Love, Hope, and Light – Day 648


Rays of Light – Photo: L. Weikel

Love, Hope, and Light

What an exceptional capstone to a remarkably challenging and unconventional Democratic Convention. I can honestly say that even four years ago, I don’t think I would’ve believed I’d hear so many politicians use the concepts of love, hope, and light, as the fundamental and most powerful arguments for their case to the American public.

Most shocking of all, to me, is the unabashed hue and cry for more love. Love for our country. Love for each other. Just typing these words makes my heart quicken and my breath catch in my throat.

I’ll admit it. I was a little nervous that Joe Biden would falter or come across as lackluster or perhaps lagging just half a beat off this evening. Perhaps this was because I heard him speak in Philadelphia back in September at the first ever Workers’ Presidential Summit, and while his sincerity was unquestionable (and his experience unassailable), he seemed tired. And maybe he was. I, for one, do not know how any of the candidates managed to criss-cross the nation and maintain the energy and enthusiasm called for to address tens, hundreds, and thousands of people day in and day out.

Clarity, Courage, and Fire

But when all was said and done, Joe got it done. And I guess that’s what being a leader for the times is all about. It’s doing what needs to be done when the moment presents itself. It’s seizing the opportunity when the gauntlet is thrown and coming through not only for yourself but for everyone who yearns for clarity, courage, and the fire to fight for all of us.

Speaking of clarity, courage, and fire, I doubt there was anyone who watched 13 year old Brayden Harrington metaphorically walk on a bed of hot coals in front of the entire nation (and probably not a small part of the entire world) and was not blown away by his unbelievable courage and grace. That segment spoke volumes about the character of both Joe Biden and Brayden Harrington, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget the powerful impact it made on me.

Rays of Hope and Light

I don’t have words that can improve upon this evening’s final speech. So I just want to leave you with this quote:

“Let us begin, you and I, together. One nation under God, united in our love for America, united in our love for each other. For love is more powerful than hate; hope is more powerful than fear; and light is more powerful than dark.

This is our moment. This is our mission.

May history be able to say that the end of this chapter of American darkness began here – tonight.”

– Joseph Biden

May it be be so.

Rays of Hope – Photo: L. Weikel
