Another Dimension – Day 711

Crescent and Fog – Photo: L. Weikel

Another Dimension

Sometimes we stumble across a person, place, or thing in our everyday lives and we almost have to pinch ourselves to see if we’re dreaming. That’s sort of been Karl’s and my experience the past two early evenings. Not just once, but twice we’ve encountered a very obvious threshold; a portal into another dimension.

The spontaneous rising of a rather substantial bank of fog in the fields surrounding our home lent an eerie and ethereal atmosphere to our walks the past few evenings. On the one hand, we were treated to a spectacularly clear view of Saturn, Jupiter, and the waxing crescent moon creating a graceful arc in the evening sky. It’s also kind of cool to realize that, if our eyesight were only powerful enough, we’d also be able to see Pluto nestled in the expanse between Saturn and Jupiter.

Yet at the same time that we revel in that unobstructed view of those outer planets and our moon, when we bring our gaze down to ground level, we can barely see beyond our own shoes. There’s a little inner double-take that happens when we first realize how backwards this all seems. Why is our ability to see things up close so obscured?

Perhaps it’s a metaphor; I really can’t say. Maybe we’re supposed to be setting our sights on what we want to create and the ideals to which we choose to aspire. We know what we want; we can see it clearly. But maybe we’re supposed to reach those goals through an act of faith.

Approaching the Portal – Photo: L. Weikel

Entering the Portal

We reached a point in our walk both last night and tonight when the way ahead appeared to be an illustration straight out of a book of fairy tales. Clarity prevailed almost everywhere we looked, but straight ahead? Our path led us directly into what appeared to be a portal to another dimension.

Entering this portal felt like it might lead to another time and space. We joked that at least we had each other; maybe we should hold hands so as not to lose each other in the heavy mist. Perhaps the Beings of the threshold would try to persuade us to take a nap and we would awaken a decade or two hence.

It felt like we weren’t alone as we broached the almost cave-like threshold. A photo I took captured not a wall of fog but rather shapes and swirls and the maybe even the faintest source of cool hands brushing our cheeks and tickling our necks.

We walked maybe 25 yards through this ground cloud of haze only to emerge – suddenly – into a what felt like the other side of the mirror. We returned to the road, further along by far, but with our surroundings revealed to us with laser-like focus and clarity once more.

Photo: L. Weikel


Were we changed by the experience? At first glance, it would appear we weren’t. But maybe we should take a little time. Wait and see. Was this a metaphor? Do we feel relatively unscathed because we persevered? Because we continued walking through the veil, putting one foot in front of the other and having faith we’d eventually emerge from the fog?

I don’t know.

It felt significant that we stayed the course; that we didn’t turn around or freeze up just because the way forward was suddenly and dramatically obscured. Not that we even entertained stopping. Or turning around. Not really. But…what was that passing in front of me as I tried to take a photo?


What In the World – Day 620

Thunderhead and Sunlight – Photo: L. Weikel

What In the World

What in the world is brewing in our country? If we’re honest, I think we all have a good idea – and it is ugly. Ugly and craven and, if we’re not careful, a recipe for injecting a poison into our country that could kill who we are and what we stand for.

I received an earnest reaction to my post last night, my post that encouraged us all to embrace stillness. That reaction was simultaneously one of embracing the power of stillness as well as urging the continued resistance to tyranny. And truth be told, I couldn’t agree more.

While there is wisdom in retreating to the stillness until a dissipation of the current fog of distraction and disinformation occurs, it would behoove us to take one crucial action before our retreat.

One Crucial Action

There is nothing as seminal to the identity of Americans as the concepts of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. The deployment of what is essentially a secret army of unidentified armed forces against American citizens under the guise of keeping the peace, which is actually inciting the exact opposite effect, is the antithesis of our country’s ideals and values.

The behavior we’re seeing in Portland at this very moment, brutalization, tear gassing, rendition (complete with hooding suspects without advising them of their rights or where they are being taken), and the threat of a ‘surge’ of these secret police and their illegal and unconstitutional tactics being inflicted upon Chicago, Albuquerque, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and elsewhere (all cities run by Democrats, naturally) within the coming days, should bring terror to the hearts of all of us.

We are at a crossroads.

So before you retreat into stillness, call or write to your senators. Tell them in no uncertain terms that they must not condone or enable the outrageous behavior being conducted by the DHS at the behest of our rogue president and his enabling Attorney General.

Persistence – The Ocean Oracle by Susan Marte


Which could explain the card that just happened to be underneath (meaning on the bottom of the deck) when I chose Fog/Stillness yesterday. The foundational card, the card at the bottom of the deck, was Sandpiper/Persistence.

Make a call. Send an email. Express your outrage.

Then retreat into the STILLNESS.

I feel the sky this afternoon reflects the volatility of our world right now. Huge thunderheads that threaten potential destruction pierced by rays of light and clarity.

We are capable of being persistent in our resistance yet true to our soul’s need to withdraw into a cloak of stillness that rejuvenates our spirit. We are capable of living this paradox. And now is the time when we must.


Another Perfect Pick – Day 619

Ocean Oracle – Fog/Stillness – Photo: L. Weikel

Another Perfect Pick

I don’t know about you, but between the relentless heat and mugginess that’s blanketing us (if you live on the East Coast of the U.S.) and the relentless and increasingly horrifying events unfolding in our country on a daily basis, I feel like I’ve reached my saturation point. So when I asked the Ocean Oracle (by Susan Marte) for a fresh message we could all hold as a new Point of Focus, I chose what feels like another perfect pick (PP).

As can be seen from the photo above, I chose Fog – Stillness.

Why do I feel this is a PP? Because I am finding it increasingly difficult to continue ‘going with the Flow.’ Don’t get me wrong. There’s no doubt that keeping Flow as a Point of Focus in my daily life has served me well. And it’s not even as though I intend to just throw Flow out the window.

No. If I sense Flow is an appropriate response to a particular situation or stimulus, I will continue to embrace its wisdom. (And I have to mention, Karl and I were amazed at how often, since I chose that card for our collective contemplation, the word flow has shown up in the Medicine Cards* I’ve been selecting on my day, as well as tarot cards I’ve been consistently choosing in our early evening walks.

I’ve been receiving, “Flow, flow, flow” over and over again. So yes, this message has been received and reinforced.

Recent Escalations

And if you’ve been joining me each day or at least mostly keeping up, you know that the guidance we’ve been receiving from other oracles (The Crone Tarot, by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince for instance) has also been pretty consistently advising to come together to recall wholeness, goodness and caring.

While I can only speak for myself, and I probably need to bear in mind that I’m still a bit sleep-deprived, I feel it’s important to acknowledge that making the conscious choice to remain in the flow, and do our best to heed the call to encourage wholeness and goodness while in the midst of a pandemic – is no small feat. While it sounds relaxing and easy, it’s actually a lot of work.

Yes, we can do our best avoid getting caught up in (or snagged) by the rocks and branches we encounter every day, the fact remains that it takes a lot of energy to keep our heads above water. And over the past couple of days, I started to question just how much more ‘flow’ I’d be able to manage.

Photo: L. Weikel

Dearly Needed Respite

And so it was with a huge sense of relief that I chose the Fog card this evening. Stillness. It feels like the perfect message for me in this moment, and I trust it will offer you some welcome permission to be still too.

I want to share what the guidebook offers:

“The Story

She sat in the hollow, surrounded by fog. She didn’t know which way she had come, or which way to go. The vapour was tangible, but her direction was not. She wasn’t scared – the veil of fog felt safe. She had never realized the stillness of fog, the cloak of silence it offered. She was in her own little world, fully present to herself, yet removed from that which was ‘out there.’ It was a chance to just be – to be in that stillness. She didn’t feel the desire to venture forth without direction. She was happy to have this time to be by herself, hidden from view. She felt this fog was the earth’s way of surrounding her by the nurturing embrace of water, without drowning her. She knew she was strong enough to rely on herself and her intuition, away from the watchful gaze of others. She had faith that when the fog lifted, she would be in the perfect place – in the place she was meant to be.

The Messages

What are you hiding from? What is hidden from view? What is visible? What is invisible? Trust that what you need to see is either right in front of you, or will soon present itself. Focus fully on your self. In the busy-ness of the world, take time to be still, to recharge yourself and recalibrate your bearings. Allow stillness to envelop you and be present to the gifts it offers. Use the cloak of protection stillness provides, to stretch into who you are. Walk the path of your instinct – it will lead you in the right direction. Even when feeling alone or isolated, know that you are completely supported by the universe. She is keeping you safe in your sacred place.”

My Take

The bottom line of guidance I receive from this new Point of Focus is that it is ok for us to step out of the flow and take cover. Wrap ourselves in the cloak of invisibility that Fog provides us and rest in the Stillness.

Before we take a stand or make any decisions about how to react to anything that may be happening in the outside world, the perfect response in this moment is to step back. Recharge. Recalibrate.

Indeed, when we remember that, in addition to witnessing armed troops being deployed by a fanatic to manhandle and essentially kidnap fellow citizens in specifically targeted Democratic cities (nakedly politically motivated by our own president) we are in the midst of a pandemic that is exploding in our country – seems to me the most comforting thing we can do in this moment is cloak ourselves and rest up.

Definitely another ‘Perfect Pick.’

We need to gather our strength for the coming storm. But for now: We must practice Stillness, my friends. Wrap ourselves in a Fog that holds and hides us and permitting us to safely gather our strength and wits for what’s to come.

We need to hide in the mists – Photo: L. Weikel

*affiliate link


Pollen Fog – Day 557

Goldfinches? Or are they chickadees covered in pollen? – Photo: L. Weikel

Pollen Fog

Oh my. The trees are in full bloom here and the chartreuse layer of tree sperm covering absolutely everything outside, especially the glass top tables on my porch, is putting me in a pollen fog.

And the weirdest thing is, I’m (luckily and gratefully) not experiencing too terrible of allergy symptoms. That’s to say, my sinuses are ok so far, my nose is only running a little, and my throat doesn’t hurt.

But I have to say, my appetite is insatiable, and it’s making me nuts. Eat nuts, that is. I really don’t think it’s simply the stress of the pandemic, either. I’ve blamed that for a variety of oral fixations, including an uncontrollable tendency to eat more peanuts in a sitting than I cram into the ‘peanut coil’ I use to dispense legumes to my feathered friends.

Indeed, I was really controlling myself and my peanut fixation after I ate too many and lamented about it in a post. I was doing really well until, well, just tonight. <<sigh>>

Sad Start to Second Half

I don’t know what came over me. I was sitting here with the tv turned off, the sound of the whole house fan thrumming the air and drawing in some major cool breezes that just taunt me into wanting to crawl under the covers and go to bed.

Instead, I was sitting here trying to think of something new or different that I could write about, even though I could feel myself succumbing to the land of heavy eyelids. So what did I do? I caved. I mowed through a bunch of peanuts. I finished up a half pint of Owowcow Cashew Carmel ice cream. I even broke into a Salted Almond chocolate bar for good measure.

Goddess help me.

New Moon

It’s as if I made it halfway through my 1111 Devotion and I’m suddenly dropping the ball and coming up dry again.

Tomorrow is a new moon. As I’ve encouraged a million times over, it’s yet another opportunity to start fresh, plant new seeds, take up a new charge within our lives.

I’m going to once again step away from the peanuts and get myself up to bed. I have lots of things I actually would love to write and chat with all of you about.

Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day. I hope it is for all of us. No matter how super fantastic a day you may have had today, I hope tomorrow is even better.

Plant those seeds. Be careful out there. Don’t risk being a silent spreader: wear a mask. Maybe it’ll even help with the pollen!


Woodpecker Condo – Day 550

Woodpecker Estate Condominiums – Photo: L. Weikel

Woodpecker Condo

Karl and I walk past this marvel of modern avian artistry every day we take our four mile walkabout. If it isn’t a woodpecker condo, straight out of Architectural Peckgest, I’ll eat it.

Situated on the edge of a verdant, deciduous forest that’s home to an eclectic community of multiple species of peckers of wood, these condos provide feathered up-and-comers easy access to both social diversity and the finest of country living.

Deer in FoG – Photo: L. Weikel

Forested Back ‘Yard’

It’s true, the ‘back yard’ of the tony Woodpecker Estate Condominiums is a young forest, filled with an array of newly emancipated four-legged neighbors. Oppossums, raccoons, mice, squirrels, and foxes cast the prejudices of old to the wind, meeting and trading stories at the local watering hole known as ‘The Brook’ across Main Human Road. That’s not to be confused with the seedier but much more cavalier crowd that risks life and fur by gathering at the infamous ‘Cracked Culvert.’

Of course, those interested in the amenities offered by Woodpecker Estate Condominiums are subject to rigorous credit checks based upon grubs pecked per minute and other undisclosed but trustworthy assessments of pecker character. Feathers of recommendation from three non-related intra-species sponsors are also required for each applicant for residency.

Fields of Green – Photo: L. Weikel

Fields of Green

With the woods at our back, we can turn our attention away from the hustle and bustle of the four legged world of leaf and understory dwellers to the wild rompings of the deer in the Fields of Green that all forward-facing condo owners are privy. As amazing as the views are of the FoG, a caveat must be issued. Red-tailed hawks and other predators have been known to snag lesser peckers out of mid air when times were tough, and robins, red-winged blackbirds and mourning doves simply for sport.

While the picture windows located in the eastern facing condos have witnessed carnage in months gone by, the clean-up crews of black and turkey vultures have been working overtime to maintain the desirability of the neighborhood. We owe them a debt of gratitude – although they prefer a simple sacrifice now and again when times get lean. They have been known to frequent the back door of the Cracked Culvert.

This is one of the last condos of its kind in this area, so if you’re interested, you really should get pecking and submit your application today.

Robins have recently decided to turn their backs on us and move up the hill. We shan’t miss them, as they join bluebirds and red-winged black birds in their haughty attraction to the faux country adventures of horse pastures.

Aloof Robin – Photo: L. Weikel


What’s Next – Day 452

The Way Ahead – Photo: L. Weikel

What’s Next

If you’d asked me that question two months ago, I wouldn’t have had a definitive answer. No one knows exactly what’s coming next. But I would’ve felt reasonably confident of the trajectory of the handful of things in my life I consider to be most important.

Imagine my surprise, then, to discover that a couple of situations and relationships I might’ve considered ‘sure things’ in my life – aren’t.

Everyone reading this has probably encountered at least one instance in life (or more, if unlucky or, perhaps as in my case, naïve) when you’re motoring along, doing your best to pay attention to the signs and signals in life, thinking or hoping you’re living each day with greater insight and sensitivity, when suddenly you’re walloped.

You don’t see it coming. You’re blind-sided. One or more relationships you trusted, cultivated, and nurtured suddenly burst and scatter to the wind like a puff of breath explodes a dandelion gone to seed.

The Way Forward

When that happens, it’s hard to know what your next steps are. The way ahead is murky. Foggy. Unclear. The seeds, scattered, no longer form the beauty of that dandelion puff you held so lovingly in your hand.

And that’s when having faith kicks in. Knowing that if I follow my heart, step by step, the way will become clear.

I know I’m on the right path.

Perhaps I just need to find better companions.

Photo: L. Weikel


Fog – Day 429

Foggy night – Photo: L. Weikel


As within so without.

In the vicinity of my home, a couple of alerts have gone out this evening warning of the presence of heavy fog.

It’s true. It’s thick out there.

Just now, I went out on my porch and took a shot at trying to capture the fog on my phone’s camera. The result is above.

The weather has been downright weird for about a week now. And life in general has struggled to mirror it. Things feel out of balance; skewed. Shrouded in obfuscation.


The opposite of encountering a fog bank, I’d venture to guess, is a condition of crystal clarity, when everything within eyesight is discernible in high resolution perfection.

What happens when we encounter a fog bank? We’re pressed to rely on other senses. Not so easy when one is driving a car. But easier, somewhat, if standing around or walking in the thick. Our ears prick up. Our skin tingles. We rely less on sight for clarity and more on an overall bodily sensing.

This post is a bit foggy, I’ll admit. I’m trying to locate some other senses through which I can discern some clarity, but am finding only the desire to sleep.

I was surprised, when I went outside to take in the fog, to see a bunny hop out from the dripping hosta carcasses and scamper onto my driveway. It’s not common to see rabbits this time of year. Even less common to see them well past midnight in the dead of a January fog.

Playing with fire, I’d say. That rabbit could easily become owl food if it’s not careful.

Caught him! But where’s the fog? Weird – Photo: L.Weikel
