Icy Night – Day 403

Photo: L. Weikel

Icy Night      

Wow, the temperatures were frigid today. Winter is most definitely coming.

On nights like tonight, which begin far earlier than during the spring, summer, and fall, it takes every ounce of gumption for us to haul our carcasses around our shorter (2.2 mile) loop. You can forget even the thought of us traversing the longer (4.0 mile) loop. Not when temperatures are hovering in the low 20s or even lower.


Karl and I are so lucky that, in so many ways, we’re opposites. Don’t get me wrong: on fundamental beliefs, we’re completely on the same page. But when it comes to spur-of-the-moment choices or decisions, or even just simple approaches to problems, we come at them from opposite sides of the spectrum.

For instance, if we need to get somewhere and there are two choices of routes, with each option roughly similar in travel time: inevitably, we will choose the opposite of each other. If I am debating with myself which of two meals to cook for dinner and I ask Karl which he would like, inevitably, he’ll choose the one, if I were completely honest, was my second choice.

It’s really gotten to a point where we can predict our choices, based upon past experience. If we know what either one of us would choose personally, inevitably, choosing the opposite for our spouse will win the day.


And so it is that, thankfully, we have each other to poke and prod the other when we don’t feel like walking. I’ve probably written about this before. I should do a search of tag words to see if I can come up with an old post on this subject.

The bottom line, though, is that neither one of us wanted to walk today. And Sheila – wow. Even after we put her jacket and and harness on, she just resolutely stood in front of the fireplace and seemed to fall asleep with her eyes open.

Only Spartacus was enthusiastic about the prospect of going for a walk.

Rewarded For Our Effort

Nevertheless, Karl dressed the dogs before I could even make an argument against walking tonight. And so, as we walked along in the dark of this early evening, marveling at the stars above (and the astonishing size and brightness of Jupiter low in the western sky), we were captivated by the faerie-like, ice coated trees that had retained their cloaks of ice from yesterday. I tried capturing this beauty as we walked up the road and a car, approaching us from around the bend, caused a riot of prisms. For a moment, the glittering beauty was captivating.

I’m grateful that Karl lights a fire under me and goads me into walking some evenings! Especially on an icy night.
