Stand For Our Mother – Day 312


Stand For Our Mother

Tonight’s post will be short and sweet.

Amidst all the insanity, all of the human angst and suffering, the cruelty we inflict upon each other, and the struggles each of us engage in on a daily basis, sometimes just to keep our shit together enough to make it through one more day, there is one unequivocal, undeniable constant.

No matter who we are, no matter where we live, no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in on any given day, in any given country, there remains one aspect of this life that we all share: Mother Earth.

Being a Mother

The parallels are there. They’re undeniable. We call this planet upon which we live our lives Mother  Earth for a reason. Just as there’s a reason that we never call this planet Father  Earth.

This observation is not in any way a knock on fathers. Not at all. It is, rather, an acknowledgment of the obvious.

Mother Earth feeds  every thing and every being who lives upon her from her body . In one form or another, we all continue to seek and receive nourishment from the body of our mother, the planet Earth, every single day.

In order to keep us safe, she grows on her ‘skin,’ so to speak, materials that we need and use to build shelters that protect us from the elements.

In order to keep us healthy, she provides the perfect environment for plants to thrive and grow. These plants not only feed us, but also make medicines and other remedies that serve us, heal us, and help us maintain our balance, inside and out.

In order to keep us happy and entertained, warm in the winter and cold in the summer, in order to keep us with gold and silver on our fingers, clothes on our backs, and modes of transportation that take us across town or to the other side of “her,” our planet gives to us of herself.

Everything we use to sustain life here on this planet is created out of or provided directly by Mother Earth.

Taking Responsibility

For the longest time, she has indulged us – as a mother who cherishes her child might, and often does – even though she knows, deep down, that every child eventually needs to grow up and face the consequences of its choices.

Our actions, from what we do when we wake up each day, the food we eat, the cars we drive, the lights we use, to the faucet we turn off, have consequences. And if we don’t start paying attention and noticing the consequences of our actions, it’s akin to jamming a fork into our mother’s eye.

How can we expect her to keep taking care of us if all we do is take, take, take? She needs to recuperate. She needs time to replenish herself and her stores so she can share her bounty with us for years and hopefully millennia to come.

Climate Strike

My whole point is that we need to start standing up for our mother. We need to treat her with the respect and love and appreciation that she deserves. And in order to motivate others to join us in a mutual effort to work together to bring healing to her and, indeed, all of us, we need to take a stand.

If you’ve only been lending half an ear to the latest efforts to bring awareness to climate change, then you may not be fully aware that the youth of the world are asking that we all pay attention and stand up for Mother Earth tomorrow.

We’re being asked to walk out – go on strike – stop working for a time (whether it’s at school or at work or anywhere in between) in order to bring the world to a halt!

Join Me – Join Us – Join Our Youth

Here are a few links to some articles and resources that can explain who, what, when, where, and why.

But the important thing is taking a STAND. Show up. Take responsibility. Don’t be afraid to ‘come out’ as a science believer and a Mother Earth LOVER.

She’s loved us all this time. Let’s love her back – now – when she needs her children to grow the hell up already and stop poisoning her just because we can.


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