the frogs and peepers, the brilliance of the first quarter moon and Venus, the darting and dives of bats freeing themselves from the confines of their homes (perhaps our attics?) as they lunge after mosquitos and other winged morsels.

Yes. For just a moment or two, or maybe even an hour or two if we were lucky, it was possible to imagine that this pandemic was a very grotesque dream. Of course, indulging in such an imaginary experience is only possible if we are lucky enough not to be in the throes of grief; of feeling the oppressive loss of someone we love to this killer virus.

But if we can, if we can find those moments when we can immerse ourselves in the magic that may be accidentally revealed to us every now and again, then maybe we can also find the grace to carry on one more day of ‘physical distancing’ while embracing ‘spiritual union’ with All That Is. You may initially think, “I didn’t see that.” But when it’s revealed, you’ll know; and feel all the stronger for it.

Sunset 2 May 2020 – Photo: L. Weikel


Back in the Saddle – Day 463

February Flowers – Photo: L. Weikel

Back in the Saddle

It’s been six days since I managed to get any serious walking in. Between the weather and work and other obligations, I’ve simply not logged the mileage. And I have to admit: I yearn to get back in the saddle and return to Mother Nature.

Last week was a bust. And the most frustrating thing about it, to me, is that last week I probably could’ve most used the exposure to nature and the physical connection to the earth.

I just checked the tracker on my phone and see that from last Monday to Saturday, I averaged less than half a mile per day. My top day I managed to walk 0.51 miles and my worst I only walked 0.29 miles. Not good.

A Re-New(ed) Leaf

I’ve at least managed to start this week out on a much better foot. I averaged 4.3 yesterday and 4.1 today.

I have to admit, I was both excited and delighted by the mild weather today. Simply having sunshine brightening my windows made a difference in my mood. And that’s double-edged warmth and sunshine, since they’re coaxing dramatic spring growth to not only sprout but now blossom here and there.

Cloud Raptor – Photo: L. Weikel

Bits of Magic

But the best part about getting back out on my walking circuit is the opportunity to stumble across random messengers in the sky and discover assorted bits of magic on blankets of moss simply awaiting my gaze.

For instance, I was given a timely reminder to rise up and shift my perspective on recent events in my life when I looked up and saw what appeared, to me at least, to be an obvious cloud raptor hovering above me. “Get up, Lisa! Rise above the shock and sadness,” I could hear it admonishing me. “See what’s playing out, where it originated, and where it’s headed.”

No small task, but absolutely do-able; at least the first two suggestions anyway. Hard to tell where anything’s headed in the world right now.

What’s the Lesson?

Funny you should ask. Only several hundred yards from where I first discovered the cloud raptor, I started taking photos of little yellow flowers blossoming in a cluster on hillock of moss surrounding a maple tree.

There it was, plain as day (to my nature-starved eyes, anyway). A piece of bark in the shape of a wolf’s head. Hmm. According to the Medicine Cards®*, Wolf might represent the teacher, the pathfinder, or the forerunner of new ideas that need to be shared with the clan.

Maybe. Maybe not.

At the very least, I feel I’m being told to ‘look for teachings’ no matter what is happening – and trust my intuition. Nothing is random; and I can only imagine (and trust) my eyes needed to be opened.

One thing is for certain: it feels great to be back in the saddle, seeing the signs, listening to Mother Nature, and feeling her love and support.

Bark Wolf – Photo: L. Weikel

*affiliate link
