Oooh-la-la – Day 811

Photo: L. Weikel


It’s been at least four months since I’ve subjected you, my loyal readers, to the odd delight I take in anthropomorphizing the occasional vegetable. It’s something I fear I’ll never disabuse myself of; I can’t help but smile when these creatures reveal themselves, often from the depths of my crisper drawer. And let’s face it, tonight’s candidate isn’t shy about her bon vivant, “Oooh-la-la!”

Maybe it’s the soupy greens on her head that now remind me of a Parisian beret. Or her desire to recline provocatively against a conch shell. (Who wouldn’t?) There’s even a hint of batting eyelashes in her expression if you ask me…

Just Carrots?

I’m wondering if carrots are my unique weakness or if I just don’t buy enough other vegetables to discover their personalities. Or maybe I eat the other vegetables more quickly and therefore consume their individuality before it can be fully expressed? If that’s the case, I feel a bit sad.

Actually, that reminds me. I did find myself drawn to shooting a portrait of a tomato a couple of days ago.

My initial desire was to share the love – it appeared to me, at first glance, to resemble a heart. The commercial kind; you know. The hearts-and-flowers, Valentine’s Day type of heart.

But then, when I looked at it from another angle, I could see it as a face. A grinning, many-toothed tomato that could almost be a cousin to the Cookie Monster.

Time For Bed

I cut up Brussels Sprouts this evening before I steamed them and didn’t find a single one that made me laugh. Same goes for the broccoli rabe I steamed. Maybe they’re just not as photogenic, gregarious – or politically active.

Or maybe it’s just time for me to call it a night and go to bed.

Hey there! – Photo: L. Weikel
