Change is Afoot – Day 212

Wishes Bursting Forth – Photo: L. Weikel

Change is Afoot

For months, I’ve been receiving messages that it was time for me to make some changes to my “work” in the world.

Some of the pushes have centered on what and where I should be focusing most of my attention, at least in the ‘now.’ Many of the shoves have been to increase my hourly rate for the healing work I facilitate. And a fairly significant number of nudges have come for me to expand opportunities for others to work with me.

On the one hand, I’ve done my best to listen to at least most of these messages.

For instance, I’ve expanded my legal expertise by training to serve as a “Parenting Coordinator,” which is a new role established by local rules in Courts in Pennsylvania. I’ll explain about that another day.

I’ve also been spending more time than I was (which, admittedly, wasn’t any at all) on my next manuscript. The drumbeat on that score continues to grow louder, for I’m still barely devoting any significant time to this task. You might wonder, “What’s the big deal? Just sit down and write it.” And I would agree with you. What is the darn deal?


The ‘deal,’ I suppose, is my need for immersion. The books I write are memoir. They require me not only to write about a time and set of circumstances I’ve lived, but also require me – if I’m going to capture those times and circumstances as accurately as possible – to immerse myself in the totality of that time of my life.

I’m not good at skimming the surface. I don’t ‘do’ superficiality well, no matter where it might try to intrude in my life. I’m not one for small talk. I’m not a good pretender. I’m either ‘all in’ or I’m not in. And that goes for my writing, and my writing process, as well.

So when I’m working on my manuscript and basically writing from a place of ‘where my head was’ and ‘how I felt’ back then, it is like riding an old fashioned tilt-a-whirl to go back and forth from ‘that’ life to ‘this’ one. I get jerked back and forth from one reality to another. Karl can probably attest to this best, as he can tell when I’ve been working on my manuscript. Out of the blue, sometimes, I’ll snap at him and dredge up something that’s long been over. He’ll look at me with astonishment and, having been in it and reliving it all day, writing about it and remembering our conversations, I’ll be like, “What? Don’t you remember? Did you really do that?”

Ha – great fun. Not.

It’s fresh for me, when I’m writing about it. It’s long gone down Karl’s memory hole, for him, though. So going back and forth is hard. And I resist it. Which leads to procrastination. For years. Hence, I need to give myself permission to just be in it, and with it, and give it the chunk of time I need.

I’m hearing that message. Really.

But on the other hand, there’s the elephant in the room: my hourly rate.


Elephant = Time + Intensity + Hourly Rate

I’ve been offering shamanic work to the public for 15 years. In that time, I’ve not raised my hourly rate even once (once I started charging at all). For the first two years, I offered my work for free. Then I started charging my current rate: $110/hour.

Because my sessions are unique, they often last an average of 4 to 6 hours – and because that’s an average, yes, some sessions go even longer.

By the same token, because my sessions are unique, when a person comes to me with an issue (or mainly, just a ‘knowing’ that something is awry and needs to be addressed) we stick with it until we get to the root of it. I listen – and help my client listen to their own self – until we get a sense of how their life has woven together the unique picture, circumstances, and – often – wounds that brought them to my door. And then we – but mostly Spirit and their own soul – work together to heal what we’ve discovered.

A Session Is Usually a One-Time Deal

It is rare that a client comes back with the same issue. This work is profound and very often life changing. Almost always, clients feel as though they’re starting an entirely new chapter in their life after a session.

After the session, I write a comprehensive follow-up email that describes what happened during the shamanic/energetic portion of the session. (That’s the part during which the client simply lays down, sets their intention, and let’s the good stuff happen.) It usually takes me 2.5 hours to write it all down, because – as I mentioned above – I don’t ‘do’ superficial. Yes, I’ve managed to take notes while doing the shamanic work. But often I have to get myself back into the ‘place’ I went in order to fully flesh out the notes I took. I need to once again immerse myself in the energy of the session.

Follow-Up Emails are Precious

I’ve found, especially lately (perhaps because I’ve seen and heard from some people recently who were my earlier clients), that those follow up emails hold more information in them than I could’ve realized at the time I wrote them. That’s because things that might not have made total sense (or even a little sense) at the time – to either me or my client – have come to have startling significance upon being re-read years later. So these emails are precious.

And I never charge for the hours I spend the next day, writing them.

My Rates are Going Up

And so it is that I am finally heeding the pokes and prods I’ve received for well over a year, with increasing frequency lately. I am increasing my hourly rate to $350/hour, effective June 30th, 2019.

I realize that this is significant. I realize it may feel daunting. But I also know the shifts I’ve seen in people’s lives; the transformations people have chosen to embrace. And I know the toll it takes on me to provide this work in the deep, precise, and loving manner I do.

Out of My Comfort Zone

Raising my rates drags me out of my comfort zone. So don’t be fooled – this is not a decision I’ve made lightly. In fact, there’s a whole story that goes with how I was doubting myself right up until this morning when Spirit literally plucked a card from my Medicine Card deck as I was shuffling (and asking for guidance one last time on whether I really should follow through with this rate increase) and plopped it into the birdbath I was standing beside.

I’ll write about that tomorrow, though.

(Oh – and remind me to tell you about the new opportunity to work with me one-on-one!)



No Days Off – Day 153

Waxing Moon; Photo – L.Weikel

No Days Off

I was thinking about my 1111 Devotion project today as I was taking a sunset walk with Karl. I was grateful that there was enough time left in the day for us to walk, so I could at least get in two miles, our ‘usual’ walk with the dogs.

There’s a part of me that’s bummed that I only managed two miles today. And I find that fascinating – how much my perspective has changed in just the past two weeks. My original perspective, or at least the one I held most recently before the one I hold today, would have given myself internal high fives simply for walking at all today. Period.

But my recent walking expansion is a subject for another day, I think.

My thought today was wondering how I’m going to handle being away from my natural habitat. For instance, when I’m in North Carolina for Listening to Spirit, the workshop retreat I’ll be giving with Wendy Warner, M.D., on the benefits of conventional medical providers working in tandem with shamanic practitioners (LAST CALL to register!), will I have the wherewithal to post every evening?

I wonder.

I hope so.

Will ‘Canned’ Posts Suffice?

And then I thought, well, I could always write up a couple of ‘pinch-hitting’ posts ahead of time. You know, a couple of emergency posts I could keep ‘in the can,’ so to speak, for use when time gets away from me or I’m too exhausted to type my own name much less write a coherent sentence.

I’ve flirted with that idea before. So far, as you can tell if you’ve been sticking with me (and thank you if you have!), every post has been one that was written right before I hit <<send>>. Some have nearly been stream-of-consciousness. Some have actually been reflective. And some have been a bit random, I’ll admit.

But not a single one of them has been generic. Canned. Pre-writ. Yet.

When I’m in North Carolina (or, optimistically, in Peru or Siberia, or maybe Iceland or some as yet unnamed nations on a couple other continents I want to experience perhaps within the next three years), I’m going to be challenged.

I don’t think about it all that often, but I take for granted that I’ll have some quiet time late each night when I can sit with my little MacBook Air and peck out a post. But when I get with my tribe in person, when we’re talking late into the night about encounters we’ve had that day in this world or others, I may easily lose track of time.

What About the Wilderness?

I’m also starting to ponder what might happen if I go off on a retreat in the wilderness. And I mean literal wilderness. No laptop. No cellphone. No means of communicating with any of you.

The thought of that gives me pause.

I may bitch and moan to myself (and OK, to Karl sometimes) that it’s really hard to think of something to write about every single day. But after 152 days in a row (and that figure there just boggles my mind right out of the box), I’m seriously invested.

This Is Deep – and Getting Deeper

This 1111 Devotion is a commitment that grows deeper and more meaningful to me with each passing day, with each notch on the wall that says, “I showed up.” Because the rest of that sentence is, “I showed up and I did it for Karl.”

So I find pondering these two possible scenarios a bit anxiety producing; I feel my heart quicken a bit when I think about finding myself in a situation in which posting might be either extremely difficult or physically impossible.

I guess I’m still trying to figure out the value of this exercise, beyond it simply being my own personal dedication to my son.

I’m assuming my perspective will evolve. Out of necessity, eventually, I will probably need to compromise to an extent my current expectations of purity.

In the meantime, I’m going to continue to set and pursue my purist goals. Fresh thoughts each night. Even if they’re random.


Exploring the Physician/Shaman Relationship – Day 146


Exploring the Physician/Shaman Relationship

We’re rapidly approaching ‘last call’ for registration to attend our unique four-day experiential gathering, Listening to Spirit, in the gorgeous Appalachians of western North Carolina.

Modern medicine: where would we be without it? Many of us probably wouldn’t even be alive right now if it weren’t for the untold advances that have been made in this scientific field.

Most physicians (of whatever stripe: M.D., D.O., N.D., D.C., etc.) have a particular way of treating patients, mostly by utilizing state-of-the-art diagnostic tools, medicines, and focusing upon alleviating patients’ symptoms. But what if those symptoms tell only half or even a quarter of the story? What if the patient herself has absolutely no idea what’s been triggered deep within to cause her body to manifest particular symptoms? And what if your patient appears unresponsive to all conventional treatments?

What Do You Do When Conventional Approaches Fail?

When everything else has failed, a physician who holds their patient’s healing at the core of their focus might consider using unconventional means to address such stubborn cases.

If you worked hard for your medical degree and care passionately about giving your very best to all of your patients, Wendy Warner, M.D., and I encourage you to expand your healing repertoire to include offering patients the chance to heal their energy bodies as well as their physical bodies.

Perhaps the concept of ‘energy bodies’ sounds ridiculous to you. We simply ask you to remember what you already know: that our bodies are living, breathing, organisms that work together to create excellent health. You know we are more than the sum of our parts. Shamanic work accesses other layers of reality to discern what is out of balance that may be causing the illness or disease that is resisting conventional treatment.

And since shamanic work is by its very nature experiential, this long weekend is designed to help you, as a medical practitioner, learn about it first hand and perhaps experience your own breakthrough.

The setting is exquisitely conducive to healing: Amadell, a residential retreat center in Luck, North Carolina, where nature spirits abound and the mountains themselves bring a healing ‘touch.’

Join us. Learn about an ancient way of being that, when mindfully offered as an option in a conventional medical practice can transform some of your most intractable issues.

Where: Amadell, Luck, North Carolina         When: Thursday, May 16 – Sunday, May 19, 2019

Price: $575, meals included (lodging separate)            Lodging: Amadell – book directly with – if needed, other locations can also be recommended by the staff at Amadell;

To register: email Wendy Warner, M.D. at:

It’s time for Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor to come true. Learn about that, too – and be a part of the healing of humanity. But as always, it starts with us. Join us!


Cabin at Amadell – Photo courtesy