Timely Reminder – Day 578

Turtle Girl – Photo: L. Weikel

Timely Reminder

Many of us are encountering opportunities to reflect upon our beliefs, review the paths we’ve taken to arrive where we are, and potentially take steps to restructure our lives if they no longer suit us or reflect who we are (or aspire to be). We’re contemplating the seeds we choose to plant for our future. In that regard, I was given a timely reminder of something we should all bear in mind as we take steps to cultivate our futures.

I, for one, am rarely fully satisfied with all aspects of my life. Sometimes I’m happier with my life choices than others. But usually I’m reflecting in my journal on what I could be improving or where I’d like to be heading as far as my next challenge. I tend to thrive when I both love what I’m doing, but also have a challenge on my horizon; something new to learn or an idea to develop.

Often, such aspirations need to be planted and allowed to grow at their own pace, fed by research and reflection, connections and inspiration. Another analogy that can be made to this process is building a nest and laying an egg (or a couple of eggs). Actually, the eggs are only (or maybe I should say ‘all’) potential. They require time and tending to become something new and of substance.


The other day, Karl and I happened upon our first Eastern Box Turtle of the season. As you can see from the photo above, she’s a beauty.

When we encountered her, she was directly underneath the mailbox of one of our neighbors. And while I was relieved and delighted that she wasn’t on the road when we discovered her, I was a bit dismayed at what it appears she was doing.

It looked to me as though she was digging a hole in which to lay her eggs. See for yourself in the photo below.

Of course, I didn’t disturb her at all or dissuade her from her task. That’s not for me to decide for her. (OK, perhaps I did annoy her a little when I stuck my phone in front of her face to snap her photo; but I maintain this was but a minor irritant!)

But it was in her choice of where to build her nest and lay her eggs that got me thinking. It’s important how we take care of the ideas we have. It’s critical that we take care of those nascent thoughts and not-yet-developed seeds of inspiration. She brought me a timely reminder to be careful with the results of all the reflections we’re engaging in and the choices we’re making. These are precious realizations and aspirations. They need to be protected and nurtured until just the right time arrives to introduce them to the world.

Making a nest? Laying her eggs? – Photo: L. Weikel


No Excuses – Day 197

Irises along Tory Road – Photo: L. Weikel

No Excuses   

The weather on this Memorial Day was so exquisitely perfect, I was left with no excuses not to renew my commitment to walking.

Karl was particularly supportive this morning. He suggested that we walk as soon as we finished drinking our coffee and picking our cards this morning. I was touched by his enthusiasm.

A cool breeze ruffled wisps of our hair into our eyes as we set out, the sun shining but not yet burning. Even Sheila trotted gamely along the roadside, getting sidetracked by tall grasses, butterflies, and many a marker left by fellow four legged travelers.


The worst part about our walk was the traffic. We try to find joy in the fact that so many people are coming to the state and county parks that surround us because we know how essential it is for all of us to feed our souls with connection to Mother Nature. But wow.

Sometimes it really seems like people have their heads somewhere else. (I’m being kind in my description.) We – meaning Karl, Sheila, Spartacus, and I – can be completely off the road when a car approaches, with no cars coming the other direction, and still they seem to not even think that they should give us a wide berth and perhaps slow down to, say, the speed limit (since most people speed on country roads).

Add to that mix the many bicyclists who were out today and you may understand why we were so relieved to get home, in spite of the beauty and serenity of our walk (between cars).

Many Sharing the Road – Including…

Beyond the simple beauty of the day and the joy of walking together, and in spite of the traffic, we did encounter a wonderful box turtle. For a moment, I was afraid for what we might witness: I spotted her just as we were being passed by one car from behind. I saw a bicyclist coming toward us (and the turtle), and another car, also coming toward us, was waiting behind the cyclist for the car that passed us to pass them. (It sounds confusing, but I wanted to capture the confluence of actors in this potentially perilous scene!)

This girl, at least I think she’s a she, was in between all of us. And quite frankly, I’m afraid we may have been the only ones aware of her presence.

Eastern Box Turtle – Photo: L. Weikel

I’m pretty sure this is our first Box Turtle discovery of the 2019 season. My heart leapt into my throat when I realized the vortex of us, cars, bicycles, and turtles that was swirling and playing out before our eyes. But all resolved safely for everyone.

My feet and legs are a little bit sore at the moment, but the 6.5 miles I managed to walk today were worth it. There’s something to this walking thing. I’m still not quite sure yet what, but I know it feels important to me on a fundamental level.
