Keeping It Light – Day 913

Yet another Ent – Photo: L. Weikel

Keeping It Light

Those of you who faithfully read my posts each day (and who will never truly know how much they’re appreciated) are probably noticing my recent dedication to keeping it light. I know; I write a lot about clouds and messengers, flowers and weather – and I throw some musings on stars and the moon in as well – both astronomically and astrologically.

I’ve made a point of not delving too deeply into politics – especially since the insurrection of January 6th. I’m trusting (perhaps naively) that the truth will ultimately be revealed and consequences will be reaped. The last thing I think any of us want or need (especially if you happen to catch my posts first thing in the morning) is me holding forth on issues that feel as though they’re in the process of resolution.

I’m just happy and relieved beyond measure that our country feels like it’s moving forward again. In spite of all the vitriol that continues to spew from certain factions, overall, I sense an energetic shift has taken place and we’re no longer spinning our wheels (and splattering mud all over anything unlucky enough to be near us).

Things May Be Changing

Well, that unofficial silence on controversial matters may soon be coming to an end. Not that I’m planning on railing about any one thing or another (at least I don’t intend to at the moment)– we all know that’s subject to change at the drop of a hat. But I do have a strong sense that our hiatus of attempting to resume even a remote sense of normalcy is about to become profoundly disrupted yet again.

It’s interesting. I’ve had a few of my closest friends and associates contact me lately to ask if I (too) can feel the shift in the air. Something’s building, something’s growing, and yes, something’s becoming more and more unsettled. The question is not whether we can avoid it (we can’t). It seems to me the very best thing we can do right now is look at the patterns unfolding around us, watch what’s happening not only in our personal lives but across the country and the world, and heighten our awareness of it all. Now is not the time to be anesthetizing ourselves with any of our most common distractions: work, beer, tv, wine, video games, pot (depending upon where you live).

Not to say we can’t indulge – but it behooves us to keep at least one foot on the floor in the coming days, because it’s going to become increasingly easy to become unmoored.

Look out – Photo: L. Weikel

The Astrology

I listened to this podcast the other day. In it, Rick Levine lays out the aspects and implications of so many of the configurations so clearly that I simply must recommend it. I know it’s long (it’s about 90 minutes), but the podcast addresses what we should stay alert for over the next month extremely well. I’ll admit it: I’ve listened to it a couple of times on my most recent walks, and I’ve used the rewind button liberally. I feel like I’ve learned a ton in this particular podcast. And just between the first time I listened (four days or so ago) and now, events are unfolding that only serve to confirm the influences referenced.

This is fascinating stuff. It behooves us to pay attention. Life is so much richer when we have some sense of what’s happening all around us and what we can and can’t influence.

Holding our centers and maintaining enough awareness about what’s going on around us that we’re not blindsided by external events can make all the difference in the world.

Clouds and Trees and Familiars

Give a listen to this podcast. Pay attention to what’s going on. But take some time every single day to revel in some beautiful clouds or the appearance of an Ent on your walk or the adoring gaze of a pet. It’s the little stuff that keeps us going when the big stuff becomes too intense.

What’s happening here? – Photo: L. Weikel


Tree Beings – Day 895

Tree Gnome – Photo: L. Weikel

Tree Beings

It’s been a long time since we took a walk like the one we took this evening. It wasn’t so much the walk itself but rather the Tree Beings that appeared along the way that made it an especially magical time.

All the way along, but most noticeably just as the sun was setting (of course, because that is a most numinous time of day), the personalities of some of the trees became particularly expressive. Mind you, these are trees we walk by all the time, but rarely take particular note of their essences. One after the other tonight, though, their personalities, expressions, and temperaments became glaringly obvious.

Perhaps it was all a function of my own mindset. While that’s certainly a possibility, I tend to doubt it. And the reason I doubt it is because I was nursing a most skeptical mindset this afternoon and early evening. I have to say: I was not in the ‘mood’ to be seeing a bunch of different tree personalities making their presence known to me.

If nothing else, my cranky self wondered aloud, “Why are all of you appearing tonight? What’s the point? Is there a message?”

Tree Diva – Kiss Me, You Fool! – Photo: L. Weikel

Being Of Service

Actually, I just got a remarkably clear message as I wrote the above paragraph. This did not occur to me even once as we walked, nor did I consider it as I began this post.

They were doing me a solid. These Tree Beings, Ents (if you will), were coming out of their usual camouflaged stances and willingly making themselves patently obvious with the specific intention of giving me something to photograph and write about.

It never occurred to me until just this moment that when we set off to take our walk tonight the sky had clouded over and a pall of yellowish-brown haze had settled over the area. It was a dismal walk indeed. Not even the hint of a remotely attractive sunset was up for discussion.

So I’m going to show my appreciation for their fine service and post their photos.

There were so many more than just these three. But for now, they will be the stars of my evening show.

Dour Professor Tree – Photo: L. Weikel

For the Record

For the record, I want it known far and wide that I am thrilled these Beings revealed themselves to me tonight. And I want to thank them for their service in entertaining all of us.


I Love Ents – Day 561

Some Have Birds As Makeup Artists – Photo: L. Weikel

I Love Ents

I love Ents. They were one of my favorite parts of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I can remember how I felt when I first read about them. It felt so natural to imagine discovering the wonder of suddenly finding myself amidst massive trees revealing their slow moving, but deliberately sentient, selves. It was thrilling and magical.

And I thought the depiction of them in the movies was pretty great. It’s not always a given that something that lives so vividly in one’s mind when reading a book gets translated onto the screen accurately.

So I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I am prone to Seeing the personalities of certain trees reveal themselves – trees that are, perhaps, a bit more self-aware (or at least self-revelatory) than their brothers and sisters.

No Two Alike

They come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities, of course. Because no self-respecting Ent would be a clone of another. Dare I say, there are precious few creatures on Mother Earth that are not absolutely and utterly unique unto themselves – even if they do bear a huge resemblance to their siblings. (Anyone who has searched high and low for the perfect Christmas tree knows what I’m talking about. They’ve all got their own quirks and precious beauty.)

I’ve noticed a most striking creature revealing its true nature lately. Now that it is leafing out, its outstretched arms are alight with bursts of leaves making it look as if it’s holding pom-poms, its ‘head’ a wild, tangled mess not unlike the mop top I’m currently sporting.

This gorgeous Ent begged to have its photo taken today, so I obliged.

Booga Booga! Shaking Its Leaves At Me – Photo: L. Weikel

Some Are More Subtle Than Others

Which made me hunt for a few others I’ve photographed in the past. I include them here for comparison’s sake. Not as in, “Who is the most beautiful Ent in the neighborhood” type of comparison. Rather, “Let us revel in the diversity of expression the local Standing Tall People display to us on a daily basis.”

I’m actually sure I’ve taken other photos of Tree Beings I’ve glimpsed in our walks. Perhaps I will try to track more of them down.

But for now, I invite you to witness a few of our ‘neighbors.’ Surely you have some in your environs as well.

Crank Monster – Photo: L. Weikel
