Special New Moon – ND #130

More Turkeys – Photo: L. Weikel

Special New Moon

While my primary intention is to talk about the especially special new moon this Saturday, I’m actually going to include a photo of the turkeys I saw again on my walk today. This flock was kind enough to meander in the field a bit closer to me today, enabling me to improve at least a little bit over yesterday’s photo.

And since Turkeys are a gift, I’d like to off this post to you as a reminder to pay attention to the phase of the moon this weekend, for there are some powerful aspects taking place above our heads.

Black Moon

I learned something new today. While I’ve heard of a ‘blue’ moon – which is a second full moon happening within the span of a single month, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a ‘black’ moon. There’s a Dark Moon – which is sort of related, given that it stands for the phase of the moon when it’s completely new (hence ‘dark’). But a black moon is – you guessed it – the second new moon happening within the span of a single month.

I’m not sure, but it seems like a black moon might be a bit more rare than a blue moon, which is ironic if true, since we use the term ‘once in a blue moon’ to mean something is quite rare. Ah yes, I did find confirmation of that suspicion here. Somehow, though, ‘once in a black moon’ doesn’t sound quite as, umm, colorful.

Partial Solar Eclipse

The other astronomical phenomenon that’s occurring in connection with this Saturday’s new moon, which reaches its full ‘newness’ at 4:28 p.m. ET (that sounds like an oxymoron), is a partial solar eclipse. This phenomenon reaches its peak at 4:51 p.m. ET, although we won’t be able to see it from here.

This partial solar eclipse kicks off this year’s first eclipse ‘season,’ as eclipses occur in usually two or three successive phases of new/full/new moons.

The next eclipse in this season’s series will take place on May 16th. Technically, the beginning of the eclipse process (which we’ve all witnessed by now at some point or another over the past three or four years, right?) will begin at 9:30 p.m. on May 15th, with the moon’s face being completely engulfed in the shadow of the Earth at 00:12 a.m. ET on the 16th.

But the significance of that eclipse is for another day.

What’s It Mean For You?

The partial solar eclipse, which occurs this Saturday, may well kick off some especially powerful new beginnings, sweeping out the old and heralding the new in more dramatic fashion than we might expect. Here’s at least one astrologer’s (Chani’s) interpretation of how this new moon in Taurus, given a boost of pizzazz by the eclipse, might manifest or play out in your life.

Remember to read both your sun sign and your ascendant (rising) sign. See which one feels more relevant to your experience on this especially special new moon.

Flock of turkeys – Photo: L. Weikel


First Total Lunar Eclipse of 2021 – Day 925

DO IT – Photo: L. Weikel

First Total Lunar Eclipse of 2021

If you’re on social media of any stripe, you’ve undoubtedly heard that Wednesday morning the first total lunar eclipse of 2021 will take place. Earth will pass directly between the sun and the full moon, engulfing the moon in Earth’s shadow. Not only will this blot out the moon’s natural brilliance (as a consequence of it being full) but the shadow will also make the moon appear a deep shade of red – an occurrence that must’ve totally freaked out our ancestors.

I see that I’ve written about our experience of lunar eclipses before (here, here, and here, to be precise) with other mentions scattered throughout the past 924 posts as well. And I notice that the most recent two times did actually presage some, let’s say, revelation of hidden agendas and ultimately ‘upheaval.’

While there are a plethora of interpretations of the significance of us entering the eclipse season, here’s a link to astrologer Chani’s interpretation for the present one. I speak of the eclipse ‘season’ because there will be a solar eclipse in two weeks. And we generally ‘feel the effects’ of these interactions between the luminaries beginning the week before the actual eclipse event and extending through the week following the second eclipse.

I’d Rather Not Look – Photo: L. Weikel

Frog Making a Point

Karl and I had to laugh this morning when we picked our cards on the day. He chose ‘Frog Squared’ (meaning he chose Frog and there was a blank card on the bottom of the deck). We interpret that probably just as you imagine: not just as Frog, but as FROG. As in, “Buddy, you better clean the clutter out of your life.”

It was even more obvious that we are both in tune with this upcoming eclipse when I chose my cards on the day and got Frog – with Wild Boar underneath. Oh man.

Frog, just in case you’ve forgotten, has a lot to do with cleansing and cleaning out. This can be on any level – from clearing out your physical space, cleaning out your body, clearing your thoughts or emotions. It’s an encouragement to rid yourself of any ‘person, place, or thing’ that doesn’t contribute to your state of wellbeing.

Wild Boar Adds Its 2 Cents

And Wild Boar? Well – suffice it to say, Wild Boar urges one to relentlessly cut through one’s bullshit. I heard it snarking at me all day, to be honest, as I took to heart the need to set upon clearing out. (Yet again; yes, I know, I feel like I am forced to tediously face this beast too freaking often.)

But there it was, in our faces. The message of a lunar eclipse, and especially a total one, is to clear out the stuff that surfaces in our life. There seems to be detritus floating to the top (of our consciousness) all the time. It only looks like physical piles of stuff we’ve been accumulating.

I made a point of working on heeding this advice today. And no matter what card I choose tomorrow, I intend to have another go at it again. I’m feeling the need. And I want to seize this opportunity to clear the portal to a new attitude and some exciting opportunities.


2020 Solstice – Day 770

Saturn & Jupiter two nights ago – Photo: L.Weikel

2020 Solstice

I’m writing this on the eve of the final 2020 solstice, but it’ll likely be read on the day itself. Thus, in keeping with the significance of this celestial event, I invite you to sit with me for a moment and embrace the darkness.

This is the day in the Northern Hemisphere when we have the fewest minutes of actual daylight. With the sun rising at 7:20 a.m. and setting at 4:37 p.m. ET, we will have a total of 8 hours and 17 minutes of ‘sunshine’ today: Monday, December 21st, 2020 (at the latitude where I live, anyway).

Yet for many of us, our skies may be enveloped by cloud cover. Sadly, this will obscure our view of the Grand Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter tomorrow evening, which happens only once every 20 years, but has not happened in this particular part of the sky for 200 years. And not to put too fine a point on it, but this conjunction hasn’t taken place in an Air sign in 800 years. (We’ve been collectively experiencing this conjunction in Earth signs over the past 200 years.)

Meanings and Mythologies

There are reams being written lately about the configuration of the planets and the meanings or significance we might ascribe to those positions. I urge you to employ a healthy dose of discernment with respect to anything you read or hear. Use your brain and your heart. Find that middle ground where intellectual curiosity and intuitive resonance meet and create a spark of knowing within. This podcast by Rick Levine explaining the significance of the Grand Conjunction is fascinating, far less ‘sensationalized’ than what many people are claiming, and explains a lot.

As far as how the solstice and Grand Conjunction might impact us astrologically (according to our personal sun and rising (ascendant) signs), Chani gives a quick analysis that’s thought provoking and fascinatingly applicable.

Darkest Before the Dawn

This time of year can be equated to that moment in our daily 24 hour cycle when the sun has been gone from us for the longest sustained period. It’s akin to that moment in time that immediately precedes the dawn – that darkest of moments when the night grows coldest and our ancestors had to hold on to the belief that the sky would soon begin to lighten ever so perceptibly on the horizon.

Literally and metaphorically, that’s where we are now. Times are dark. As stated above, we will only enjoy a total of 8 hours and 17 minutes during which the sun will be above the horizon (here at 40.4 degrees latitude). If the weather is overcast, which is likely, the day may feel even shorter; possibly more dismal. And depending upon the circumstances that unfold as the day progresses, potentially teetering toward hopeless.

Create the Spark

The precise moment of the solstice will occur at 5:02 a.m. ET. So perhaps you early birds can sit a moment in conscious awareness of that precise moment of stillness. In that moment, if you are awake, you might consider lighting a candle, or a hearth fire, and celebrate together with our sisters and brothers across the globe (in the Northern Hemisphere) the return of the light.

But first, before lighting that candle, it feels important to sit with and fully appreciate the darkness, even if only for a minute or two. It’s when we sit in the darkest of darkness that the light of a match or a candle, the spark of insight, wisdom, or compassion, can be most fully and deeply appreciated. And when we share that light with others, the possibilities suddenly seem limitless and, somehow, attainable.

Let’s share our light with each other. Embrace the darkness that’s overtaken us, see it for what it is and has been, and the consciously and affirmatively call in the light. And who knows? Maybe we’ll get lucky and the cloud cover may part, allowing us to catch a glimpse of that long awaited Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.


New Moon and Lyrids – Day 527

Photo: Travelandleisure.com

New Moon and Lyrids

I know; I’m sorry. I should’ve written a day or two ago about the Lyrids – the meteor shower that is peaking tonight. I’m hoping you may have seen their arrival mentioned on social media. But if you didn’t, and if you’re actually saner than I am and therefore sleeping as I write this, take heart. Even though they’re peaking tonight, there should be a fair number continuing to streak through the sky over the next few days.

And if you happen to be an extremely early bird (you know who you are and I know you’re out there!), it might be worth your while to nip outside in the pre-dawn hours of Wednesday the 22nd to ‘see what you can see.’

The good news is that, since we’re in new moon territory (reaching its fullest darkness at 10:26 p.m. EDT tomorrow), the stars – and any passing meteors – should be brilliantly apparent to our searching eyes.

New Moon in Taurus

Before I even read this thoughtful essay by Chani on tomorrow’s new moon, I was feeling a palpable shift. It’s weird (in a good way) when all of a sudden you just sense a difference in the way things feel. Sort of like a weight has been lifted or a blockage removed. Believe me, I’m hoping those feelings persist.

And while it is true I know only a smattering of astrology, I must admit that the conjunction of tomorrow’s new moon with Uranus (and as I said, in Taurus), makes me feel as though the stars are predicting that new ways of being and living here on Earth are demanding to be ‘unearthed.’

We keep hearing that people want to ‘return to normal.’ And if you’re like me, you see articles and essays and advertisements all over the place demanding us to decide whether we even want to return to normal (whatever that is or was) and perhaps even more importantly if we can return to that so-called normal.

Old Normal

Probably the first thing we need to do, if we’re honest with ourselves, is figure out just what in the world we consider to be ‘normal.’ That’s the ‘old’ normal, which we can figure out by describing (in a journal or wherever you routinely catch random thoughts and wrestle them into submission) how our lives used to play out on a daily basis.

And when we write out the details of our old normal, it’s essential to pay attention to how we feel. How is our body reacting to our description of our old normal? With warm fuzzies of affection? A knot in our stomach? Dread? Sadness? Anticipation?

New Normal

After we’ve described what our lives used to be like, it’s important to describe what we crave, deep down, to truly have return to our lives. (Perhaps, if we’re honest, for the first time.)

Tomorrow, and the next day, are especially powerful days for us to envision what we want to create in our lives and plant the seeds in our consciousness and intention to create that new reality.

If we don’t dream big now, when will we allow ourselves to envision our new normal? When will we ever have another opportunity like we’re being offered right now? Almost everything has come to a screeching halt. We’re seeing the precariousness of so much that we believed was a juggernaut of indescribable power.

Things are changing. It’s up to us to make up our minds that we’re not going to go back to business as usual. It’s a new moon; let’s dream a new world into being.



New Moon in Aries – Day 498

Signs of Spring – Photo: L. Weikel

New Moon in Aries

In just a couple of hours the moon will be dark, obscured from our sight because it won’t be reflecting any of the light of the sun. Technically, we’ll be experiencing a new moon in Aries.

As I’ve mentioned in other posts, the new moon is a particularly fertile time to plant the seeds of ideas, intentions, or commitments we want to set into motion in our lives. One way of looking at it is to think of the dark moon as representing rich, dark, fertile soil that’s a perfect medium for nurturing life and growth. So it is a perfect time to plant those aspirations we hold for the coming days, weeks, and quite possibly beyond.

It’s interesting to read how interpretations of the particular alignment of the planets and moon reflect the challenges we’re being called to face in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. (Because this is a new moon, the sun and moon are ‘conjunct,’ or sitting at the same degree in the same sign. Thus, as you probably realize, the sun is also in Aries, having entered that sign at the equinox, which took place on March 19th this year.) Chani gives a thought-provoking description of the aspects influencing this particular new moon, and how these influences speak directly to our current experiences here.

Introspection and Hard Questions

As I’ve mentioned a number of times lately, this self-isolation we’re being urged to do (or in more and more cases, ordered to engage in via so-called ‘stay-at-home’ orders) is an unprecedented opportunity to take a deep dive into figuring out who we are and what we value at our core. It’s a chance for us to reflect on the choices we’ve made in our lives. And it quite possibly is a time in which we contemplate making new choices.

It occurs to me as I write this that we are seeing the stark truth of this reflection on what we truly value play out right in front of us on the national stage. Will we choose to continue to self-isolate if we think we may have been exposed to the virus (or simply to avoid the possibility of exposure or being exposed)? Will we choose to withdraw from social interaction and physical contact in order to protect each other and ourselves? Or will we decide that ‘getting back to work’ is more important than the very real possibility of saving lives?

As many are pointing out, a ‘dead’ economy can be revived. A dead person cannot.

Choosing Our Values

In signaling today that we may be urged to ‘return to work’ next week if we have no symptoms (the ostensible end of the 15 days of social distancing begrudgingly advocated by the federal government), we are being given a clear indication on the macro level of just what is of most value to our so-called ‘leaders.’ Indeed, I saw a clip just this evening of the Lt. Governor of Texas saying that grandparents would be happy to give their lives to provide a healthy economy to their grandchildren.

That’s an utterly absurd and appalling ‘choice’ for our government to be suggesting we make. And it’s not even true. (Surprise.) Choosing to knowingly risk even greater spread of this virus would only serve to kill more people and crash our economy even further. It would be the height of cratered and craven values.

But Here We Are

What seeds do you want to plant today? Where do your deepest values reside? What is most precious to you and how do you intend to express your devotion to it/them?

This is where we find ourselves. Our current way of living is unsustainable – on so many levels.

But we can do this. We can make the choices that will enable love, caring, and compassion to flourish. If that’s what really matters to each of us.

Crocus – Photo: L. Weikel



A Time of Letting Go – Day 353


A Time of Letting Go

I mentioned yesterday that we’re entering another period of intensity. Part of that has to do with the fact that the sun has moved into Scorpio, which traditionally is associated with death and regeneration. And because we’re human, most of us tighten up over the mere mention of death, so we barely even pay attention to the ‘regeneration’ aspect of Scorpio.

We just get freaked out over the prospect of death.

Not Just the Sun

Reading this you may think to yourself, yeah, but we go through Scorpio every year. Big deal. Why do things feel especially tense and fraught right now?

And I would answer that it’s a function of other aspects that are occurring right now as well. Some of these aspects are other planets dancing (or sparring) with each other in specific signs that result in making it feel as though they’re piling on and making everything worse.

I’ve just spent a bunch of time just now trying to synopsize my understanding of what’s going on astrologically, and I feel like all I’ve been doing is deleting.

Let the Experts Speak

So instead of trying to distill what I’ve read, I’m going to share a couple of links to astrologers I’ve linked to before. Kaypacha is a video you watch, while Chani writes a great analysis. The third link I’m sharing is to Evolving Door, which I believe I discovered through a friend, and found it to be an interesting analysis.

Let’s face it: There’s no denying that most, if not all, of us are experiencing the intensity I mentioned in yesterday’s post. We’re seeing it outside of us and we’re feeling it within ourselves. And the more information we can gather that helps us navigate these turbulent times the better.

Go Deep

With Mercury going retrograde tomorrow for three weeks, I feel it really just underscores the need for all of us to really dig deep and, as Kaypacha says, figure out who we want to be and what we truly want to create in our lives – and let go of that which no longer serves us.

It feels like we’re all being called upon to look deeply within and exercise radical honesty with ourselves.

Talk about a death. It sounds to me like we’re being called to face the death of bullshitting ourselves. What no longer works? What hasn’t been working for a long, long time, but we’ve refused to acknowledge and act on that truth? What have we been telling ourselves we just can’t stop feeling or doing or believing because we’ll die to our own illusions of who we are?

The Cool Thing

What we need to remember is that regeneration will occur. We can and will create a new reality for ourselves if we finally stop trying to hang on to what hasn’t been working and let it go. That’s the cool thing about this whole process. Nothing is static. Change is constantly occurring. The real questions are whether we’re going to stop resisting, choose to be conscious of our lives and our choices, and allow ourselves to jettison the baggage that’s been keeping us from flowing into a new expression of our lives?

Join me. Let’s let it go. Let’s see what happens!

Scorpion – Photo: newatlas.com
