First Lights – Photo: L. Weikel
Winter Solstice
When you read this post it will be December 21st, 2019, the shortest day of the year. Hence, it is also the longest night.
I don’t know about you (although I can guess), but is sure has felt like a long, dark night all week.
I’m ready for the light to begin filtering back into our lives.
Speaking of Which
Of course, speaking of darkness, it seems only appropriate that I mention probably one of my favorite things about this time of year: the lights; especially the lights on our Christmas tree.
I adore sitting in our living room, all the regular lights turned out, the tv off, and just the candles in the windows and the tree lights illuminating the darkness. A couple of evenings over the next two weeks or so – perhaps even tomorrow night (who knows?) – I’d love to spend the entire evening reading, the fire burning in the fireplace, the lights twinkling, and the darkness remaining at bay outside.
In the Meantime
I want to remind you that the I AM Solstice Symposium is taking place tomorrow (Saturday, December 21st, 2019). Tune in! There’s a great lineup of inspiring speakers who will be sharing all sorts of insight, wisdom, strategies, lore, and opportunities for connection.
I’ll be speaking live at 5:30 p.m. (EST). With the theme of this year’s I AM Symposium being Navigating Turbulent Winds, I thought it might be helpful to discuss some strategies I’ve learned over the years on how to “Batten Down the Hatches.”
It’ll be dark outside (around here anyway) by the time I start speaking. So light a candle, bask in the glow of the holidays, and invite the lights of peace, hope, and optimism (and maybe a little mirth thrown in, too) to enter all our lives. Snuggle up on your couch and join me for a fireside chat.
Wishing you a Joyful Solstice. Give birth to the light within your Self.

Photo from Deborah Hinton’s post on The Wyrding Way