Man, I sure can tell Mercury Retrograde is having its way with me this evening.
If this post looks weird (not solely due to its probable lack of any photos), it’s because a couple of factors are coming together to create a whirlpool of irritating hurdles to fulfilling my 1111 Devotion.
First of all, our electricity has been out for at least three hours or so.
Second of all, although I have written and posted before via my WordPress app on my phone (namely over the recent wedding weekend), my iPhone spontaneously installed an upgraded operating system the other day and totally changed a BUNCH of things. (This occurrence in and of itself almost yielded a rant-post.) But no…tonight I discover this “update,” “upgrade,” or whatever you want to call it actually wiped out some of my apps! And of course – you know it – WordPress is one of them.
Perils of Rural Living
Most of us are spoiled. We pick up our phones and no matter where we are, we expect reasonable cell service. It may not be wi-fi fast, but it’s usually half decent. Well, not if you live in the country. I often have to go to a room on the top floor of the house to get good enough reception not to randomly drop a call (although reception still may go in and out). Sitting here at this moment beside my fireplace, for instance, I have one damn bar of LTE service. UGH.
You can imagine, then, the length of time it took to download the WordPress app back down from the cloud. Frankly, I’m amazed it’s actually back on my phone in time for me to write this.
So here I am, looking at this ‘version’ of WordPress, and I swear to you, IT LOOKS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THAN THE SET UP I USED A MERE THREE WEEKS AGO. What is UP with this!? I want to scream. I feel like I’m being forced to reinvent the wheel (in my head) every time I try to get something accomplished.
And just…WHO KNOWS if I’m going to have enough oomph in my cell service (miracle of miracles, I DO have some decent battery life left in my phone) to upload a photo or two? And as an aside? I have no idea how to add a photo to this post – because of the completely different set-up. Ermagod.
A Reprieve For You
Probably the most fortunate beneficiaries of my electronic-related aggravation are you, my wonderful, caring, patient, stressed-out readers. Just think: at least you were spared a missive from me referencing anything remotely related to ONLY THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN OUR LIFETIMES the day after tomorrow.
Have a great election eve, my friends. And yes, I am including my readers from afar, because let’s face it: this election has world-wide ramifications. We Americans better not screw this up a second time. I fear there won’t be any more opportunities for a ‘do-over’ if we let this slip through our fingers.
P.S.: All I can say is, I’m sure glad this loss of electricity didn’t occur the day after tomorrow…what with our electronic machines and everything. (OMG.)