Groundhog Serenity – Day Eighty Three

“Groundhog Sunset” – Photo by L. Weikel

Groundhog Serenity

Bet those are two words you never thought you’d see together. Me either.

But in contemplating what I would write about tonight, I thought I would share a photo I took from our porch this evening, minutes after Karl and I got home from a walk.

Suspension in a Cocoon of Serenity

The sun had set on this Groundhog Day 2019, and the colors of the sky were simply too spectacular not to honor them by sharing them with you. What you see is completely unfiltered. And would you believe me if I told you the entire scene was more catch-your-breath exquisite than I can express?

Yeah, you’d probably believe me. I bet it happens to most of us a lot more often than we realize. I hope so, at least.

Nature just is that way. It fills us up and transforms us from within. All we need to do is open our eyes, ears, and every other sensory receptor and allow. It fills us up through our being.

The sky tonight brought me to the verge of tears. For a few moments, when I stood on our porch and I gazed into this magnificent palette, I felt suspended in a cocoon of serenity. The air was crisp and fresh, but not so cold as to rake my sinuses. Two deer ran an obstacle course of trees and bushes at the base of this photo as I took it, their somewhat tentative and graceless dance rustling leaves and breaking sticks as well as the silence.

More Moments of Love

In those sacred moments, I stopped worrying about my mundane concerns. With no one to talk to and no humans or their activity in sight, it was as if I were less a human and more a simple observer – and member – of the web.

Can you look at that photo and not feel it viscerally in your heart?

We need more serenity in our lives. We need more magnificent, rich hues coloring our perceptions. We need more opportunities to forget about our mundane worries and concerns.

At the risk of sounding hokey, we need more love permeating our cells and blanketing our landscapes with colors and beauty and simple appreciation for life, bringing us to the brink of tears.


“Minutes Before Groundhog Sunset” – Photo by L.Weikel