Trust – Day 487

Look Up! – Photo: L. Weikel


I’ll admit it; I’ve been following the unfolding drama of the Coronavirus pandemic as it has blossomed and spread across the world since late December/early January. I’ve listened to the reporters and epidemiologists explain what we’ve been seeing and tell us what we could expect when the infection inevitably reached our shores. And sadly, based on what I’ve observed, and read, and come to understand, I believe we’ve reached the point where we need to wake up, open our eyes, and trust.

No, not some outside force. Notice I said “sadly.” That’s because it would be reassuring and at least a tad bit comforting if we could let down our collective guard enough to trust our leaders, our elected officials, to tell us the best information on how to handle this crisis of infection.

That’s what most of us have believed in, I think. No matter how cynical we might be about politics, most of us have held fast to the belief, deep down, that when we – and by ‘we’ I mean Americans – need to face a crisis as a nation, we stick together, step up to the challenge, and overcome it.

That’s what we do.

That’s who we are.

Crisis of Faith

But that’s not how it’s working out at the moment. Right now, we are being forced to reckon with the fact that we have people at the helm of our government who are actively attempting to manipulate our perception of reality to such an extent that we don’t even accept or follow simple, common sense advice anymore.

Common sense advice like being extra vigilant about washing our hands, since physical contact with the virus, especially via our hands, is the strongest vector of contracting the illness, Covid-19.

Common sense advice like, even if we feel fine, staying away from large groups of people, whether at stores, or at theaters, or at major sporting events, since wherever lots of people gather, there are lots more opportunities to have the virus spread from person to person to person.

Common sense advice like staying at home if we feel sick. Knowing that we shouldn’t go to work if we feel like something that cat dragged in; recognizing that we really should go shopping if we have a fever and a cough.

We’re having a crisis of faith. It’s a crisis of faith in who we can trust.

A Huge Test

The way this crisis is unfolding in our country is a huge test. It’s a test of us as a nation and it’s a test of each of us on an individual basis. And yes, it is a crisis. My use of that word is not hyperbole. It’s reality.

If you’ve been paying attention, the calmest and smartest among us have been sounding the alarm, quietly but assertively. They knew that things would reach a tipping point that would change everything. All of a sudden, all of the reassurances of those who mocked science would come crashing down. Because this stuff grows exponentially.

And now it’s time to turn within. For each one of us to get quiet and sense within ourselves, “How do I want to react to this situation?”

“How can I best take care of myself and those I love?

My suggestion, respectfully, is to trust your heart. Trust your inner knowing.

Stop running. Breathe deeply. Go within your own self and find your calm center. Trust that most of all.

Dew Jewels – Photo: L. Weikel


Don’t forget the EoP! – Day 323

Essence of Perelandra – Photo: L. Weikel

Don’t forget the EoP!

By the time I post this, it will be October 1st. As I shared both in late August and on September 1st, there is a pretty cool way to enlist the aid of Nature spirits in bringing our environment into balance.

If any of you have looked into the concept behind Perelandra and possibly purchased a bottle of Essence of Perelandra (EoP) with which to participate, you will realize that this is not some nefarious money-making scheme or anything like that. Yes, you need to purchase a bottle of Essence of Perelandra in order to participate. But the entire process, called the monthly EoP Biodiversity Project only requires use of 10 drops from a dropper and five minutes of your time (at the most).

I encourage you to check out the links I’m providing in this post as well as the ones I provided in my two earlier posts, if you care to learn more about Perelandra.

An Added Bonus

One perq to checking out Perelandra and purchasing some EoP is the fact that you can (and probably should) squirt some of those drops into your mouth as you engage in the Biodiversity Project. (Well – before or afterward would probably be better.) That’s because EoP can be effective in bringing balance to you and your emotions, as well as bringing balance to the systems comprising your environmental biome.

If you poked around the Perelandra website at all, you may have seen reference to ETS, which stands for Emergency Trauma Solution. (This is similar to Rescue Remedy®, which is a product put out by Bach Flower Remedies.) Personally, I’ve found ETS to be really helpful when I’m feeling particularly anxious or upset over something. And it can be something personal or, as is more often the case, something going on in the larger world – such as politics.

With this in mind, I’m thinking it would probably be beneficial for all of us to make sure we have a bottle or two of ETS handy in the coming days and months.

Photo: L. Weikel


I’m not intending to be hyperbolic, but taking into consideration the factors I often keep an eye on, such as major astrological aspects, numerological influences, but even more so my own increasing sensitivity – not to mention just simply paying attention in general – I feel it is incumbent upon all of us right now to do whatever we can to hold our centers and remain balanced and calm in the days and weeks to come. ETS can help. So can EoP. And taking them throughout the day (and keeping them handy) is something simple that can really help you cope – which in turn can influence how you react to others and influence others.

Yes, I feel things are going to get incredibly intense, volatile, and perhaps even take some turns that none of us would have ever imagined possible even last month, before they eventually get better. And if you’ve even been paying attention over the past 12 hours, you may have a sense of the genesis of my concern.

Personal, Local, National, Global

It doesn’t matter where our greatest or most immediate stresses are originating. Indeed, for most of us, I’d wager we’re ‘feeling the love’ from every sector. What matters is how we respond.

What matters is whether we give ourselves strategies – some small scale and some much more complicated, depending upon our resources and connections – to cope with challenges to everything we hold dear: the environment, our families, our health, the rule of law, integrity, and justice, to name a few things that matter (at least to me).

We’re in this together. I’m feeling the agitation in the air. And I’m sure I’m not alone.


Tomorrow we can take a couple small steps toward creating balance and harmony. We can take five minutes to bring our attention fully to our environment and offer ten drops of EoP to the Nature spirits on our property. And we can take some ETS to help us hold our centers.

Perhaps we might also thank our stars that we’re not personally embroiled in the cluster@#%$ that’s unfolding before our eyes nationally.

I know this may sound sappy, but please: hold a vision in your hearts of the principles our country was founded upon holding firm and carrying us through this crisis. May we learn from what is unfolding before our eyes and use these lessons to all our benefit: personally, locally, nationally, and globally.

Little guy – pre-transformation – crossing the road; Photo: L. Weikel


Whoa, Crisis Averted – Day 235

Crisis Kitty – Photo: L. Weikel

Whoa, Crisis Averted                      

Crisis? What crisis? (You really need to cut me some slack here. I’m tired and thought that was clever. And if you’re a Supertramp fan, you’ll understand what I mean.)

In all seriousness, in the grand scheme of things, this was not a crisis. And it actually probably would have been an outstanding learning experience.

Only a few minutes ago, I found myself sitting on a couch, laptop upon lap, wondering what in the world I might be inspired to share with you. I knew I was cutting things close. It was 12:20 a.m., and my font of ideas was sputtering.

That’s when I realized I wasn’t hooked into the WiFi. I’m not where I usually find myself at this time of night, and I’d completely forgotten about the reality of WiFi – as in, you need to be hooked into the internet in order to post stuff on the web.

It’s funny how totally for granted we take jumping on and off the internet. (I do, anyway. You may not.) But I also suspect I don’t actively think about it because of the ubiquity of our cell phones and how we can access the internet almost (seemingly) anywhere – WiFi or not – because we just access the cellular network.

WiFi SchmiFi

YAWN. I know. Tech-talk. Sorry.

But all of this background information leads me to the crisis – or learning opportunity, as it were – that I managed to sidestep.

You see, as I was trying several variations of the password to get myself onto the WiFi network, none of which were working, I realized that I had downloaded some time ago the WordPress app which might allow me to write a post ‘on the fly.’

Oooh! I’m such a hybrid of technological neanderthalism and wannabe geek that I both confound and surprise even myself. This paradoxical nature of mine is exemplified by the fact that I actually have the WordPress app on my phone – but have never used it.

Adrenalin Surge!

I have to admit, there was a surge of adrenalin starting to course through me being urged by circumstances to figure it out immediately! I sort of leapt at the challenge because it was forcing me to take a risk and learn something new, something outside of my comfort zone – and the incentive was maintaining my Act of Power.

But then, just as I started writing a post on my iPhone, wondering not only if I’d figure out how to publish whatever I might write, but also whether I’d manage to add a photo (if I wanted), another version of the password was offered. Obviously, this time, this one worked.

Hence the title of this post.

I regret to inform you, I probably cannot come up with an appropriate photo. So, you may get stuck with another set of clouds.

Or not.
