Cloud Blanket – Photo: L. Weikel
Summer Loves
I love when it gets cool enough at night for us to put the whole house fan on instead of the air conditioner. The past few nights have allowed for that, and my sleep has been deep. This evening we don’t have any electrical cooling device running, and I’m sitting here in our living room with the front door open thoroughly enjoying my summer loves, the crickets and katydids.
And as if right on cue, yes, Screech Owl, I hear you. Yes, you too are my love – but my appreciation for you is capable of being expressed year-round. Crickets are more three-season roommates (sometimes literally) and katydids really truly only seem to span mid to late-summer through early fall.
I don’t think I will ever tire of immersing myself in countryside night sounds.
A Lucky Step
The other night, Karl and I were walking home in the dark. The sky was particularly opaque from a blanket of clouds that almost looked like a billowy down comforter. Even though the sun had set, we usually would have been able to see in the residual light. Not that night, though.
As we were walking down the final hill toward our home, I was striding down the hill and felt a rather large ‘thing’ bump into my foot. I suspected it was a frog or a toad from the feel of its skin against mine, even though the encounter was brief.
I yelped involuntarily, of course; glad I hadn’t landed squarely on it. I squinted and tried to will my eyes to adjust to the darkness.
I saw a dark blob on the road and knew it could be either what I was seeking or a bunch of leaves. Using my flash to see where it was and identify it, this lovely specimen forgave me for scaring it and getting in its way as it made its way across the road.
And then it actually sat still enough for me to take its photo. It blended in remarkably well with the leaves at the side of the road. A beautiful creature. A lucky step – for both of us.

Toad Crossing the Road – Photo: L. Weikel