Cloud Raptor Hovering Above Us All – Photo: L. Weikel
Natural Distraction
There’s a lot going on in the world right now. I realize I’m stating the obvious. But it’s rough to put our attention anywhere where news of the outside world can seep in because it’s all so overwhelming. And while I sit here contemplating the most recent headlines and questioning whether I want to write about anything of consequence, I find myself scrolling through the photos on my phone. Nah. My thoughts are irrelevant; but the sun and clouds? They offer a perfect natural distraction.
I’m not sure what was going on in the atmosphere toward dusk this evening. The clouds were doing all sorts of things, seemingly indecisive of which way they wanted to go, what texture or color they wanted to embody, or how they wanted to express themselves. At times rippling like gentle currents in a stream and at others creating vapor creatures covering vast swaths of the sky, it was as if the sky was a cosmic doodle notebook.

Repeating Faces and Textures – Photo: L. Weikel
Yes, sometimes when we have a need to distract ourselves from thinking about something we have no power to influence or remedy, it’s helpful to doodle. Today (just today!) there’s so much occurring around the world and in our country that feels so ominous yet remains essentially out of our reach: the recent earthquakes in Alaska and Haiti (why does this island nation suffer so many relentless tragedies?), the horrific crumbling of Afghanistan to Taliban rule – including the long and short term vengeance that will probably be meted out to those who sought equality and freedom; and the depressing surge of Covid-19 delta cases claiming the health and lives of more and more (primarily) younger people, many of whom thought they were invincible.
And that’s just three ‘huge deals’ playing out on the world stage. We all know there are many more ongoing issues – wildfires, approaching hurricanes, droughts, floods. It’s hard not to think we’re in some sick disaster movie.

Roadrunner? Running Pheasant? – Photo: L. Weikel
We Have Beauty
We have zero control over how most of these issues play out. It’s beyond upsetting to contemplate the suffering of so many and feel…powerless. And so I’m sharing the beauty that played out in the skies above me today.
Spirit was doodling – giving us a natural distraction. Perhaps we’ll each be inspired tomorrow on how we can make a difference in our unique sphere of influence. If nothing else, keeping ourselves from despair and envisioning beauty and joy surely has to have power of its own?