Change of Plans
I started out writing my post for this evening by opening Sacred Space and choosing from one of my favorite oracle decks, Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards – Tools for Transformation, created by Cher Lyn. In the process, however, I made a discovery that resulted in a change of plans.
The focus of my choice tonight was to be different than my usual, rather generic question that I usually ask, “What do we need to know right now?” (or a variation on that theme). Instead, I was prompted to inquire: “What do we need to release or shed?” and “What do we need to embrace?”
I will write more about the cards I selected tomorrow night.
Sad Discovery
I’ve loved these cards ever since discovering them several years ago. In fact, they were published in 2011, a fact that’s intrigued me, since the imagery she uses feels very connected to symbolism I’ve come to associate with my son Karl, since his death in 2011.
I don’t know what possessed me to do a search on Cher Lyn as I was writing my post, but I did. It may have been curiosity to see if she had published anything else.
As you’ve probably deduced from the heading, above, I was shocked to discover that she passed away suddenly just this past October.
The photos of Cher on her Facebook page and website reveal an unmistakably beautiful and sensitive spirit. I’m not even sure where that sense comes from other than the powerful response I had to the photographs of her, as well as her richly symbolic and haunting artwork.
Lost in Her Story
I lost myself in reading about Cher, even though I could tell there was obviously a lot more to her life’s story than what I was stumbling upon. The details of her death in a car accident shocked me.
And so, I find myself approaching my evening deadline, distracted and saddened by this sad discovery. Perhaps it’s a function of the tragic abundance of death that’s surrounding all of us right now. There are so many heartrending stories swirling about, across the entire planet.
I found I couldn’t just blithely use Cher Lyn’s oracle cards this evening once I made this discovery. I want to simply honor the loss of her life.

Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards (box) – Photo: L. Weikel