Eclipse Season Continues – Day 939

Solar Eclipse in India 2020 – Image: Times of India (

Eclipse Season Continues

As I mentioned in this post, the first ‘eclipse season’ of 2021 began with the lunar eclipse on May 25th, 2021. During that eclipse, the full Moon was in Sagittarius while the Sun was at the opposite side of the zodiac, in Gemini. The eclipse occurred when the Earth moved exactly between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Moon to gradually become engulfed by the shadow of the Earth (and then gradually come out of that shadow). This coming Thursday, June 8th, eclipse season continues.

Eclipses always come in pairs (two weeks apart, the lunar taking place at the full Moon and the solar taking place at the new Moon) – and occasionally three in a row can occur. In fact, almost exactly a year ago we experienced three eclipses in a row: June 5, June 21, and July 5, 2020. (Go figure, right? And somehow it’s unsurprising, too, that there were six eclipses last year.)

The eclipse occurring this coming Thursday will peak at 6:53 a.m. EDT. It happens to be an ‘annular’ eclipse – meaning the Moon will come between the Sun and the Earth, but because of the varying distances of these celestial bodies from Earth (due to the elliptical orbits of both the Earth and the Moon), the Moon will not totally block out the sun, even though it will pass directly between the Earth and the Sun. Rather, because the Moon will be furthest away from the Earth, the Moon will appear smaller than the Sun (from our perspective here on Earth). Thus, at the height of the eclipse, those at the right place on Earth will see what’s known as the “Ring of Fire” as the Moon comes between Earth and the Sun.

The Astrological Perspective

Of course, all of the above is the astronomical explanation of what we’ll be experiencing on our planet this Thursday.

The potentially juicy impact upon human behavior and experience is the bailiwick of astrology. In order to help us understand how this could be influencing circumstances we encounter on either a personal or societal level (or both), here’s a link to Chani Nicholas’s assessment for the week (once again, it helps to know both your sun sign and your ascendant or ‘rising’ sign).

For a more comprehensive look at the entire month (which I actually recommend, given the assortment of major aspects occurring this month, the solar eclipse on Thursday being only one), I recommend Rick Levine’s perspective. It’s fascinating (to me, at least) to observe how the larger patterns playing out celestially are uncannily reflected in our experiences here on Earth.

As always, my purpose in providing this information is simply to offer food for thought. Listen. Look around. Make your own observations. Pay attention to what’s happening in your own life and the lives of those around you. Allow for the possibility that unseen forces may be influencing events or reactions. Take a breath before reacting.

Keep your options open. We’re in this thing together – and knowledge is power.


Tomorrow’s Full Moon – Day 896

Colors of Tonight’s Sunset – Photo: L. Weikel

Tomorrow’s Full Moon

Maybe it’s just me, but it feels like it’s been an especially long two weeks. I’m talking about the two weeks it’s been since the new moon in Aries when we planted all the seeds we wanted to manifest in the weeks and months to come. With tomorrow’s full moon, we’re going to want to check on our sprouts to see how they’re coming along – and make a concerted effort not to yank them out of the ground if they’re not growing as quickly as we’d hoped.

As I do every now and again, here’s a link to Chani’s assessment of the main attitudes we’ll be feeling and confronting with this full moon in Scorpio. Make sure you read both your sun sign and your ‘rising’ sign (known as your ascendant). Pay attention to which one seems to more accurately describe you and your feelings or approach to life. It just may be that your ascendant holds a more accurate key to understanding yourself and your position in life than any reading of your sun sign will ever yield.

Ascendant and Moon

Just in case you’ve forgotten what sign your ascendant is or where to go to find out, I want to remind you that it’s important to know your time of birth. Once you know that, it’s pretty easy: just go to and create a free account. (You can always look up everything as a guest – but if you create an account, you can save all the different charts you create when inserting birth information about yourself, your family, and people you’re interested in understanding better.) Once you start piecing things together for yourself, trust me: you’ll become ‘curiouser and curiouser’ about all the other people in your life.

Once you’re into the website, click on “Free Horoscopes.” On the far right side, you’ll see a link under “Drawing and Calculations.” The top link is “Natal Chart, Ascendant.” Plug in your birth information there and you’ll be well on your way to understanding yourself better. Plus, you’ll know precisely what two signs to read first whenever you run across a website or article like Chani’s.

Another important placement for you to discover in your natal chart (the position of the luminaries – sun and moon – and the planets at the time of your birth) is the sign the moon was in when you were born. This information, too, will be found on the chart you create on

A Rehash

I realize much of this information is a rehash of stuff I’ve written about in other posts. But this basic information is important for all of us to know about ourselves. It’s extremely helpful to know your ‘rising sign’ (ascendant) and moon sign as well as your sun sign (which almost everyone seems to know). Tracking this information and the accuracy of its application in your own life only serves to help you know your own self better.


It wasn’t my conscious intention to focus upon the fundamentals of astrology tonight. But here we are.

I’m guessing at least some of you will benefit from this refresher and a little nudge to remember who you are, what the cosmos looked like at the moment of your birth, and what that means for you today.

It’s as if the cosmos are reaching out to put their arms around you in a big, loving hug.

Cloud Being Swooping In With Arms Extended – Photo: L. Weikel


Race to the End – Day 749

Nearly Full – 28 Nov 2020 – Photo: L. Weikel

Race to the End

Here we are, approaching the eve of the final month of this seemingly relentless year. In an undeniable display of the paradoxical nature of time and our perception of it, few would disagree that this has been one of the longest years in recorded history. And yet in some ways, it feels like we’re in a race to the end.

Is the election really over? Has that major quadrennial event in our country’s life cycle taken place? When did that happen? Did I miss it? I feel like was aware of it, yet it also feels like it has yet to take place – it will, but in the future. Not because of some sad in ability of some people to face the truth of the election but because the election that did take place feels like it happened about three years ago or so.

Thinking back to January of 2020 feels like a snapshot into, oh, I don’t know…2017? And here we are, one more interminable month to go.

Every day enough happens in the news to merit a month’s worth of back stories and investigative reporting.

The worst part is that, deep down, most of us – if we’ve been paying attention – know that all of December and the first 20 days of January hold the potential for some seriously calculated mayhem. What could possibly add to the maelstrom of self-inflicted harm at the highest levels of our government?

How ‘bout Those Eclipses?

The moon, our closest and most intimate luminary, reaches her fullness at 4:30 a.m. Monday morning. Thus, some of you earliest of risers (or those of you who stay up even later than I do!) may find yourselves not only witnessing the fullest expression of the moon but also looking at the darkest phase of the penumbral lunar eclipse occurring at that very same time.

Because it’s a penumbral eclipse and not a total eclipse (an easy scientific explanation is here), the moon will not appear that deep, blood red color of a full-on total eclipse. It will, however, appear darker. (The moon will enter the penumbra – shadow – of the Earth at 2:29 a.m. ET and finally exit that shadow at 6:56 a.m. ET. The moment when the moon is in the greatest amount of the Earth’s shadow (and will thus appear darkest) at 4:42 a.m. ET.

So if you’re an early morning riser – willingly or unwillingly – you might as well check out the astronomical phenomenon that’s ‘kicking off’ the final eclipse season of our most beloved year of 2020. This lunar eclipse occurs in the sign of Gemini (because the moon, being full, is opposite the sun, which is in the sign of Sagittarius).

And as I’ve mentioned before, eclipses happen in pairs. So the fact that tomorrow morning’s eclipse is a lunar one means that two weeks from now (on December 14th, as a matter of fact) we will experience a total solar eclipse.

Is it me, or do you think this celestial phenomenon may have an impact on the final casting of electoral votes that’s supposed to take place on December 14th?

Time will tell, I guess.

In the meantime, here is one astrologer’s, Chani Nicholas’s, discussion of the next two weeks’ worth of planetary aspects and how we might interpret them in our lives.

We Can Do This

The long and short of this post is that we’re not out of the woods yet. This year still has some tricks up its sleeve and these final four weeks hold some seriously profound influences that would challenge us in the best of times.

I dare say, these are not the best of times.

But knowledge is power. And solidarity is too. The more we can pay attention and try to understand what’s going on (not only in the minutiae of the workings of our government – for those of us here in the States – but also the much greater, more comprehensive view of the evolution of our country, our species, and our planet), the better able we’ll be to navigate whatever we’re asked to adapt to as we encounter unforeseen and possibly totally unexpected circumstances.

It’s a lot. But we were born for these times. A huge key is sticking together. Communicating. Sharing our fears (so they are halved), but even more importantly, sharing our vision, our hope, and our compassion. We have each other’s backs.

We can do this.

Photo: L. Weikel


Welcome, Year of the Rat – Day 439


Welcome, Year of the Rat!

Happy New Year!

Late this afternoon, Friday, January 24, 2020, the new moon occurred at 4:42 p.m. EST.  Because it was the first new moon to occur after the first full moon (which means it must be occurring between 21 January and 20 February of any given year), that means today is the start of the Chinese New Year.

As you may recall, last year I waxed rhapsodic about the Chinese New Year because I was born in the Year of the Boar (Pig), and thus felt a particular affinity for the year that was arriving.

Year of the Rat

In Chinese astrology, the Year of the Rat is the first sign of a 12 year cycle. I must confess to knowing very little about the qualities of people born during a Rat year, and thus found this link quite interesting. (Thank you, Marie!)

Given that the Year of the Rat is the first sign of the Chinese Zodiacal Calendar, it just seems to add momentum to the energetic heft of the times we’re experiencing right now: new year, new decade, and new 12 year Chinese astrological cycle. Combining all these new beginnings with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction that was exact last week (but because both planets are so slow moving, the influence of this conjunction will last longer than most), as well as a couple other challenging aspects thrown in and you can see how everything we’re experiencing not only in our personal lives, but also as a country and, indeed, on a planetary scale, is so momentous.

There are a lot of old paradigms, institutions, ways of thinking and being that are being challenged and, in fact, appear to be crumbling under their own weight.


New Moon in Aquarius

Aside from this new moon being the harbinger of the Chinese New Year, it’s also sounding like it’s bringing in a lot of energy that’s shaking things up. I find Chani’s take on it interesting.

It’s fascinating to me when I read these various interpretations of the planetary influences and cycles and I watch events unfold in our nation’s capital. These are most definitely incendiary times. The decisions our Senators will be making in the coming days will impact our lives in extraordinary ways – for good or for ill.

While it boggles my mind to contemplate it, we are actually on the brink of entering a time in our country’s life when everything we’ve stood for: the rule of law, our system of checks and balances, the concept that no one is above the law, the sanctity of our elections and peaceful transfer of power (just to name a few) may crumble because a majority of Senators are not willing to stand up for these fundamental principles.

Worries and Hopes

My worry, I guess, is that we’re going to have to go through the pain and agony of losing it all before realizing just how much we’ve relinquished. And then? I guess we’ll have to wait and see if or how we ever reclaim what we’ve so willingly allowed to slip through our fingers.

My hope is that enough Senators will dig deep and find the moral courage to keep us from teetering over that brink. So very much pain can be avoided if they choose to set aside those ugly whispers of greed and fear and stand united against corruption.

Whatever happens over the next several days is going to be momentous. I’m pretty sure we can all feel it percolating just under the surface. So much is written in the stars – except our choices. Ultimately, those always remain ours and ours alone.

Happy New Year.


Final Full Moon of the Decade – Day 395

Rising Full Moon (peaked 12:12 a.m., 12/12/2019) – Photo: L. Weikel

Final Full Moon of the Decade

Surely you know me well enough now to figure there’d be no way I could let this full moon take place this evening, reaching its apex just past midnight (Eastern Standard Time), without mentioning it.

I’m fairly dedicated to keeping track of the moon’s phases. I’ve found that the satellite that causes our tides and, in fact, holds a great deal of sway over all the liquids on our planet (from the seas to our own blood, to even the fluidity of our emotions) has a much bigger impact on our day to day lives than most care to admit.

Many people don’t even realize the moon’s influence on our lives. They literally could not tell you where it rises or where it sets; what phase it is in on any given day; and rare is the person who could offer the astrological sign it is in (especially since it moves through a sign every 2.5 days).

Frozen full moon – stars and frozen drops of snow on branches; Photo: L. Weikel

But the sense that this full moon is particularly momentous is probably lingering in the back of the minds of many – even those who would not ordinarily pay attention to that massive orb in the night sky. That’s because the moon will reach her fullest at 12:12 a.m. EST on the 12thday of the 12thmonth of 2019 (which, if you fancy your numerology, which you know I do) adds up to 12 (2+0+1+9)*. And on some level, just as people always seem to get a little, shall we say wackier? intense? during a full moon regardless of whether they know it is a full moon, I suspect almost everyone is feeling a tickle around their edges tonight.

Personally Speaking

For myself, though, I have to say all these 12s remind me of all the 11s I was so keenly aware of on 11/11/11. I recall sitting within my mesa at 11:11 a.m. (EST), holding space and clearing my mind, not having the slightest clue that my life would change cataclysmically at 11:11 p.m. (PST) that evening.

So, while I tend to be a ‘glass half full’ kinda girl, I’d be less than completely honest if I denied feeling the tiniest bit of trepidation at this grand parade of numbers.

The truth is, it feels momentous. The truth is, even though you can argue that the 12:12 timing, at least, is less than momentous given that it is only one time zone out of 24, especially when you’re living in that time zone – it feels significant.

And there are, of course, a plethora of ‘takes’ on what this full moon portends. There is Hare in the Moon, Chani Nicholas, and my favorite guy who makes me laugh while listening to his insight, Kaypacha. But they all pretty much agree that this full moon, in conjunction with all the other intense astrological aspects the planets are making to each other, portends great change.

Full moon far afield – Photo: L. Weikel


Cleansing and Releasing

For my part, I’ve opened Sacred Space and am allowing my mesa to bask in the intensity of Mama Killa’s light. Using my mesa and the khuyas (sacred stones) that are contained within it as proxies for me and various aspects of myself and my life, I am surrendering to the power and wisdom of letting go of what no longer serves me. I’m asking Her to burn off the dross.

This is also the final full moon of a decade that, from my perspective, has been filled with blindsides. I wish to shake off the detritus of this decade in order to enter the 20s with renewed hope, refreshed vision, and an abundance of joyful energy.

Ah yes…

It is now 12:21. My time outside was magical. If you didn’t get a chance to go outside tonight, I hope you will give yourself that gift tomorrow night. Even if only for five minutes, go outside. Look up. Be still. Give thanks.

I’m ready to complete this post and hit ‘publish.’ For whatever reason, as I stood outside in the stark brilliance of the FULL moon minutes ago, I felt compelled to wish peace to all Beings who are suffering in any way. May we all let go of the burdens we’ve accumulated this decade, especially those that weigh heavy on our hearts.

*And yes, of course, this means that we are being inundated with 3s, since 12 reduces to a 3. But I don’t want to go down that road at the moment.


Eclipse Season Commences – Day 232


Eclipse Season Commences           

Just a quick post on the astrological event that’s most prominently being discussed at the moment: tomorrow’s (Tuesday’s) solar eclipse. Tomorrow’s new moon in the sign of Cancer kicks off eclipse ‘season,’ as eclipses never happen in isolation.

The eclipses occurring this month (the full moon lunar eclipse will occur on July 16th) are considered to be particularly significant and powerfully influential on human behavior (although it is not limited to human behavior) because of some of the other influences being created by the position of our celestial brothers and sisters, such as the aspects being created by Saturn and Pluto and their relation to the Sun and Moon.

Other Players Doing Their Dance…

Mercury and Mars are dancing around together, which can lead to some, um, incendiary words. And perhaps a little extra special caution might be warranted as they take their ‘dance’ from the watery ‘feeling’ space of Cancer and move into Leo – which is a fire sign, and thus could lead to putting those words into action.

As I’ve done before, here are links to two of my favorite sources of information on astrological events and how they might play out in our personal lives as well as the greater world environment, Kaypacha’s Pele Report and the report of Chani Nicholas.

With respect to reading Chani’s assessment of what’s going on astrologically and how it might impact you and your life, it’s important to know both your sun sign and your ‘rising’ or ‘ascendant’ sign. I’ve discussed this before, and here’s the link to help refresh your recollection on one of the sites you can go to that will calculate both your sun sign and ‘ascendant’ or  ‘rising’ sign. That way, you can read both and see which resonates with your experience.

My Observations

Eclipses tend to be revelatory in nature. In other words, when the moon gets between the Earth and the sun and blocks out all the light shining upon us from the sun, the metaphoric result is that things that were hidden or in the shadows, things that we couldn’t see because the sun was too bright, are revealed. And with the planet Pluto aspecting all of this, we’re in for some dramatic revelations of things we didn’t know about or failed to see before this.

Quite amazingly, within the past three days or so, as we’ve approached this initial total solar eclipse, I’ve personally witnessed people I know suddenly and unexpectedly discovering information (the ‘truth’) about, a variety of circumstances, such as:

(1) their life partner’s interests ‘elsewhere;’ (2) a health situation that a loved one was attempting to hide from both my friend (and probably themselves); (3) significant misrepresentations and subterfuge being propounded by a company represented by a friend of mine; and (4) six years of royalties not having been paid by the publisher of a book written by someone I know.

Each of these ‘truths’ were exposed literally within the past three days, which I find rather astonishing.

Remember – What’s Your Ascendant?

I urge you to pay attention and take notice if you or the people around you (family, friends, co-workers) are discovering new and often dramatic or significant information touching upon their life in some way.

The links above to Kaypacha and Chani can provide you with more in-depth information that you can apply to your personal situation.

Again, believe me, I know. This stuff is complicated and your eyes may glaze over when you hear a description of all the ‘aspects’ (i.e., the Sun is conjunct the Moon’s North Node in Cancer while in direct opposition to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn).  It can definitely sound like gobbledeegook. But both astrologers take that technical information and translate it into fascinating understandings of how they can be interpreted.

Plant the Seeds of Your Highest Intentions

Finally, I encourage you to remember that New Moons are the perfect time to plant the seeds of new beginnings! And this New Moon tomorrow is particularly powerful not only because of the eclipse but also because it is a ‘super moon.’

So plant the seeds your soul yearns to cultivate. Create something new. Take a risk. Be courageous. Dream big.


New Moon/New Beginnings – Day Twenty Five

New Moon/New Beginnings

Of necessity, I am not going to be able to write as much as I usually do this evening. But at the same time, I don’t want to leave you hanging on this whole ‘new moon’ thing that I started yesterday.

And I realize I may very well be talking about stuff you already know. If that’s the case, I hope you’ll forgive me.

Just from my dead giveaway ‘title’ to this post, yes, Virginia, when the moon is ‘new,’ which is also referred to as the ‘dark’ phase of the moon, it is generally thought to be a particularly auspicious time to embark upon new endeavors. New adventures, new jobs, new ideas, etc. It’s not that starting at other phases of the moon is ‘bad’ – it’s just generally thought to be most advantageous or giving the opportunity the greatest chance of success to begin it at a new moon.

And remember when I said last night that astrology is surprisingly complex? Well, just to give you a taste of that, beyond paying attention to the actual fact that the new moon is taking place today (be it December 6th or 7th, depending upon what time zone you live in), true astrologers also look to the sign in which the moon is hanging out, as well as the house of your particular natal chart. Yeah. I do not even pretend to have a rudimentary grasp of this. Yet. But it is intriguing to me and, after decades of relying on someone else to let me in on what all of this means, I’m actually starting to try to get a grip on it myself.

We’ll see. Who knows? By “talking about it out loud” here on my blog, maybe I’ll log the information into the appropriate folds of my brain and one day this stuff will start clicking.

I can tell you that the new moon tonight/tomorrow morning is occurring in Sagittarius, because that’s where the sun is right now – and a new moon is when the moon is lined up with (or ‘conjunct’) the sun and therefore not reflecting any of its light (hence it also being known as the ‘dark’ moon). While the sun moves through the 12 signs of the zodiac every 30 days (or so), the moon moves through each sign every 2.5 days (or so).

And yaaaaaaawn. That’s enough of that.

Some Favorite Astrology Links

So, here I’d like to give you links to two astrologers I enjoy following.

Kaypacha (Tom Lescher) publishes a weekly video called the Pele Report. He gives the technical aspects at the beginning (which still makes my eyes roll into the back of my head – but also makes me want to understand them better), and then he gives an entertaining and insightful explication on how the aspects occurring that week may play out or influence us in our daily lives (and on a global level, when and where appropriate). I find his personality endearing, and I relate to his goofiness all too easily. He knows his stuff, but he doesn’t take himself too seriously.

Chani used to give reports on a weekly basis, but is now giving them on a monthly basis. In order to get the most of Chani’s interpretations of the celestial aspects, it is extremely helpful to not only know your sun sign, but also your ascendant. That’s why I suggested you might want to discover yours in yesterday’s post. I find these interpretations extremely insightful and uncanny at times.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy these links. It’s really kind of neat to start paying attention to this information and noticing how it may or may not play out in what you see and feel unfolding in your life.
