Dire, Honest Warning – Day 647

Sky’s On Fire – Photo: L. Weikel

Dire, Honest Warning

I’d be lying if I tried to pretend I didn’t watch the Democratic Convention this evening. (Who would I be kidding anyhow? I’ve watched every night so far – you know me well enough to know that.) And as enthusiastic and hopeful as I’ve felt watching every evening, I came away tonight with the unmistakable verification of my worst fears. Barack Obama confirmed in a speech that could only be called a starkly dire, honest warning that we really and truly are at extreme peril of witnessing the destruction of our republic.

The speech he gave tonight was chilling. It was compelling. And if you were paying attention and really listening to him – and by that I mean not only hearing his words but also observing his expressions and paying attention to his mannerisms as he spoke – you could not miss the urgency in his message.

After that speech tonight, there can be no doubt that our country is in grave danger.

President Obama spoke with a concern and barely controlled combination of rage and despair over what we’re all witnessing. If you have even a cursory appreciation for how he has spoken at other conventions (or anywhere, for that matter), you know that this was remarkably different. This speech truly was a call to stand up and take responsibility.

Kamala’s Opportunity

It seems to me that President Obama laid out just how bleak and dire everything is right now not only because he feels the perilousness at hand, which he unequestionably does. But he also did it this way so that Kamala Harris could take this one night to introduce herself to the vast swaths of the United States that aren’t familiar with her, and not have to spend precious minutes of her time attacking Donald Trump.

We all know a vice presidential nominee’s main raison d’etre is to be the attack dog. This strategy enables the presidential candidate to ostensibly keep their head above the fray, while their partner prosecutes the case against the opponent (and in this case, the incumbent). Tonight it almost seemed as if Obama ran interference for Harris.

The chilling part, though, is my strong sense that Obama couldn’t have been more straightforward in his warnings. This is not a joke. It’s not hyperbole.

This election could very well be the last chance we have to save our country from falling into an abyss of tyranny and authoritarianism.

Plan Your Vote

As the Democratic party seemed to be hammering home all evening, it is essential that we do whatever we must to ensure that our responsibility to vote is exercised in this election. There are powers that be – powers that would resort to literally ripping mailboxes out of the ground to prevent you from voting by mail – that will do anything to remain at the top of the food chain in this country.

Especially as a result of the pandemic, we must make sure we know exactly what our deadlines and other rules are in our state (whatever state that may be). If you need help in getting the best information about voting in person or by mail in your state, text VOTE to 30330.

Armed with knowledge and a determination that no one and nothing will succeed in standing between you and your right to cast your ballot, you are unstoppable. You are a patriot. You will be able to look yourself, your kids, and your grandchildren in the eyes and say, “I voted. I did not sit it out.”

Vote. Vote. Vote.

The future of our democracy is at stake.
