Cool Day, Today… – Day 303


Cool Day, Today…

Numerologically, anyway. Take a deeper look: Today is Day 303 and the number of posts left to write is 808.

So symmetrical. So easily fitting into the 1111 Devotion discipline and the mystique of this Act of Power.

Even though today (tonight) is the technical 303/808 post, I’m going to go with the sense that by paying attention to it tonight, and it then being read mostly tomorrow, I am activating an intention for the portals represented by the double 11s to swing open over the next 24 hours.

Perhaps nothing will happen. Perhaps breakthroughs will occur. Maybe some within our personal lives or sharing our physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual ‘space’ with us who may have been waiting to make their transitions will choose to do so now. We also have the power, strength, and illumination of the full moon (culminating this Friday the 13th) to augment the “Power of the Portals.”

Not a Public Number

There probably won’t be any significant portal crossings over the next 24 hours because the significance of the 303/808 (11/11) is connected solely to me and my writing. There could be those of you who resonate with me and either my family, Karl, or simply the whole concept of 11/11 and will embrace this double portal opportunity with gusto.

I’m hoping (and setting the intention) of only traveling through portals I’m comfortable returning through (to this realm), as well.


Ha ha – I just had a realization. I received an email from Apple just this evening, as I was preparing to start writing my post. It was very distracting. Why? Because it was an announcement of the new iPhone 11 Pro.

Yeah… I opened up the email because I could see a reference to an ‘improved camera’ in this newest model. You didn’t have to ask me twice to check that baby out.

One of the greatest unexpected delights of writing my 1111 Devotion posts is the fun I’ve had taking photos each day as potential prompts for the evening’s post. I know I’ve mentioned a number of times how I’ve thought about you, my readers, when encountering unique circumstances or witnessing moments of singular beauty and trying to capture that moment or experience so I could share it with you later.

Filled to the Brim

The downside to my desire to enthusiastically share my encounters with you both visually and via prose is that I’ve filled my iPhone to the brim. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve struggled to take photos each day because I keep getting the ‘iPhone Storage Full” message. It’s frustrated the hell out of me, I’ll be honest.

I’ve diligently attempted to go back into my photo archives and delete many photos. I’ve done this every single time I’ve tried to snag a shot and been thwarted.

And my weirdness about ‘Big Brother’ (not MY big brother – no, Henry, I’m not calling you weird, although the moniker could fit) has translated to my not wanting to store all of my ‘stuff’ on the Cloud. I know, I know. It’s probably a ridiculous hang up I have. But there it is.

As a result, I’ve been painstakingly deleting photos and videos every single day for a few weeks at least, trying to free up some storage so I can take more photos.

Just this afternoon, in fact, my iPhone had become so clogged full of photos and music and such that it wouldn’t even let me text. It kept automatically exiting from the camera mode. So I ordered a nifty gadget recommended by a dear friend that is specifically designed to be used to download/offload photos and stuff from one’s iPhone easily and efficiently – and then either store it on that drive or transfer the saved info to a computer.

But NOW…


Oh dear…now there is the aptly named iPhone 11 Pro. I know I don’t need it. But wow, I sure could use it to take some cool shot for you guys. Just tonight I would’ve been writing about vultures and death (we ran into at least 20 vultures snacking on a dead deer during our walk – but my phone kept blinking out of camera mode) instead of lusting after a new iPhone.

I don’t know. I’m thinking there’s an important connection between the 1111 Devotion, the 303/808 number of the post occurring tonight, and the iPhone 11 being announced just this evening are all sending an unequivocal message. Maybe a celebration is in order?

What do you think?
