Hang in There – ND #141

Hang in There! – Photo: L. Weikel

Hang in There

My most recent post was written as a ‘heads up’ to all of us that change is afoot, and that change is reflected in the stars. Not just incremental shifts, either. My sense is that we’re on the cusp of some dramatic – dare I say revolutionary – transformations in circumstances globally, nationally, and personally. And today, while managing to wedge in a walk between raindrops, I discovered a message for all of us as we navigate these times: hang in there.

As I’ve mentioned before, when tracking the movement of planets and their impact upon our lives here on Earth, it’s important to take into consideration the size of the planets involved and the length of their orbits around the sun. For instance, Pluto’s orbit around the sun takes approximately 248 years. Saturn’s orbit takes approximately 28.5 years and Jupiter’s 12 years. Mercury, meanwhile, zips around the sun in just 88 days, Venus in 225 days, and Mars in just shy of two years.

And we all know the moon, while not a planet, does profoundly influence the water on our planet every single day, causing the tides. It only stands to reason that its gravitational pull influences the water in our bodies, as well, as we’re comprised of 98% water. For some (perhaps many) people, that impact is experienced as a fluctuation of emotions.

It stands to reason that the more rapidly moving planets (and the moon) tend to impact us on a more personal, fleeting level. The big guys, the ones that haul their massive, voluminous bodies around the sun in far longer, more ponderous orbits, tend to yield longer-term and more profound impacts upon all of us. These influences are often reflected on more of a societal or planetary level as well as impacting us personally.

Personal vs. Impersonal

The planets that have the most tangible and observable impact upon us on a day-to-day basis are called the ‘personal’ planets: Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Jupiter and Saturn are both so large that their presence and movements wield a lot of power on us both personally and globally, and are thus often considered ‘transpersonal’ planets. Saturn is also the last planet we’re able to glimpse with the naked eye, so in a sense, Saturn represents a boundary. It demarcates the line between the personal and the impersonal planets.

When the so-called impersonal planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto shift their position around the sun and thus their relationship to us, the results might be likened to the impact of glaciers on the Earth’s surface. Slow, inexorable movement that has the capacity to literally move, remove, or create mountains. But the planetary movements, at least, are not taking thousands of years. (We’ll save that for a discussion on the precession of the equinoxes, as our solar system makes its way around the galactic center.)

Waxing Moon 26 March 2023 – Photo: L. Weikel

What Is My Point?

I didn’t intend to go down this rabbit hole again, but every time I try to explain it in a blog post it makes more sense to me. I hope it’s a little helpful to those of you who, like me, aren’t astrologers either.

My point in bringing all of this up again is that it’s no coincidence that we’re witnessing major democratic challenges and uprisings all over the world. I’ve mentioned before that, as a country, the United States is experiencing its ‘Pluto return.’ That means Pluto has completed its orbit around the sun and is generally back where it was in the sky at the time of our revolution.

And how interesting is it when we look at the upheaval and protests in France. Gee, they’re also experiencing their Pluto return.

Globally, there has been a resurgence of autocratic, strongman politics. Just this month, however, there have been gigantic protests by masses of people in the countries of Georgia and, most recently, Israel, shutting down attempts by fascists to seize control of their countries.

Hang in there (closeup) – Photo: L. Weikel

Our Turn

And here we are. Whether it’s a result of the refusal of elected officials to enact legislation (desired by overwhelming majorities in both parties) to reduce the nauseating slaughter of children and adults in mass shootings or the insanity of the Republican party’s efforts to seize control over our judiciary, we too are being forced to take a stand. The pressure has been building slowly, inexorably, not unlike the pressure exerted by glaciers – or underneath volcanoes. Or perhaps the slow and cyclic movement of the impersonal planets.

We the people are being forced to take to the streets by those who refuse to respect democratic principles. In overwhelming and unmistakable numbers so great as to be impossible to ignore, we must demand transformation. The old ways of doing things will no longer stand. Greed, selfishness, and apathy cannot, must not, continue to hold sway in Congress or in our populace.

These profound global changes are reflected in the movement of the outer, impersonal planets. And through various aspects to each other, they’re working in concert to bring us to a place where we finally open our eyes and ears and realize we must save ourselves (and our children).

As the events unfold, let’s remember the message I saw in the body of that tree earlier today:Hang in there, my friends!

We must believe in ourselves and each other. We hold the inherent power to create the country and world we’ve always believed in.

ND #141

Squinting Into the Future – Day 1086

Squinting For Sure – Photo: L. Weikel

Squinting Into the Future

Tonight’s post is one of my short ones. Ha ha – I say that, and I haven’t even written it yet. But I speak with confidence and believe my squinting into the future is accurate because because I’m sitting here, covered in warm snoring puppies, unable to keep my eyes open.

And tonight, while I would love to shake the cobwebs from my head and do whatever it takes to gain my second wind, I must refrain. No; I must do what I must to fulfill my commitment to my 1111 Devotion, but I also have a responsibility to be awake and aware tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn. So I need to get to bed.

Rare Sighting

The primary photo for this post contains a rare sighting of yours truly. I tend to be the one behind the camera far more often than in front of it, and I’d much prefer to post photos of anything else.

But the message conveyed on my mask (hat tip to my middle son, who actually owns this mask) is the reason why I must succumb to slumber far earlier than usual. As I’ve written about in the past, a very small contribution I’m happy to make to upholding and facilitating our democratic ideals is serving as an election official at our local polling place. And since my colleagues and I need to get everything set up and ready to throw our doors open to the maddening throngs of neighbors exercising their franchise by 7:00 a.m., I need to get bed earlier than usual.

And I’m tired.

My Message

If you live in a state (or commonwealth) that’s having elections tomorrow, I entreat you: please vote. Our elections have never been more safe or secure, yet far too many people in our country are operating under the illusion that fraud is rampant.

It is not.

Our machines are safe. Our elections are safe. The people with whom I work, and have worked for decades, are people with integrity and a passion for (small d) democracy. We care about the preciousness of everyone’s vote.

But we must exercise our right to vote if we’re going to keep that right. And nothing could be more important than taking a stand for free and fair elections. So please: take a stand for truth and integrity. Take a stand for the Earth. Take a stand for our children and their right to a free, well-rounded, public education. Take a stand for equality and inclusiveness.

Do not make the mistake of assuming that we’ll always have the rights and privileges we enjoy at this moment. If we don’t use our right to vote, we could easily lose it.


Pacha and Brutus Approve This Message – Photo: L. Weikel


Unsettled – Day 1061

Unsettled Weather – Photo: L. Weikel


Things felt weird tonight. We had one of the Shamanic Caravan ‘Wagons’ I offer (usually twice a week), and the journeys described by almost everyone attending yielded unexpected, disappointing, or unsettled results. Most of the participants felt a bit ‘off.’

Given the celestial influences bombarding all of us on the planet and the odd energy most of us felt this evening in our Wagon, I thought I would ask for some guidance from the Crone. It seems to me that her wisdom could come in handy as life becomes a bit more intense. Things are roiling just below the surface, it seems to me. And it will soon become impossible to ‘keep a lid’ on it any longer. Again.

Three of Swords – Tarot of the Crone by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince

Top Card

“Three of Swords – Inspiration

Within confusion
I find my way
I find a place to discover
Thoughts greater than my own

Thee blades of light strike the head of a figure, cutting and flashing through her to create a footpath in a dark and mysterious landscape. The principle of creation in the realm of mind becomes inspiration. This is the lightning flash, the intake of breath, the birth of a new awareness. Look for a light that shines in the darkness; follow the vision that beckons you on to bigger things. For it is the compelling image of the mountain seen at a distance that gievs you the idea the mountain can be reached at all.”

Shadow of Cups – Tarot of the Crone by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince

Underneath/Foundation Card

“Shadow of Cups – Drowning

All I feel
Is all I am
And I am
No more

A naked figure hangs unmoving in dark waters. Shadow in the suit of Cups is drowning and dissolution. A powerful emotion has flooded all boundaries, broken down all solid ground. Your behavior may or may not be passive at this time, but your soul is. Inside you are sinking, accepting obsession, heaviness and darkness. Allowing one thing to comprise your entire life and denying yourself a separate identity. It could be it’s time for this and you need to rest here until some understanding is found. Just take care you don’t lose yourself in this forever.”

My Take

I just want to let out a huge sigh. Not a sigh of relief necessarily, although I guess I’m glad the order of these two cards weren’t reversed. More a sigh of mixed sadness, hope, and exhaustion.

The foundational (underneath) card, “Drowning,” holds particular depth and pain to me, as might be imagined. It’s depressing. And quite honestly, I feel it is where we, as a nation and perhaps even many of us as individuals, are finding ourselves in this moment. That’s especially true given the revelations that are coming to light day after day this week. The magnitude of complicity, greed, and downright malignancy we’ve both wittingly and unwittingly been subjected to year after year is stunning. The erosion it’s caused on the very underpinnings of our democracy, of our understanding of who we are (again, as a nation and as individuals), can’t be overstated.

And yet it feels as though we had to get here. We had to reach this place where we’re drowning in our own denial. We had to see it all ‘die’ (or come darn close) before we would choose to lift our heads in the midst of the storm and see the mountain in the distance that’s being revealed by the lightning of the storms we’re weathering.


I’m heartened that the top card, the main card I chose, was the Three of Swords. We desperately need to call Inspiration into our lives. We need to realize that what we thought we had has died. That’s a powerful admission, and one very few people come to willingly.

But that’s the energy of now. That’s the influence of Pluto (Lord of Death and the Underworld) squaring Eris (the Goddess of Chaos) and beginning to move ‘direct’ or forward. Pluto is catalyzing inspiration within us in order to bring something new into being. This new moon, conjunct with Mars (another character in the nature of Pluto and Eris) is birthing something new – but the struggle is real.

Is the struggle over the final realization that something has died? Or is the struggle tied to the fear of being struck by the lightning of inspiration that will lead to something new and better – something we’ve only glimpsed from afar? Inspiration is something most of us yearn to experience and channel into our lives. But the prospect of being struck by lightning is scary. No wonder we feel unsettled.

Will we survive the jolt?


Holding Our Breath – Day 799

Evening 18 January 2021 – Photo: L. Weikel

Holding Our Breath

Come on. Who among us will deny that we’re all holding our breath until Wednesday at noon? Actually, I suspect we’ll be holding our collective breath for longer than that.

Yes, we’ve had a reprieve for a few days. Sunday didn’t turn out to be as antagonistic as it could have – not be a long shot. And I’m grateful that was the case. But the détente doesn’t feel sustainable. Actually, what I mean is, it doesn’t feel like it January 6th was the final attempt at a coup.

Maybe we’ll all be pleasantly surprised, and the inauguration will go on without a hitch. Perhaps we’ll be able to joyfully celebrate the historic magnitude of Kamala Harris becoming Vice President. I sure hope so.

Mind Game

It’s fascinating to contemplate the devastation so many of us felt four years ago, and the overwhelming numbers of people (mostly women) who marched in protest to the inauguration that year. It’s beyond remarkable to remember just how vast the numbers were of protesters across the world – peaceable protesters – who marched without violence, without bloodshed, without hate for others.

That’s not what we’re seeing now. The situations almost defy comparison.

And that makes me sad.

We need to hold tight to our democracy.


Heart Strike – Day 444

Photo: L. Weikel

Heart Strike

I was unable to watch any specifics of the impeachment trial today. But based upon my somewhat cursory catching up on what I missed, I’m finding myself approaching despair.

The argument currently being put forth by the president’s counsel essentially posits that the president can do anything – ANYTHING – that he believes is in the ‘national interest,’ including doing whatever he can to get himself elected (because, of course, what president would not think their re-election would be in the national interest?), and it’s ok. “If the president does it, it’s ok.”

We were stunned at the hubris (and obvious disregard for the existence of the other two equal branches of government and the concept of separation of powers) when Nixon said it some 46 years ago, and we should be even more troubled by that concept now.

This argument strikes at the heart of our country, at the heart of what has made us unique in the world – and a beacon of hope and moral authority in the world.

Snatching at Hope

At this point it seems all we can do is watch in horror.

So I’m going to post a photo of the setting new moon that I took a few days ago. It’s lovely. And new moons give me hope.

And quite frankly, I need to snatch at hope. I need to allow myself the luxury of going to sleep this evening hoping that enough Senators will put common sense and the future of our country over their political expediency.

If they don’t, we will be ceding our sovereignty to a bully. This bully, and any other bully who wants to use gobs of money to buy the presidency. Because with no check on their power once they’re in? Who knows what they’ll change to retain that power. Term limits? Scratch. Not if it’s in the national interest. Polling intimidation? Gotta get the job done ‘for the country.’


I have to look at the new moon. And hope our Senators come to their senses before it’s too late.
