Light – Day 754

Photo: L. Weikel


Once again we have candles in our windows to celebrate and bring light to the season of the longest nights.

I’ve written before about loving this particular aspect of the coming holidays. Between candles in the windows and lights on the tree, I could spend hours just sitting with a good book or a journal, or even with nothing at all but my thoughts, feelings, and memories.

I find it very easy to get lost in the flicker of a flame. Sometimes, I fall even deeper into a reverie when the flame holds eerily still for just enough time to lose track of all time.


Speaking of loving the flame, I also respect it. I realize just how powerful it is: full of the power to enlighten and also full of power to destroy and lay waste.

I’m reminded of that by the deeply unsettling knowledge that a good friend of mine and her kids were forced to evacuate their home in Southern California again within the past day or so due to uncontrolled wildfire known as the Bond Fire.

I say ‘again’ because they were also evacuated over a month ago as a result of a different wildfire.

There’s a lot going on in so many people’s lives. We all need each other more than ever now.


In Like a Lamb – Day 416

Peddler’s Village – Photo: L. Weikel

In Like a Lamb

I know today wasn’t the first day of Spring, so the whole ‘in like a lamb’ title to this post might appear premature. But the weather really was quite mild for January 1st.

We rarely venture out over the holidays. But the allure of the mild temperatures and the promise of fulfilling yet another long-standing tradition of a New Year’s Day bookstore run proved irresistible. The added prospect of combining this tradition with our delight in sharing the lights of Peddler’s Village every year provided enough reasons to drag ourselves out of the house.

I’ll give it to Peddler’s Village: the lights did not disappoint. Nor did the Lahaska Bookstore. I revel in the joy browsing in a good bookstore brings to my heart.

The photo of this tree in the heart of Peddler’s Village doesn’t do it justice. But I’m sharing it nonetheless.

I’m also going to tell you what book I selected for myself and refrain from commentary.

I’m pretty sure the title says it all: Education of an Idealist: A Memoir.

It makes me wonder if this year will go out like a lion.
