Steady – Day 424

Covered bridge, full moon – Photo: L. Weikel


I hope you had a chance to ‘take in’ the full magnitude of the moon this evening. There was a different feeling in the air tonight compared to last night, at least from my perspective. Not only was the overall energy of the evening different, so was the color.

Tonight, the moon did not cast a blue hue over field and forest. Instead, the light reflecting off our powerful satellite was much more diffuse and seemed more akin to a net of pale peach gauze.

Much to my disappointment, even the owls were quiet this evening. Although we heard both screech and great horned owls a few days ago, all were silent on this night.

Lunar Eclipse

Was the silence a result of some naturally intuited awareness of the eclipse taking place this evening? How does the fact that the Earth is slipping precisely between the sun and the moon, blocking out the moon’s brilliance for a short but powerful time, impact the other sentient life here on our planet (if it does at all)?

I imagine it must give them pause. Perhaps not as profound a worrisome, “Wtf?” as a total solar eclipse might yield, but at least a blip of awareness and perhaps a fleeting sense of concern.

For my part, I hate to say it, but I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Everything just seems so tenuous.

So I’m compelled to reinforce my Call to Arms: Please, let’s all hold our centers. Let’s all take a moment, find our place of peace within, and…hold it.

What is that gauzy light revealing to you about yourself?

Gauzy full moon 9 Jan 2020 – Photo: L. Weikel


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