Ice Hearts Waiting to Melt into the Tohickon – Photo: L. Weikel
Sometimes it feels like everywhere you look ticking time bombs are just waiting to go off. What’s even worse is having that feeling and knowing many people are refusing to see what’s right before their eyes.
I don’t even need to enumerate the ticks we’re hearing in the background of our lives. There are so many simultaneous ticks that I have to wonder if those are what’re keeping the beat in our lives. We’re all living on the edge right now. We’ve been living in a state of heightened anxiety for at least six years. And if we’re paying even half attention now, we sense things could crash down on our heads at any moment.
Honestly, this feels like the most precarious time I’ve ever lived through – and I’ve been around 62 years. I’m talking cumulatively – from geopolitical aggression to the meteoric rise of fascism here in the U.S., as well as the free and proud expression (and legislation) of prejudice, racism, and misogyny.
It’s all a bit overwhelming.
A Word
Is there a word or expression we might be wise to focus upon over the next few days? Some concept that can keep us stable and fundamentally calm as we watch the shit-show unfold?
Yes, we need to put our beliefs into action. But we can’t be in perpetual motion. So what might we want to bear in mind when we allow ourselves to stop and take a breath? How can we keep ourselves from falling into either fear or despair?
I asked Cher Lyn’s Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards:

Reverence – Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards; Tools for Transformation by Cher Lyn
Reverence ~ Honoring the Goddess
“In the painting “honoring the Goddess,” the central God figure bows respectful in His prayer. The Female Goddess is assisting his third eye connection to open. In union, their powers join and support each other, each in their own honoring way praying for the Earth and Humanity. They represent the balance of the Masculine and Feminine necessary to remember how to create the paradise we seek. (…)
Reverence is an attitude of honoring life. You bless that which you do with gratitude and respect. Your actions affect all of mankind. In the web of life you are a strand interconnected with everyone else doing your part to weave our tapestry together. As you appreciate the beauty in a moment, in children, in nature, or anything, your appreciation of that beauty radiates like the sun blessing all of Creation. One person who dedicates themself to seeing the sacredness of all of life, thereby reveres all of life, walks through their day lifting the consciousness of many, many people simply by being.
As you become reverent your tendency to harm anything including you, diminishes, your consciousness raises and peace reigns supreme. Every single moment of your life contributes this way, toward the light, or it pulls it away. Your decision to become more reverent is your decision to become more spiritual. Opening more to the beauty of you. This is a natural aspect of your authentic power. (…)”
My Take
As controversies and antagonisms flare, as aggression, fear, and hate try to overtake and consume our attention, our best means of breaking the spells being woven around us and the world right now is consciously noticing and cherishing what is right in front of us. Some very big concepts (and egos) are playing out right now; it’s true. And most of us are neither diplomats nor soldiers.
I believe the Reverence card is suggesting to us that our responsibility in de-escalating the darkness is achieved by looking upon all the little treasures of life and smiling. It makes a difference. By doing so, we make a difference.
There is a better way. There is a sweet spot achievable by bringing together the best qualities of the feminine and the best qualities of the masculine. We can create a balanced, visionary melding of the two that is more powerful and more sensitive than either of them separately.
What might happen if we look upon the little things in life, the mundane, the natural world, and even each other with a smile? What might happen if we reach out and ever so gently touch each other and the face of our world with reverence and awe?