Fallen Limb – Photo: L. Weikel
Timing – and the little choices we make from moment to moment – often has a profound influence on our life. Every day we have opportunities to make choices that have the potential to make a huge impact upon us. Sometimes we don’t even make a choice, one way or another. (Which is its own brand of choice.) And what’s even weirder is that most of the time we don’t even realize we’re making choices that could alter our destiny.
I was thinking about this as I took a walk earlier this evening. I’d come across an extremely thick and heavy chunk of a tree limb that had fallen onto the dirt and gravel roadway in the state park. I was grateful that I’d not been walking with Spartacus at the moment that chunk fell down.
Obviously the branch fell directly on the road, so neither other cars nor bicyclists were harmed. But it does make a person wonder – how close did I – or any of us frequenting this road at this time come to potential injury or death?

Bumblebee Exiting Peony Tree Blossom – Photo: L. Weikel
Another Perspective
Another way to appreciate the vagaries (or perhaps they’re hidden blessings?) of timing is the photo above. What are the chances that I could catch that bumblebee exiting the tree peony blossom at such an auspicious moment?
Of course, truth be told, they’re higher now than they ever were before (at least in my case) because of my iPhone. This exact frame of the photo I took of the bumblebee is the one that showed up in my photo feed. But even if it hadn’t, I technically would’ve been able to ‘freeze’ this single frame of the ‘live’ photo.
I find that to be amazing. In a sense, we don’t even have to be as talented or lucky as we used to be. This technology actually stretches time, giving us the opportunity to point to the concept of ‘timing’ with a knowing nod, but an ace up our sleeve.
Nevertheless, I’m still delighted by the fact that I can post a photo I took of a bumblebee literally midflight as it hauls ass out of a flower.
All of This to Say…
Don’t sweat any of it. The big stuff we worry about probably has less likelihood of messing up our lives than the little decisions we make every single minute of the day.