ND #136 – Last Total Lunar Eclipse

Closeup of the last total lunar eclipse which occurred on 16 May 2022 – Photo: L. Weikel

Last Total Lunar Eclipse

I couldn’t get ‘you guys’ out of my head as I took a walk this evening. Observing the waxing gibbous moon snuggling up to Jupiter, both bright as headlights in the sky, my thoughts turned to the total lunar eclipse we’ll be experiencing at 5:59 a.m. (EST) this Tuesday. This will be the last total lunar eclipse until 2025, which feels significant. Good grief, it’s hard to imagine the geopolitical circumstances under which we’ll (hopefully) be experiencing that celestial event.

So we might as well look up and appreciate this one. For those of you in the eastern Pennsylvania region, here is a nifty link.


Waxing Moon Flirting with Jupiter 4Nov22 – Photo: L. Weikel


We all know how momentous this Tuesday, November 8, 2022, will be for all of us. Of course, I’m speaking to all citizens of the United States – but I’m especially looking at you, fellow women (and those who identify as female). If we don’t step up now and take responsibility for ensuring our bodily sovereignty by voting for those who will protect and defend our rights as equal citizens, we could easily find ourselves living in a Christofascist hellscape by the next total lunar eclipse.

I can only hope that we learned our lesson in 2016. As shell-shocked and pit-in-the-stomach terrified we felt at the result of that election six years ago, I’m pretty confident few of us would’ve predicted the tidal wave of misogyny, racism, antisemitism, outright cruelty, and insanity that would nearly drown our country in its wake. But here we are.

And of course, the momentous nature of our election impacts the rest of the world, too. “With great power comes great responsibility,” which means our responsibility to not only vote but also stand up for democracy and the rule of law extends beyond our own precious lives. The fate of many hang in the balance of how we respond to the myriad shameless attacks being made against facts, truth, and reality. We are responsible not only for ourselves and our country, but also the myriad countries that rely on us as an ally and role model. Perhaps most importantly, the consequences of our election will impact the very planet on which we all live and depend.

Last Total Lunar Eclipse (May 2022) – Photo: L. Weikel

A Perfect Storm

It’s no secret that circumstances are such that a perfect storm is brewing on both an emotional and ideological level. That’s why the fact that our turmoil is mirrored in the sky takes on even more chilling significance.

There’s the total lunar eclipse (with eclipses often providing jarring, unexpected revelations and reactions).And we’re still experiencing the final ‘pass’ of the Saturn squaring Uranus configuration that we experienced three times in 2021. You may recall Saturn is associated with rules, foundations, and tradition, while Uranus is often thought of as revolutionary, unpredictable, a disrupter of the status quo, and an innovator of lightning-quick change.

Too much of either energy can lead to unintended and chaotic results. And we’re pretty much assured that we’ll experience both, at least in the short term. We can only hope (and set our intentions) that balance can and will be achieved sooner rather than later. We had our warning on January 6th. Shame on us If something similar unfolds as a result of this election. There’s no excuse for us not to see it coming.

Our Best Strategy

As always, our best strategy is to keep our own centers and allow our sense of calm, faith in our system, and peaceful respect for ourselves and each other to ripple out into our environment. When challenged, we need to feel our feet connecting to Mother Earth, reminding us of who we are and why we care. We also need to look up, and remember that while the Earth may be causing the moon to be in dusky, blood-red shadow for a moment, this will pass.

What matters is that we hold firm to our values and the common good of all, including Nature and Mother Earth. We must stand strong for each other, ourselves, and our ancestors – those who’ve passed and those who will inherit the results of our decisions today. Remember to keep looking up, my friends; no matter what. The next seven generations are depend upon us.


Standstill – ND #49

My most recent copy of The Book of Runes* by Ralph Blum


I love when I start a post having no idea where it’s going (indeed, if it’s going anywhere), only to have something quite unexpected spontaneously appear. That’s what happened last night, when I had the image and name of a rune – Isa – ‘Standstill’ – practically show up and do a tap dance on my laptop.

I yearned to write something interesting last night, or at least descriptive of the weird feelings I was having, yet none of my ‘go-to’ divinatory tools appealed to me. I tried a couple of different types of decks and as I sat holding them in my hands, I kept getting a clear, “No.”

And so I sort of wrote around my feelings (which haven’t abated much, yet, I’m sad to report) until – boom! – a very specific rune demanded my mind’s attention.


I haven’t gone back into my journals today to get specifics, but it is quite possible that Karl and I picked Runes on our walks even before we began choosing Medicine Cards*. I remember buying our first set of Runes (included with The Book of Runes* by Ralph Blum) back at Sagittarius Books. We probably ended up owning half the inventory of that gem of inner transformation tucked away in an alley in New Hope. I can honestly say that bookstore was the lifeline that fed my soul and opened me up to the life I knew I wanted and needed to live. I miss it.

Actually, I’m sure our consistent use of Runes pre-dated our work with the Medicine Cards* because I now recall picking a Rune – Hagalaz – on the day I took a huge tumble, face-first, into a local creek. I wrote about that experience and what unfolded in our lives afterward, in my book, Owl Medicine*.

I guess I’m mentioning all of this because I am fascinated by how I plucked the name of the Rune that appeared in my mind’s eye last night out of thin air – or at least the wisps of memory. It’s been years since I worked with them.

Last Night’s Runic Appearance

While I felt quite certain that just the acknowledgment of the keyword associated with this Rune, Standstill, hit the nail on the head of what I felt I’m experiencing (rather ungracefully), I almost gasped when I once again read the explanation of Isa in The Book of Runes by Ralph Blum. And I have to share it with you:

Isa – Standstill/That Which Impedes/Ice

“The winter of the spiritual life is upon you. You may find yourself entangled in a situation to whose implications you are, in effect, blind. You may be powerless to do anything except submit, surrender, even sacrifice some long-cherished desire. Be patient, for this is the period of gestation that precedes a birth.

Positive accomplishment is unlikely now. There is a freeze on useful activity, all your plans are on hold. You may be experiencing an unaccustomed drain on your energy and wonder why: A chill wind is reaching you over the ice floes of old outmoded habits.

Trying to hold on can result in shallowness of feeling, a sense of being out of touch with life. Seek to discover what it is you are holding onto that keeps this condition in effect, and let go. Shed, release, cleanse away the old. That will bring on the thaw.

Usually Isa requires a sacrifice of the personal, the ‘I.’ And yet there is no reason for anxiety. Submit and be still, for what you are experiencing is not necessarily the result of your actions or habits, but of the conditions of the time against which you can do nothing. What has been full must empty; what has increased must decrease. This is the way of Heaven and Earth. To surrender is to display courage and wisdom.

At such a time, do not hope to rely on help or friendly support. In your isolation, exercise caution and do not stubbornly persist in attempting to work your will. Remain mindful that the seed of the new is present in the shell of the old, the seed of unrealized potential, the seed of the good. Trust your own process, and watch for signs of spring.”

My Take

Whoa. Nailed it. Lots and lots to contemplate.

*affiliate link


Big Week – ND #10

Initiation – Witches’ Wisdom Tarot* by Phyllis Curott

Big Week

From the full moon tomorrow (Saturday) night at 11:35 p.m. EST to the final Saturn square Uranus of the year next Thursday (23 December 2021), and a myriad other somewhat provocative aspects, this could prove to be an especially challenging several days. I’d say we definitely have a big week coming up. And while we’ll probably witness the foundational disruptions most dramatically in the ‘outside world,’ many of us will also experience this grand finale to our calendar year personally, as well.

You may recall that the theme of 2021 was pretty well set by the unusual circumstance of Saturn squaring (being in a 90 degree aspect to) Uranus not only once but three distinct times this year. The first one occurred in February (17th), the second in June (14th), and now this final one next week (the 23rd//24th). And to think, this specific tango between Saturn and Uranus only occurs once every 22 years.

As I understand it, usually this square happens once in its cycle. The fact that it happened three times this year (due to retrograde motion of the planets) made this struggle or challenge occurring between the old and the new all the more powerful, acute, and, well, potentially utterly transformational (or devastating, depending upon your perspective).

The fundamental natures of these two huge outer planets and how they’re in a challenging position with each other indicated that we would all be faced with taking stock of our core values and other foundational aspects of our lives. And along with that, challenged to allow those foundations to suddenly collapse or explode (the lightning-like, disruptive aspect of Uranus).


On a societal level, all year we’ve been challenged to look at how the systems upon which our nation is built may be unstable and in need of reform or even complete rebuilding. It’s not been easy and there is a ton of resistance to even believing that our three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) might have become corrupted over the years. But we’ve seen a lot this year. And the Uranian energies of illumination, revelation, and radical transformation just keep pounding on the doors of our consciousness.

My sense (and I’m the first to admit, I’m no amazing ‘seer,’ I’m simply paying attention) is that we’re in for a lot more disruption before we stabilize.

Personal Ramifications

While what happens on a national level (or even state or local level) affects us all, especially when we’re talking about the underpinnings of our very democracy, the fact remains that many people are also experiencing radical transformations to their foundations on a personal level. From the ravaging effects of Covid (we reached the awful level of 800,000 deaths this week) to the decimation of voting rights and the right for women to have bodily autonomy, our assumptions about the permanence and stability of our health or our rights in this country have been blown up. Right down to the thousands of people who literally had their homes ripped up and spit out by monster tornadoes. Things we believed stable and rock solid have been proved otherwise.


So like I did back in May, just before the second Saturn square Uranus, I’m going to pick a card tonight for us to contemplate and reflect upon over the coming week. (I recommend you check out the card I chose for that post. It’s interesting to read it, knowing how things have played out so far.)

Oddly, the deck I chose from in May (Tarot of the Crone) has gone missing for the moment. (I know it’s around here somewhere – aargh! I’m so frustrated.) But I take my inability to locate that deck as a push to choose from another deck. So here goes. I’m choosing from a deck I’ve been working with all year: Witches’ Wisdom Tarot* by Phyllis Curott.

Initiation – Witches’ Wisdom Tarot* by Phyllis Curott


Wisdom: There’s an ancient path for becoming human, for finding freedom and our own selves; there’s a way to heal and to become whole, to discover who we are, where we are, and why we’re here. From the moment of our first awakening, we have created rites of revelation, Initiations into the Mysteries hiding in plain sight.

(…) Trees stir and breathe. Birds sing in their branches as the leaves rustle and dance. The Pilgrim kneels beside a stream to drink, washes her face, sees herself reflected in the Water cupped in her hands. A sign of her quest hangs from her neck, five seed-shaped spaces waiting to be filled. A Crow plucks off her hat, two Fox cubs play and tear at her pack, a Badger carries her past away.

The path leads down, deep beneath the surface, and inward to the very center of her soul. Those who are becoming wise willingly descend, ready to be unmade in order to be made again. It’s time for unburdening, for cleansing the unreal and unwanted, for shedding all that separates you from your sacred self, from the Sacred that surrounds, sustains, and summons you. It’s time to di and be reborn.


Essence: Purification. Initiation. Trust. Let go of the past. Go within. Plunge into the unknown.

Counsel: What’s behind you? What are you carrying with you? What do you need to unpack? To leave behind? Life will initiate you, and when that journey begins, you must be ready to confront the emptiness of a socially dictated life and the constraints of family conditioning. You must face your fears and self-doubts, your shadows and your ‘kark’ side. You must release what imprisons you. It’s difficult, but it’s joyful. It begins with a single step,a leap of faith that although the old will fall away, something new, true, and beautiful will take its place. Plunge into the Water, into the cave. Plunge into your life. Everything will teach you, once you are open.

My Take

We can’t make this stuff up, my friends.

Buckle up. Let’s do this work: and remember we’re doing it together – and we have each other.

* Affiliate link


Intensity Building – Day 1059

NOT the moon tonight! (It’s invisible) Photo: L. Weikel

Intensity Building

I know you can feel it too. It’s not just me – or a few friends of mine – who’re feeling the level of intensity building nigh well everywhere.

Part of the issue, as I wrote last night, has to do with the new moon in Libra occurring tomorrow morning (perhaps even as you read this!). It’s looking like it’s going to be a doozy. Or more accurately, I’m hearing from others that it’s going to be an intense month.

But there’s even more stuff going on ‘out there’ this week that bears having attention paid. One of those aspects is also playing out tomorrow (along with that new moon) and that is the fact that Pluto is stationing direct. Pluto tends to spend about half of any given year moving ‘direct’ and half moving ‘retrograde.’ And it’s such a slow moving planet that just in ‘slowing down,’ stopping, and then moving forward again takes many days. So the effects tend to be long, drawn out, and deeply…disruptive. Especially with Pluto. Luckily, that disruption often leads to experiencing profound transformation (from the deepest levels).

Given the recent eruptions (as in, from the Underworld – where Pluto rules) of explosive allegations regarding FB, I’m thinking there will be a lot astounding details coming out not only about that debacle but also a ton more revelations in our ‘news cycles’ over the next few days.

Saturn Also Getting In On the Act

On Sunday, Saturn stations direct, meaning, in this case, it stops traveling retrograde* and hits the spot where it will momentarily stand still (and then turn direct) as well. As Saturn is yet another huge ‘outer’ planet, this transit also wields a lot more power and influence over our lives than we would like to think. And remember, Saturn is the planet that governs structures, government, foundations.

What’s really wild is that aspects between planets are occurring this week that were around when Covid first hit our shores. Will something else of equal or even more society-shifting/disrupting potential ‘come out’ this week? I guess we’ll see.

In the meantime, I know I suggested you listen to the astrological forecast for the month by Rick Levine just last night. But it’s meaty and, indeed, as my friend Wendy pointed out in a comment to the blog post as shared on FB, she listened and felt she needed to take notes. Join the club! His comments resonated with a lot of what I’ve not only been experiencing myself, but also what I’ve observed others enduring. I’ve definitely taken notes and noted certain aspects on my calendar when listening to him.

Another Forecast

Well, fear not. I’m not going to leave you high and dry in the face of this week’s potentially extremely uncomfortable aspects, either. I wouldn’t be sharing this if I didn’t think we could all benefit from maintaining awareness of what’s going on around us – and perhaps even more importantly, what’s influencing the behavior of so many people around us.

Accordingly, I recommend you listen to this ‘Weekly Astrological Weather’ forecast by Anne Ortelee on Astrology Hub. It’s worth your time – if for no other reason than to give you reason to scratch your head and say, “Huh. Go figure,” as we watch stuff unfold over the next several days.

* It’s always good to remember that retrograde movement is an optical illusion. No planet literally moves backwards in its orbit around the sun. But that doesn’t mean the energetic shift associated with our perception isn’t powerfully significant for us.


Intense Days Ahead – Day 352

Intense Sunset – Photo: L. Weikel

Intense Days Ahead 

There’s a lot going on in the cosmos right now. Intense ‘aspects’ between planets that, traditionally, are associated with sudden, intense disruptions, rules and norms, and discipline, to name only a few.

Obviously, so much is being played out on the national and world stage.

But I’m also seeing it play out in our day-to-day lives.

Intensity. Change. Disruption.

Dare I say…chaos.

This is a short post. I want to write more on this subject, but now is not the time. Perhaps tomorrow will bear more fruit.

In the meantime, I want to share with you some glimpses of the intensity so many of us are feeling, as reflected in the sunset.

Hang in there. You’re not alone.

Sunset River of Light – Photo: L. Weikel
