Prairie Dog Squared!
It’s been a long time since I subjected you to hearing about one of my ‘picks’ on my day, so it seems timely to share my Prairie Dog squared* that showed up this morning. It’s timely because I need to get up at the pre-crack of dawn tomorrow to make an airport run, and I’m feeling a need to heed it.
Yeah. The alarm is set for 3:30 (hmmm, let’s see, that’s three hours and fifteen minutes from now…) so I can get out of here by 4:00 a.m. Yippee!
I’m making my Prairie Dog pick my topic this evening because I really think I was being told this morning that it would be in my best interests to write a brief post this evening, so I can at least get three hours’ worth of sleep.
Time to Rest! Time for Bed!
Why might I think that? Prairie Dog’s message for me this evening is contained within the first two stanzas of its introductory poem:
“Prairie Dog…calls me / when it’s time to rest (…)”
It goes further when it states later on:
“If Prairie Dog has surfaced in your cards today, it may be a warning that your body’s fuel gauge is running low. (…) Take a much needed break before you crash and burn.”
I know I’m talking to kindred spirits when I quote these words. I have a feeling more than half of you are saying, “Yeah, if I picked Medicine Cards, I bet I’d choose Prairie Dog too.”
An Honorary ‘Pick-Share’
So here you go: I officially bestow upon any and all of you who are not choosing cards for yourselves each day (and no, I will not go down the road of, “Why aren’t you? You’re life would be so much richer!”) an honorary ‘share’ in my Prairie Dog squared pick.
Just remember though: Prairie Dog’s key word is “Retreat,” so by accepting this honorary pick-share, you’re subconsciously agreeing to come to one of my retreats when I finally get some scheduled. Although I guess by stating it up front, it wouldn’t be subconscious. Hmm.
Naaaah, I would never coerce anyone to come to one of my retreats. But if you haven’t attended one, I have to tell you: you don’t know what you’re missing.
(Wow – I did not intend to go down the road of self-promotion!)
But seriously? By accepting this honorary share, it is helpful to really take this in and contemplate it:
“Praire Dog medicine teaches that strength and inspiration can be found by retreating into the stillness that quiets the mind. The strength of this medicine is also knowing when and how to replenish your life force.”
My wish for each and every one of you, regardless of whether you’re choosing Medicine Cards, or utilizing any other daily devotional or soul-nourishing tool, is a day of retreat. A day of rest and respite from the frenzied energies that seem to surround us more and more. Even if the best you can muster in the moment is a quick thought and an internal chuckle at how adorable these little creatures are.
Canary In the Coal Mine?
Be gentle with yourselves, my friends.
I sometimes wonder if I am a canary in the coal mine. If I am, then I take my job seriously. Consider yourselves encouraged and gently urged to take some time to just be still today. Maybe take some time this weekend to get some extra sleep. Read a book. Take a walk near the woods and listen for the peepers.
Spring has arrived. Our sap is starting to run. Let’s not burn out before we even begin.
(I’ll think of you in three hours…)
*As you’ll recall, picking a card and saying it’s squared, or should be accorded extra special attention, is achieved by having a blank card on the bottom of the deck.