Idyllic September Day – Photo: L. Weikel
Today was one of those days that will go down in the books as idyllic from start to finish. After spending the entire day outside in the autumn air, I can barely keep my eyes open. In fact, tonight is one of those nights when I keep falling asleep at the keyboard.
I wanted to choose a card for us this evening – something for us to keep in the back of our minds as we watch this week unfold. My sleepiness has thwarted my intentions, so I guess I’ll have to do it tomorrow.
In the meantime, if things start getting dicey right out of the gate tomorrow (on any of the myriad fronts our lives could go sideways, personally and/or collectively), I’d like to at least offer you these photos. Drink their loveliness in. Let them remind you of what’s deeply important and without which we will fail to survive.
Feeling Loved Again
As I sit here writing this post, I’m surrounded by our three cats. It’s as if they’re sentinels. Cletus is directly across the room from me on the couch. Tigger is behind me on my left, sleeping on the back of the couch I’m sitting on, and Precious is behind me on my right.
Speaking of Precious, she’s doing great. It is as if, energetically, she’s let out a huge sigh of relief. To me, it feels like she was holding her shoulders up toward her ears for the past, umm, couple years – and all of a sudden someone just touched her to make her relax and she’s looking around, bewildered at how she’s feeling now.
I’m excited for her.
I’m also managing to get at least half of the hyperthyroidism medicine into her every day. Score! I can’t tell at all whether that’s having an impact. But the steroids definitely are. Poor bunny girl. She must’ve been so uncomfortable for so long…
Here’s to a better week than last.

Idyllic (& Starry) September Night – Photo: L. Weikel