Technology – ND #21



Technology. Ugh. Talk about having a love/hate relationship with something. Ever since Karl and I bought one of the first Macintoshes for Christmas back in 1984 (at a department store called Hess’s!), I’ve been fascinated by the possibilities.

I’ll always remember the anticipation we felt taking it out of its box and setting it up in our first apartment here in Pennsylvania. We moved back to Pennsylvania after living in New York for three years while I attended law school. Karl was a toddler and Karl and I felt like we were making a visionary investment in his future by purchasing that machine.

Only just graduating from law school a year earlier, I had typed every paper I submitted both in undergrad and law school on an electric typewriter. I kept handwritten track of all our finances in a 10” x 13” grid-lined notebook. So the prospect of inputting and organizing all our finances on the computer boggled my mind. The concept of writing letters, papers, memoranda, briefs – heck, writing anything – and being able to edit and delete without Wite-Out® or Liquid Paper®(which were still pretty revolutionary in their own right) seemed like science fiction. But here it was: a grayish plastic cube sitting on a desk in our living room.

We watched the now legendary Apple commercial “1984” and felt like we were part of a movement that would break the future wide open. I literally fantasized over all the things I thought we’d be able to do with that Macintosh.

Afraid to Break It

I have to laugh at my dreams now. To say that I was disappointed in that first Macintosh is an understatement. Quicken®didn’t become a part of my reality for probably another decade. And by that time we’d moved to PCs because we could get a wider selection of better games for the kids and word processing programs for me (as well as the aforementioned Quicken®).

Through it all, though, I was so afraid I’d ‘break’ it. Or heaven forbid, I’d touch a key or engage in a function that would delete everything. It didn’t take long for our sons to zoom past us at light speed in their comfort level with this ever-evolving technology.

Of course, that was the whole point of why we’d invested in that very first Macintosh. And why we found ourselves upgrading to the latest and greatest amazingness every year or two. The technology changed so quickly, and the software became so sophisticated, we simply had to get machines with more power and memory if we were going to successfully greet the future.

One Foot In, One Foot Out

All of this is forefront in my mind because I gave a presentation today in the I AM Symposium and used a new desktop computer. I thought I’d figured out ahead of time how to ‘go live’ on Facebook, which was ironic, since I’ve become fairly comfortable with Zoom. How different could they be, I thought? Ha. (Never challenge worse. Where have I heard that before?) When a notice suddenly popped up moments before I was to start indicating that my ‘frames per second’ were too slow, I wanted to run away.

Luckily, Sage was close by and he messed around with it. (Truth be told, I don’t think he did anything to it that I hadn’t tried – but it was infinitely reassuring that he was there as my tech support.) The ‘show went on,’ and I eventually regained my footing. But it was a tough start.

And so it is, I have a beauty of a new computer – the first desktop we’ve had in the house in probably a decade. I’m excited by the power and speed it has – and the possibilities, again, feel limitless. It also feels like another ‘coming full circle.’ I remember seeing Karl (son) sitting at our last desktop, right where this one is situated, the last time he was home. That’s when he put a ton of his favorite songs on my iPod (which are now on my iPhone) – and through which he still communicates with me today.

Technology. I love it and hate it at the same time.


High Hopes – ND #19

The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin

High Hopes

I always have high hopes heading into the last two weeks of the year. No matter what, I always look upon this time of year as my cherished opportunity to find a cozy spot in the house and just READ.

Mostly, I let myself read after I’ve posted for the evening. Believe me, I don’t get very far, since I usually fall asleep within about five minutes. But see, between Christmas and New Years each year, I actually bring my book downstairs! It’s allowed to mingle outside the bedroom, which increases its potential for being picked up and read rather significantly.

The fiction I’m reading at the moment is The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin. It’s the first in a trilogy, which means if I love the writing, I can look forward to months of delicious anticipation each night. So far so good.

Sunset 26 Dec 2021 – Photo: L. Weikel

Slightly Ragged Start

I have to admit that my experience of the book literally got off to a slightly ragged start. If you take a look at the photo of the book, above, you’ll see that the puppies discovered the joys of paperbacks a few weeks back. Luckily, I discovered their transgression before any words were harmed in the process.

Just in the past night or so, in spite of the ridiculously late hour I found myself sliding between the sheets and snagging a few minutes with my book, I actually managed to read enough to finally feel ‘hooked.’ Now I’m finding the book is calling to me – enticing me to ‘write already’ so I can return to the world so persuasively created by N. K. Jemisin.

Besides Reading

Besides the allure of spending unrestricted time immersing myself in another world, I’m also looking forward to breaking in a new tarot deck. It’s always fun to do a spread for the coming year, choosing a card for each month, just to get a sense of what that month might hold.

But first – during the days just after Christmas especially – it’s fascinating to go back to my notes and reflect upon the cards I chose last year. I’m finding my sense of time has been altered significantly by the pandemic. Nothing feels the same. Time doesn’t flow in the same way it used to. Not that this is a bad thing; it’s just vastly different in some ways. And I’m wondering if time will continue to feel this abstract and obtuse from here on out.

Wintry Mix

We’re supposed to get a ‘wintry mix’ of weather tomorrow. All the more reason to stay home and hunker down. I’ll watch the I AM Symposium, play some games, read some of my book – and maybe even write a little something myself.

I hope you’re giving yourself permission to do some of your favorite things this week too.

Photo: L. Weikel


Self-revelation – ND #12

Full Cold Moon – 19 December 2021 – Photo: L. Weikel


I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not cut out to be one of those people who can bring things together in a seamless fashion and make it all appear effortless. I’m just not. What, you might ask, has tipped me off to this self-revelation that surely has been apparent to everyone living in my vicinity for – oh, I don’t know – at least the past 40 years?

Hmm. Let me think. Maybe the fact that I was steam cleaning our rugs this afternoon, when I actually have a list of time-sensitive obligations that deserve and demand my attention?

Granted, there are few activities more satisfying than steam cleaning a rug. In my book, it’s akin to mowing the lawn. Perhaps that’s because I perform both tasks in long, straight lines and the transformation as I progress is decidedly obvious.

Visible Confirmation

Every once in a while, I need some tangible proof that I’m accomplishing something worthwhile. If not worthwhile, at least visible and useful or pleasing in some way.

With the arrival of the puppies, the need to steam clean our rugs was becoming more and more of a pressing necessity. The result of today’s effort is pleasing and oddly liberating. But it also ate up a ton of time.

Orange Rising – Photo: L. Weikel

And Then There’s the Moon

The full moon appeared enormous to my eyes as she rose tonight, bursting with such a deep orange hue I wouldn’t have been surprised to see the word ‘Sunkist’ stamped on her surface. Her draw was mesmerizing. When I first noticed her majestically gracing us with her presence above the tree line, my heart leapt into my throat and I felt overcome with reverence.

And yet, I feel like there’s an air of obliviousness about. I read the articles on the transmissibility of the Omicron variant and I am gobsmacked at the throngs of people I see maskless in stores. And then I wonder what the hell I’m doing in those stores myself. I so rarely go anywhere other than the grocery store or the pet food store. (And yeah, I use Chewy, too – but I had a purpose in going to the pet store recently!) I will write about that soon.

I’m all over the place in this post. I keep losing track of what day it is. No, I’m definitely not one of those people who has her act together. And I’m definitely not one who can fake it.

I AM Solstice Symposium

I wanted to invite everyone to watch the I AM Solstice Symposium, which begins tomorrow (today, Monday, when you’re reading this). (The above link will take you to the page where you can buy the recording of the entire event, but down further on the page is a link to join the live presentations on Facebook, which will take place on the Wind Clan FB page.)

Of course, you can still sign up to enjoy the programs. You can jump in at any time, but if you wait, you might miss a talk that could be just what you need to hear and don’t even realize it. And there’s an impressive lineup of cool people speaking.

Truly, I’m honored to be included.

My presentation isn’t until next week (Tuesday the 28th) at 2:00 p.m. EST. But seriously, you’ll be missing out if you don’t sign up first thing tomorrow. It’s free if you watch it live. It’s hopeful. And you might gain some self-revelation that’s way cooler than mine!

And it’s never too late to engage in the devotional act of tending the solstice fire in your home and your heart.


I AM Solstice Symposium – Day 779

I AM Solstice Symposium

I’m pleased to announce that this Thursday (New Year’s Eve), I’ll be presenting a 30 minute Facebook Live presentation as part of the 2020 I AM Solstice Symposium hosted and produced by Renee Baribeau. In its 9th year, this Symposium offers an array of fun, inspirational, and creative presentations by a wonderful group of teachers and practitioners. I’m honored to be included in their company.

Renee is the author of the award winning book on the spiritual nature and power of the wind, Winds of Spirit*. She has created an active and open-hearted group on Facebook called The Wind Clan. It is on that group’s page that my presentation will be livestreamed.

I invite you to join The Wind Clan and give yourself the gift of watching not only the presentations given since December 20th (which have been recorded), but also those that will continue through this Sunday, January 3rd, 2021.

To Listen is to Heal

My presentation, which will take place this Thursday, December 31st, at 1:00 p.m. ET, is entitled Listening to Our Inner Firekeepers. It will, of course, focus on one of my favorite topics: Listening.

As many of you know, pre-pandemic, I offered Listening Retreat weekends in which I helped participants reconnect with Mother Nature and remember what it is to be still and truly listen. We practiced listening not only to other people, but even more importantly, to the natural world, our own bodies and thoughts, and ultimately to the inner guidance that exists within all of us.

In Listening to Our Inner Firekeepers, I will be focusing on the importance of cultivating our ability to establish direct connection with our own inner guides, guardians, and allies. The method I believe is most suited to this direct experience is the practice of shamanic journeying.

It’s Time to Reclaim Our Knowing

I’ll be writing more tomorrow night about how Spirit nudged me back in late August through some cards I chose for this 1111 Devotion to create a vehicle for people to establish a reliable path to their own inner guidance and wisdom.

In the meantime, I wanted to invite you to join me live at the Wind Clan FB group this Thursday – and ‘by Memorex’ if you can’t make it at 1:00 p.m. that day. (Ha ha – just a little blast from the past for some of you.)

*affiliate link


Winter Solstice – Day 404

First Lights – Photo: L. Weikel

Winter Solstice    

When you read this post it will be December 21st, 2019, the shortest day of the year. Hence, it is also the longest night.

I don’t know about you (although I can guess), but is sure has felt like a long, dark night all week.

I’m ready for the light to begin filtering back into our lives.

Speaking of Which

Of course, speaking of darkness, it seems only appropriate that I mention probably one of my favorite things about this time of year: the lights; especially the lights on our Christmas tree.

I adore sitting in our living room, all the regular lights turned out, the tv off, and just the candles in the windows and the tree lights illuminating the darkness. A couple of evenings over the next two weeks or so – perhaps even tomorrow night (who knows?) – I’d love to spend the entire evening reading, the fire burning in the fireplace, the lights twinkling, and the darkness remaining at bay outside.

In the Meantime

I want to remind you that the I AM Solstice Symposium is taking place tomorrow (Saturday, December 21st, 2019). Tune in! There’s a great lineup of inspiring speakers who will be sharing all sorts of insight, wisdom, strategies, lore, and opportunities for connection.

I’ll be speaking live at 5:30 p.m. (EST). With the theme of this year’s I AM Symposium being Navigating Turbulent Winds, I thought it might be helpful to discuss some strategies I’ve learned over the years on how to “Batten Down the Hatches.”

It’ll be dark outside (around here anyway) by the time I start speaking. So light a candle, bask in the glow of the holidays, and invite the lights of peace, hope, and optimism (and maybe a little mirth thrown in, too) to enter all our lives. Snuggle up on your couch and join me for a fireside chat.

Wishing you a Joyful Solstice. Give birth to the light within your Self.

Photo from Deborah Hinton’s post on The Wyrding Way


I AM Solstice Symposium – Day 400



This will be a short post tonight. I only have about half an hour to get this written, as I’ve been struggling with – no – agonizing over – no – crafting the Hoot Alert I just sent out, advertising the upcoming I AM Solstice Symposium.

To any of you out there who are fluent or even simply conversant in creating marketing materials in the digital age, you probably think I’m exaggerating the effort it took me to send that out. But alas, the struggle is real.

I titled this post “Friends” because the host of the I AM Solstice Symposium, Renee Baribeau, is my friend. Indeed, she is one of those friends who pushes me to break through my comfort zone. She challenges me. She pokes and prods and offers me opportunities that I would otherwise probably never have.

That’s Friendship?

Some of you may be thinking, “Yikes. With friends like that…” But I beg to differ.

To me at least, friends are not people who just rubber stamp your feelings. They listen; yes. They have compassion; absolutely.

But do they indulge you when they think you’re misperceiving who you are or what you have to offer to the world? Do they give you a pass when you think you can’t do something, just because you’ve never done it before?

Not in my book.

To me, being a friend is holding a vision of a person out so they can see themselves from your perspective. Being a friend is refusing to buy their bullshit about what they think they can or can’t say, do, or accomplish. Being a friend is holding them up to a higher aspiration than they dare hold for themselves.

I AM Solstice Symposium

Renee and I have both grown a lot in the past 15 years or so that we’ve known each other. Ever since I met her, she’s been pushing me to “get myself out there.” Our first collaboration was the Business of Healing – a weekend-long event she produced in Joshua Tree, CA in which she persuaded me to speak. This was the first time I’d ever given a ‘class’ of any kind – and the first of many times Renee has pushed me past my comfort zone.

Back then, I was the one who’d published a book. Now look at her: a Hay House author. And not ‘just’ an author with a major publisher, but creator of  Winds of Spirit, a book that is “Winner of the Nautilus Award, Body Mind Spirit President’s Choice Award, Indies Finalist and the Readers’ Choice Award.”

That’s pretty amazing. And I’m very, very proud of her.

When Renee invited me to participate in the first I AM Symposium, I did not readily accept. I really had to think about it.  I was flattered that she asked me, but just the thought of being heard by so many made my blood run cold. If I’m honest, I have to admit that she cajoled me into taking the risk.

This year’s Solstice Symposium is my 4th I AM Symposium event. Obviously, I’m grateful that she thinks enough of me to include me among the roster of the much ‘bigger’ names who are also participating. But even more, I’m grateful that she cared enough to push me past my comfort zone.

Bottom Line

I don’t know if I’ve pushed Renee to break through any of her self-imposed limitations, because I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever seen her let a barrier get in her way. She’s a dynamo. She makes things happen. She’s…indefatigable. And she’s a true friend.

I’m actually extraordinarily lucky. I have more truly amazing friends than anyone’s entitled to have. And I hope they know I try to be to them the type of friend I’ve described above – one that pushes them to be the best and most amazing versions of themselves that they can be. The version of themselves that I see shining out of them whenever I look at them.

Please join us this weekend for the I AM Solstice Symposium. For more fun, and to bring the sacred into your home in a unique manner, sign up to be a Fire Tender. It’s a cool way to join a community of soulful people who listen to the wind.


Resistance – Day Forty Two


I hate being faced with my glaring deficiencies; resistance being one of them.

Sometimes they just walk up and stand in front of me, though, and no matter what I do, I can’t get around them.

One of those that’s staring me down at the moment is a resistance to marketing. Marketing myself in any way, for anything, primarily. But marketing in general is always a persistently vexing subtext.

I might as well speak substance, since I don’t have a big window tonight: I’ve been invited to participate in the I AM Winter Solstice Symposium, arranged and produced by my friend, Renee Baribeau. Renee is the author of Winds of Spirit, which was published by Hay House this past spring.

I AM Winter Solstice Symposium 2018

Renee did our interview ahead of time. Mine airs tomorrow. The entire program began on Thursday evening, with an opening Fire Ceremony in honor and celebration of the Solstice. I dropped the ball by not sending out an announcement about the Symposium to my Hoot List several days ago, a lapse which I really must rectify tonight, if possible.

The problem is, beyond (or perhaps in tandem with) my resistance to marketing is my reluctance to get knee deep into technological endeavors, such as trying to figure out how to insert into a Hoot Alert the graphics Renee so generously provides me.

Seriously, I should have this stuff figured out by now.

Join the Wind Clan on Facebook

So let me just say this now: My presentation is airing tomorrow (Christmas Eve) at 1:00 p.m. EST. In order to access it, you need to join the Wind Clan on FB at this link. (And if I haven’t figured out how to add that link before I have to hit <publish> on this post, please check out my Hoot Alert, which I intend to write and get sent out before I go to bed tonight!)

Above and beyond my presentation, though (the subject of which will not surprise you if you’ve been reading these 1111 Devotion posts), are the presentations of 17 amazing women with unique and inspiring messages and suggestions for making your life a little bit richer, creative, and sacred.

Join us! And help me push past this resistance to marketing by enjoying my offering. Who knows what inspiration awaits!


I AM Winter Solstice Symposium – Day Thirty Two

I AM Winter Solstice Symposium

During the Mid Winter Wind, I will be participating in the IAM Winter Solstice Symposium with host, Renee Baribeau, author of the recently published Winds of Spirit. The event will begin on December 20th with an opening Fire Ceremony, followed by interviews with 17 Women Wisdom Keepers – plus yours truly. The theme this year is “Rituals for Navigating Turbulent Winds while Aligning to your Winter Cycle.” Find support and nourishment as we navigate the holiday season and ring in a New Year together.

Call for Fire Tenders

We are looking for Volunteers for this event! Specifically FIRE TENDERS who will keep a flame burning during the I AM Winter Solstice online celebration from December 20th to January 1st.

During the Event: Light a Candle or Fire, Visualize a Purple Flame, or keep a Light Burning for the Event from 12/20 through 1/1. You can say a daily prayer in lieu of a flame on the days you are traveling.  Do what works best for you.

I know that some of you participated as Firekeepers last year, and personally shared how much you enjoyed the sense of community you experienced by maintaining that personal focus and – dare I say it, devotion to the Winter Solstice spirit.

This is your opportunity to embrace and support 18 fellow Wisdom Keepers in your own unique and personal fashion.

Opening Fire Ceremony

THE OPENING FIRE CEREMONY WILL BE ON 12/20  Join us here.See Complete Line-Up Here

Join the Wind Clan on FB

The only other requirement to becoming a FIRE TENDER, other than maintaining the flame of your choosing, is that you join the Wind Clan if you are not already a member and opt-in here to receive all the interview recordings for FREE.

If you have any questions, please reach out to
