Allergy Season – ND #106

Budding Weeping Willow (yesterday – when the sky was blue!) – Photo: L. Weikel

Allergy Season

Well, tonight’s post is going to be short. I have a headache behind my eyes that only seems to be getting worse as the night goes on. I’m pretty sure it’s because, like it or not, allergy season has arrived. I can tell it’s allergies because my feather-light wire-framed glasses are leaving indentations on the bridge of my nose. Ugh.

Not only are a plethora of flowers joyfully springing forth, the culprits of my misery are the trees that are blooming. It seems early to me to see the buds bursting out in all their chartreuse and burgundy splendor. (Different trees, different colors, just to be clear.)

Add to That

As we walked earlier this evening, Karl and I thought we’d heeded the weather forecast. But alas, it started raining when we were just a little past halfway around our walk-around. (Of course!) The gloomy, low ceiling of rippling charcoal colored clouds were depressing as it is. But then the wind picked up and started whipping around us, making the raindrops feel especially aggressive.

Even Princess, Middle, and Liddle had taken cover, snuggling into their warm and dry beds of hay. Meanwhile, the four of us plugged along as quickly as we could, not only getting wet and cold but also feeling the stuff from the trees being blown right into our faces. The only up-side to walking during allergy season is the pure and unadulterated joy I experience when I wash my face with a steaming hot washcloth when I walk in the door. Aaaaah.

I’d like to think that if allergy season is arriving early, it’ll also abate earlier as well. Shh. Let me live with my delusions a little bit longer.


As I’m sitting here now, I can hear the wind again picking up and pelting our windows with raindrops. There will probably be a lot of buds littering the lawn tomorrow morning, too.

Oooh, I just checked my Weather Channel app – it’s 38 degrees out but feels like 31. Yep. It’s raw out there. Stay warm – and try not to let the outside world bring you down.
