Resolution – Day Sixteen (T-1095)



I received a phone call first thing this morning from a man who identified himself as a Dell Service Technician. “Hi, I’m Steve and I’m calling about a Dell service issue?”

“Yes,” I replied, waiting, trying not to launch my frustration onto him.

“Yeah, I understand you’re having issues with your–” he continued. I laughed, interrupting him.

“Umm, yeah, you could say that.”

“I’m calling to set up an agreeable day and time for me to come out and see if I can help,” he continued, plowing through my slightly snide response.

“Today, to answer your question.” I responded promptly. “And now would be good.”

Steve laughed. I did too. But then I added, “We laugh, but I’m serious.”

“Hang on,” Steve replied, and I could hear him shuffling papers in the background.

“Umm, I can get there between 10:30 and 12:30…”

“Today?” I interrupted, somewhat incredulously, given my initial impression that he was scheduling for later in the week.


“I will be here! Let’s make it happen,” I assured him. “That is so great. Thank you.”

Technician in Shining Armor

And so it was that my Technician in Shining Armor arrived around 11:00 a.m. with both a new motherboard and a new LCD display (more accurately identified as the entire screen/top half of my laptop), which he very adeptly installed (with only minimal feline oversight), effectively leaving me with a virtually new laptop.

“If the symptoms should reoccur at all within the next few days,” Steve shared upon completion of his mission, which included installing a whole new Microsoft operating system, “we’ll know it’s nota hardware issue.”

“Which means I shouldn’t call you, eh?” I laughed.

“Nope,” he said, shaking his head. “Not. My. Thing.”

Nice guy. No nonsense. Five stars.

Dell is lucky to have such a first class independent contractor. And I’m lucky it was Steve who showed up today.


Funny thing, though?

As I started writing tonight’s post on the Dell, I realized I was feeling disloyal to my MacBook, so I’m writing this post on ‘her’ tonight. She got me through this debacle without missing a beat (besides getting knocked off the internet a zillion times in Boston, resulting in the post not getting uploaded until 12:02 a.m. that one night). But that wasn’t her fault.

We’ve become quite a team over the past week. She kept me from succumbing to resistance and blockages. Perhaps I will write all of my posts on her from now on. We’ll see!