A Tree Peony – Photo: L. Weikel
Linwood Gardens
For the second night in a row, I became so enamored with the photos I took over the weekend that I ran out of time to write much of anything. And while I will regale you with a variety of photos from our visit this weekend, I do want to let you know that Linwood Gardens will be opening this Wednesday (May 19, 2021) for a special extra day of floral indulgence.
If you have an opportunity to take a spontaneous mid-week road trip, I highly recommend a trek to the Genesee Valley, just south of Rochester, NY. The tree peonies that are the specialty of Linwood Gardens are just now coming into full bloom, and the addition of another day this week that visitors can immerse themselves in the magic of this place is a treat to seriously consider.
While there are a number of special encounters and discoveries I made this weekend (and was luckily able to capture at least semi-adequately with my iPhone) that I want to write about specifically with their own unique posts, I’m including in this post a few photos that only barely do the gardens justice.
I’m mentioning the opportunity to visit mid-week this week because it’s my understanding that usually the premises is only open to the public on the weekends during the peak blooms. Indeed, it appears from the website that this coming Wednesday is the only day upon which there still remain some open reservations.

Just one of hundreds of tree peonies – Photo: L. Weikel
Almost Can’t Imagine
I have to admit, I almost can’t imagine how overwhelming it will be on one of the days very soon to come when the vast majority of peonies bloom all at once. It was intoxicating enough to meander from one exquisite encounter to the next. But the truth is, there were more blooms quivering on the brink of bursting open than not.
While I realize many of my readers have obligations that would preclude them from embarking upon a 4.5 hour road trip in the middle of the week – I know there are some of you out there who just might be ‘crazy’ (in the best way) enough to say, “Let’s go!”
And to that, I would say, “YES! Plant the seed of spontaneity in your life and prioritize the pursuit of beauty and earthy encounters with Nature Spirits.” Your senses and soul will love you for it.

The scent of these lilacs was amazing – Photo: L. Weikel