Wise One – Day 1076

Wise One – Photo: L. Weikel

Wise One

It’s hard to deny the existence of this Wise One. Of course, as always, arguments can be made that the distinctive attributes of this particular tree could be found anywhere, in anything. But I (characteristically) saw them coalesce into a distinctive Merlin-like face. I’d be willing to bet it jumped out at you, too.

At least one name for the ability to see faces in inanimate objects is pareidolia. But the fact that the definition specifically references inanimate objects makes me think it’s not the precise word I’m looking for.

I seem to remember a more specific term reserved for seeing Beings in animate objects, or at the very least, nature Beings. I can’t remember the term at the moment, and besides, I’m not particularly interested in the ‘scientific’ explanation for what I See.

Rather, I’m intrigued by what it might mean that some days these Beings are as clear and obvious to me as the nose on my face, while on other days, I simply do not see them.

Is it a simple reminder that the veil is thin and magic may be afoot? I suppose.

For Whatever Reason

For whatever reason, this old man made himself very obvious to me on our walk today. I can’t say that I achieved any particular insight on our walk, or managed to look at things from an especially unique perspective.

But he did stick with me.

I’m not sure, but I believe he wanted me to write about him tonight. All of which makes me wonder if it’s Nature’s effort to motivate people get out and commune with what’s real. I guess if that’s the only reason he appeared to me today, that should be more than enough. We need all the coping strategies we can get. And right now, I think it’s especially easy for us to forget how much we need our Nature connection.

Brutus & Lamb Chop – Photo: L. Weikel

In the Meantime

Not planning on giving up on my Puppy Streak anytime soon, I’m including these two shots. I don’t know why I feel compelled to include them in every post lately, but I’m just going to follow my intuition.

You have to admit, they bring a smile to your face – even if involuntarily.

You’re welcome. I’m delighted to share.

Tonight’s Puppy Snuggles – Pacha(kuti) facing us – Photo: L. Weikel


Digesting the Day – Day 382

Photo: L. Weikel

Digesting the Day

We didn’t get a chance to take a walk today. I regret that, but by the time we got home it just felt too late. We were tired.

Which is pretty much the reason why we should’ve dug down deep and at least one or the other of us insisted that we do so. Precisely because we were so tired, we should have made a point of hauling our carcasses outside and marching our behinds up the road.

Emotional Weariness

Yeah, we were a little tired from the drive to and fro. But honestly, it was a gorgeous day outside, with only the occasional sprinkle from an errant dark cloud blowing through. Two and a half hours each way is not that significant an investment in love and family.

No, the weariness was emotional. That’s usually the most devastating. But interestingly, it’s also, in my experience, the most susceptible to reinvigoration by an immersion in nature. So it is a pity that, in spite of knowing this, I did not insist.

No. In many ways I betrayed my knowing – my knowledge of the secrets surrounding walking and listening to nature and the need for both in order to recover from toxic disconnection.

Toxic Disconnection

This concept is probably at the root of the vast majority of unhappiness, fear, rage, and disappointment we see in the world. And by it, I’m referring to the tendency of so many in our lives, in our families, and in our social circles to speak to the matter of loneliness or isolation with more of the same.

Why is it that so often we humans run away at full speed from the concepts and practices that would keep us connected? Connected to ourselves, to each other, and to the land.

I’m sure I don’t know. Is human nature simply contrary?


One definition of loneliness (via dictionary.com) is: “destitute of sympathetic or friendly companionship, intercourse, support.” There’s a ton of loneliness in the world. There’s an untold number of people who feel cut off from, or deliberately make a point of cutting themselves off  from other people and the support they could easily receive if they gave themselves permission.

I think the worst part of witnessing loneliness is the realization that the antidote is right in front of most who suffer from it. They may rebuff gestures of outreach from other humans, both related and not. And that’s a pity. But the greatest violence they do to their hearts and spirits is refusing to accept the love and connection that abounds around all of us if we just open our eyes, ears, and hearts – in particular, the love from Mother Earth and her many expressions.

I’m close to falling asleep. This digestion needs further contemplation.

A Simple Message

But I will leave with this short video clip. Six minutes or so that may start your day off in an attitude that will get you – and keep you – connected to what’s important.

Have a great day and know it is all so much simpler than what we’re told or believe.

Photo: L. Weikel


Eyes Looking Back – Day 362


Eyes Looking Back

I was walking today and took this photo.

The brilliance of the emerald moss caught my attention and insisted I honor it by sharing its image. Truly, it called to me and when I say it insisted, I mean it. I sensed a desire to have its beauty shared.


So I guess I could claim that I was being semi-mindful as I strolled through the woods. I had a destination in mind, but I was at least conscious enough of my surroundings to appreciate the lush moss blanket and the intricate pattern of leaves splayed across it.

At least I heard the call for attention.

But now, as I look at this photo more closely, I’m starting to wonder just who it was that called me to stop and pay attention to this particular tree at this particular moment.

Are those eyes? Photo – L. Weikel

Eyes Looking Back

As I shushed forward through the piles of gold and brown leaves, I was called back to pay specific attention to this tree, this moss, this small but obvious portal into the darkness of Mother Earth. But when I look more closely at this snapshot of a moment in time, a blink of an eye, I see something staring back at me.

I peer into the tiny entrance at the heart of this tree and I realize…I’m not alone.

What’s behind the eyes I see staring back at me from inside the tree? Instead of fearing me, did it energetically reach out and snag me, pulling me back to engage in some energetic exchange? Was there a challenge issued from within this hollow, a call to stop and witness its presence?

Are the Beings that usually remain invisible to us humans demanding to be Seen and perhaps Heard in these volatile times?

Are they tired of being ignored or dismissed into non-existence?
