Weeping Willow Blossoming – Photo: L. Weikel
A Short One
Tonight’s blog post is going to be a short one. I’m in the midst of being felled by an onslaught of tree pollen.
It’s hard to keep my eyes open this evening, and it’s not just a function of being tired – although that’s a part of it. My fatigue is merely a symptom.
My head is throbbing yet again and another reason I can’t keep my eyes open is because of the sensation of a knotted rope behind them. Every time I spent any amount of time outside today, when I came back inside I could feel the sensation of pollen clinging to my face and the faint buzz in my ears that’s always a tell-tale sign of allergies afoot.
I’ll admit, it’s hard to concentrate on anything at the moment. Everything became exponentially worse after our longer walkabout (4 miler) tonight. We actually tried to get in a shorter walkaround (2 miler) this morning, when we weren’t sure whether the rain would hold off later in the afternoon.
That means we managed to get in 5.5 miles today. No, we didn’t make it all the way around on the shorter walk because, of course, it started drizzling only about half a mile in.
Willows, Elm, and Ash
Maple, Juniper, and Alder. We’ve got all of these heavy-hitters not only on or near our property but perhaps even more importantly also lining our path as we walk through the countryside. What a double-edged sword the springtime can wield! The beauty of the lime green buds sprouting in every direction is such an affirmation of life and new growth. And yet.
Well, clearly I’m having a hard time thinking or writing about anything beyond my own miserable self. So I will spare you any further details.
In the meantime, please also enjoy this photo of a Goldfinch showing us a little feather in front of a lovely magnolia blossom.

Goldfinch and Magnolia Blossoms – Photo: L. Weikel