New Moon in Aries – ND #114

Graceful and Glorious Landing – Photo: L. Weikel

New Moon in Aries

In only a couple hours, we will experience a New Moon in Aries. As we know, a moon is considered new when it is conjunct, or exactly lined up with, the sun. And the sun just entered Aries last weekend.

A new moon in Aries is considered especially auspicious and powerful as far as initiating new endeavors and becoming aware of (and seizing) new opportunities. Beyond noticing what short term goals we might want to set and implement, this particular new moon, being in the initiating sign of Aries, may be especially powerful in marking the beginning of a new two and a half year project.

It’s intriguing to ponder what seeds we might plant today (Friday, April 1, 2022) that may either run their course or only come into their fullest expression by June 2024. It just feels like there’s so much volatility and potential for change all around us.

Will we manifest the change so many of us yearn for deep in our hearts?

Blue Heron & Goose – Photo: L. Weikel

Creek Visit

All of which reminds me that I only managed a ‘drive-by’ of the Tohickon today, which is where I go when contemplating time – past, present, and future. When I turned onto the road that passes within feet of the creek I immediately noticed two Great Blue Herons having a chat on a boulder amidst the flowing waters. Of course, as soon as I pulled up to the side of the road (albeit as slowly and unobtrusively as I could – in a car), they took their leave. One seemed less irritated with me, though, and seemingly teased me by only moving a dozen or so yards upstream.

It hung out with a couple Canada Geese and I wondered if it was going to try spearfishing one of those ginormous carp that – surprisingly – were still hanging out in that same spot I saw them last week. (I saw much less evidence of the snakes, though. Or maybe I didn’t linger there long enough for them to surface.)

Yes, we had a chat – Photo: L. Weikel


Instead of pondering my intentions for this new moon, I had a silent chat with this Great Blue Heron. It was obviously aware of me as I playfully stalked it with my iPhone. I love the shot I got of it landing on a rock a bit downstream, its wings outstretched and magnificent.

I’m thinking the message of this new moon may be honoring the need for self-reflection, which is the key concept attributed to the Blue Heron in the Medicine Cards. There are so many ways we can honor Blue Heron’s nudge to engage in this activity. I think it may be time for me to cultivate and offer new opportunities to myself and others who may want to join me to do just that over the next couple of years.

Set those intentions! And maybe even, perhaps, join me in embracing Blue Heron’s urge to know ourselves even better?

Great Blue Heron taking flight – Photo: L. Weikel


When We Become Saturated – Day 112


When We Become Saturated

Earlier today, I was sitting by my Sacred Tohickon, trying to ‘make effective use of my time.’ I’d brought my laptop with me, forgetting that I don’t have access to the internet when I’m at the creek.

How could I forget such an obvious and essential bit of information?

I think sometimes we forget things when we become saturated. At least I do. Saturated with thoughts, feelings, worries, to-do lists; internal chatter that runs the gamut from small anxieties to existential concerns.

And I have to wonder what internal trigger finally needs to get reached that pulls the emergency cord.

Perhaps it isn’t an internal trigger. Maybe it’s external. External – but not visible. Or at least not self-originating. And by that, I mean maybe we have guides or guardians who, when they see us approaching meltdown, pull the emergency cord on our behalf.

I do know that I chose Elk reversed today. So on some level, somebody (perhaps my own soul) was yanking on the cord that triggers the emergency brake. Indeed, I chose Elk reversed with Blue Heron underneath: Self Reflection.

The key word for Elk is “Stamina.” Thus, while Elk reversed can be interpreted a couple of different ways, it usually means (again, for me anyway) I’ve been burning the candle at both ends and I need to stop. I need to stop before circumstances knock me down.

Specifically, the words that jumped out at me from the Medicine Cards® book are:

“If Elk has appeared in the reverse position, you may be stretching the rubber band to the breaking point. Be careful of undue stress levels, or you might just create an illness to force you to take a break.


In all cases, Elk is telling you to look at how you choose to create your present pathway, and how you intend to perpetuate it to reach your goal. Your best weapon is the same as Elk’s: to stop when you need to, to persist when you need to, and to allow room for change and exchange of energies.”

And as I said above, underneath my Elk reversed was Blue Heron, whose keyword is “Self-Reflection.”

The very first line of Blue Heron is as follows:

“Heron medicine is the power of knowing the self by discovering its gifts and facing its challenges.”

Facing My Challenges

I readily admit, one of my greatest challenges is learning how to take true quality time for myself. And I think that’s because it’s rarely ‘convenient’ to do so. And by convenient, I don’t necessarily mean ‘easy.’ But I do mean ‘it won’t make me feel like I’m selfishly taking time away from someone who does not have the luxury of choosing what they’re dealing with.’

For all my laughable travails with cars that flash the RT of D, or whose back ends come off in my hands, I feel profoundly grateful for the abundance of love, great health, and opportunity that I enjoy in my life.

And yet…I know I need to stop. I need to take a breather. I need to gather up my energy, consolidate it, and decide where I want to focus it next.

So – here’s the deal. For all that I just wrote above, I’m being challenged once again (quite literally) in this very moment:

The Gifts – and Challenges – of Sticky Wet Snow

I was going to write about how the gorgeous wet snow, which is piling up on all the branches in exquisite outlines of every crook and twig, is reinforcing within m the essential nature of stopping and consolidating myself and my energy. And I was going to include two beautiful photos I just took as I was standing on my porch.

But no. The electricity just went out. I can feel the cold seeping into the house – and this room in particular – already. And I am thwarted from uploading my photos as well as publishing this post in a timely fashion.

So I will take this time to honor my self and my allies. It’s time to step back from the grind and give myself permission to be tired. And as soon as I am able, I will reconnect with you, my precious readers, my fellow devotional travelers.

Wishing you peace – and the gift of self-reflection and understanding.

Night Snowfall -Photo: L.Weikel

(T- 999) P.S.: It’s been almost 13 hours now (1:03 p.m.) and I’m at a Starbucks. We still have no electricity at home. Hoping to have it restored by 8:00 p.m.