Trust and Amazon Burning – Day 287

Amazonian fires viewed by satellite – Photo:

Trust and Amazon Burning

Let’s face it: we’re all starting to feel that awful sense of impending doom starting to creep into our bellies. We’re actually, literally, standing by and watching the apocalyptic movie plot begin to unfold before our eyes – and we’re all freaking extras.

While I occasionally become overwhelmed with the magnitude of it all (and I’m including in that overwhelm my reaction to a plethora of awfulness, not ‘just’ watching the vast taiga in Siberia and the rainforest of the Amazon burn), I fundamentally do not want to stand by and stoke an attitude of hopelessness.

If I’m honest with myself, my overall drop-dead attitude and worldview is one of optimism. As long as we’re still here, we have an obligation to persevere and to do our best to make life better on this planet.

How Do We Make Things Better?

I mentioned that there’s one small act we can take on the 1stof every month, an act that joins us, collectively, with thousands of people throughout the world, using just ten drops of something called Essence of Perelandra. It’s an act that heightens the attention of many on a specific intention.

We can donate time, money, resources, and unique skills to causes that call to our hearts and help effect change or implement policies that reflect our values.

We can rage against the horrors, write to our legislators, stage protests, organize to ensure policies are in place that will keep voting from becoming a right only of the elite.

What About Trust?

Sometimes, as I’ve written about at least tangentially before, walking our talk and living a life that embraces shamanic principles demands an act of faith. Making the choice to maintain a sense of hope is one of those moments when we choose for ourselves: either I trust in something bigger than myself or I don’t.

I listened to and witnessed an important message this morning on dealing with our rage, frustrations, and sense of helplessness about the fires burning uncontrolled across our planet, but particularly in the Amazon.

It’s a video of Charles Eisenstein, and I’m sharing it because he makes a compelling argument for us to embrace TRUST – and to vigilantly do our best to take responsibility for how we choose to perceive the world and what we choose to ‘put out’ into the world .

As you may recall, living a shamanic life is all about our perceptions.

I’d like to offer this to you for your consideration this morning.

We always have the ability to refuse to give up, to embrace hope, and to trust in something larger than ourselves – while doing whatever we can to move things forward even the tiniest bit..


We CAN Do Something – Day 284

My “Perelandra Stash” – Photo: L. Weikel

We CAN Do Something                 

I have a couple of subjects I was contemplating writing about tonight. That’s a rare occurrence, let me assure you. I just hope I remember what they were tomorrow!

But I realize there’s one thing I intended to write about last month, but let the time slip away until it was too late. I don’t want that to happen again this month, so I’m making it a priority tonight.

It’s In Our Faces

It’s probably all the more timely that I write this post tonight because it’s likely everyone has at least seen some of the photos and perhaps read an article or two on the astonishingly huge fires raging in the Amazon at the moment. This should be of global concern (and outrage), as the fires are so massive they can be seen from space. And it bears repeating that the Amazon rainforest acts as the lungs of our planet.

If Mother Earth’s lungs burn up, we die. And the speed of our demise is all the more accelerated by the double devastation wrought by the burning of the rainforests: (Wammy #1) Losing the rainforests means we lose all those trees that breathe in the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere (and in turn ‘exhale’ oxygen for us to breathe); and (Wammy #2) Beyond the loss described in Wammy #1, the actual burning of the trees creates more carbon being released into the atmosphere, thereby doubling the devastating effects on the world.

To make matters worse, the forest fires in the taiga of Siberia are also far worse this year than usual. Again, these raging, out of control forest fires are having a doubly devastating effect on the global environment.

One Unconventional Method of Addressing the Fires

One means of addressing these out of control, raging fires is via weather shamanism. I’ve linked that phrase to a wonderful book I’ve owned and read many times and refer to often. This practice is common and an essential aspect of a shaman’s duties to her or his community in Siberia. Wildfires in the taiga are not uncommon, often being sparked by lightning and dry or drought conditions. Shamans are routinely asked to step up and journey to the spirit of the fire to see if there is a message or a demand that can be met. Journeys are also often taken to the atmosphere, with efforts made to communicate with the essential natures of clouds and water vapor in the atmosphere.

The shamanic aspect of journeying to work with the spirits of these Beings can have profound effects, and I could probably write more on this subject.


But for now, I want to introduce you to an organization based in Virginia that is dedicated to working with the sentience that is Nature. It’s called Perelandra.

There’s a pretty amazing story of how (from very unlikely circumstances) Machaelle Small Wright discovered she could communicate with the devic realm, including Pan. Working in concert with Nature and her own Higher Self, she discovered she could not only co-create a physical environment that supported astonishing growth in a seemingly inhospitable environment (not unlike Findhorn, with whom she consulted and collaborated when first beginning this work some 40 years ago), but also work with these Beings to bring balance to human beings.

I am both grossly oversimplifying the story of Perelandra and simultaneously making it sound far more complicated than it is. There are short versions to be found on the website, and for those of you who, like me, enjoy memoir and learning in an author’s own words how they came to ‘be’ who they ‘are,’ she has written several books documenting her rather remarkable journey.

An Easier Way (If You Don’t Journey)

Just as I could wax on about weather shamanism, I could write a lot more about Perelandra and my experience with it beginning at least 30 years ago. (Man, I was busy discovering lots of cool stuff back in my 20s and 30s!) If you’re intrigued, I suggest you to go the website and poke around there.

I can assure you, I work with these essences every day. I also work with my MAP team, which you can also learn about on the website. (And maybe I’ll write about that sometime, too.)

But for right now? I’d like you to consider investing in a bottle of Essence of Perelandra (also known as EoP) so you can participate in the monthly EoP Biodiversity Project Machaelle just recently instituted. It is a very simple protocol that takes no more than five minutes – and only ten drops of EoP. The power of the process is magnified exponentially by the power of all of us working with Nature on the 1stday of each month.

Check It Out For Yourself

Click on some of the links I’m providing in this post and read about it for yourself. It’s a simple thing. But it is a tangible act you can take, joining with thousands of other people around the world, all in an effort to work with Nature to contribute to the overall health of the planet.

If you order EoP now, Perelandra is running a great sale on EoP. They want to encourage as many people as possible to participate. I feel extremely confident in the integrity of Machaelle Small Wright and Perelandra.

And I hope this gives you the opportunity to feel you are taking a tangible step to stop the insanity.

I’ll also wager you’ll find the astonishing variety of applications of Perelandra essences to be intriguing and very possibly holding the potential of dramatically improving your well-being.
