Nearly full moon – late afternoon – Photo: L. Weikel
Super Pink Moon
Wow. We’ve already had two ‘super’ full moons in 2020, with tomorrow’s Super Pink Moon promising to be the ‘biggest’ of them all. That’s because our celestial little sister will be closer to the Earth for tomorrow night’s display than it’s been for the first two.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve found the full moons since this past December particularly intense. Between eclipses and super moons, in a lot of ways it’s felt as though we’ve been whipsawed from one challenging (and I use that word charitably) experience to another.
And now, of course…here we find ourselves. In uncharted territory, to put it mildly.
Pluto and Jupiter’s Added Influence
As if most of us don’t already notice an uptick in sensitivity or perhaps emotional volatility near the full moon, tomorrow’s cosmic event is almost guaranteed to hit us with a good thwack. That’s because in addition to the Super Pink Moon being the one that will appear biggest and most beautiful (and thus almost certainly tug on our heads and hearts most powerfully), it is occurring while Jupiter and Pluto are sitting practically on top of each other (known as being ‘conjunct’ with each other).
Just to give you a thumbnail sketch, Pluto is the ruler of life/death/rebirth, dramatic upheaval, destruction, and transformation. Jupiter basically makes everything ‘bigger.’ And in 2020, these two planets will be ‘conjunct’ with each other three times: April 4th (yes, here we are, just starting to realize the utter enormity of Covid-19’s impact on our entire world), June 30th, and then November 12th (oh goody – nine days after our scheduled presidential election). What could go wrong!?
Given everything we’re going through at the moment, here’s an especially intriguing article.
A Monumental Time
I’m pointing all of this out because I find it fascinating how so much of what we’re experiencing is reflected in the cosmos. And I, at least, find it helpful to try to bear in mind that knowledge is power.
No, we may not be able to shift the alignment of the planets or avoid (or prevent) the impact of these celestial conjunctions and the emotional wallop a super full moon might have on our experience and perception of everything that’s going on around us. But realizing that all of this is unfolding and impacting how we feel about it all can temper its impact – even if just a little bit.
And right now? We need all the awareness, compassion, and kindness toward ourselves, each other, and our collective emotions as we can muster.
So, please. As the next couple days unfold, remember the gigantic forces at play right now and be gentle – with yourselves and with everyone you encounter (which hopefully will not be all that many people since we’re supposed to be staying home!).
Give yourself a chance to check out that Super Moon as it rises tomorrow. And as you do, perhaps you can close your eyes and tap into the energies you may have seen or felt when you did that global meditation the other evening. Open your heart to love and healing. And let us all hold onto our hope.

Early evening, almost full – Photo: L. Weikel