Work of Sky Art – Photo: L. Weikel
Falling asleep again at my keyboard tonight. I hate it when I do that. Maybe it’s to be expected, though, when you don’t turn off your bedside light until 2:00 a.m. Then toss in a few mornings (including today’s) of sleepy, face-licking puppies needing to be taken out to sprinkle the yard.
I’ve been trying to be a zealot over taking the pups outside to do their thing. And yet…there just seems to be something not connecting with them. We’ve tried rewarding with praise and coaxing with trainer treats. If we pick them up and take them outside, they’ll go willingly enough. It’s the independent realization that they need to go – and they need to go outside – that we’re still waiting to have click into place.
We tried putting a puppy pad down when we first brought them home. Brutus shredded that sucker faster than you could say, “Go pee-pee!”
Perhaps we’ll rent a carpet cleaner this weekend and ‘start fresh.’ That might end up being the best option.
Keep your fingers crossed for us that we get this resolved relatively quickly.

Easter egg colors – Photo: L. Weikel
Return to the Sky
While the pups have taken a number of walks already (short spurts for them, then getting carried most of the way), I managed to take a walk by myself today. I have to marvel at the difference it makes to have to literally carry an extra six pounds (or 12 if I’m carrying both of them) any distance. If that isn’t incentive to lose that extra ten pounds of Covid weight, I don’t know what is.
I hope everyone got a chance to spend at least a chunk of time outside today. It was definitely one of ‘those’ days. You know: the type that makes you swear God(dess) must wear a beret and clench a paintbrush between her teeth. (Between her teeth?) The artistry and flair I witnessed tonight was breathtaking.
The striations of pink, purple, and chartreuse in these clouds were not your normal rainbow. And the evolution of the clouds as they formed and reformed today told stories upon stories, if only I could decipher them.
I’ve missed encountering clouds that are blog-worthy.

Here’s a PachaPig fix – Photo: L. Weikel
Your cloud picture was beautiful. You are such a night owl, me, no way. I am a morning bird. Yesterday neither of us could sleep so we got up before 5. I decided I wanted to go for a walk in the dark, thick fog. It was so magical. I wish I could stay up later but it isn’t to be. So I will get my darkness and magic in the early AM hours. You be the night owl, me, the morning dove
And together, Donna? We’ll have both the day – and night – covered!
I agree, there is something absolutely magical about the hour before dawn, as well as the very early morning hours. Every time I’m called to be up at that time (and especially be *outside* at that time), I wonder if maybe, just maybe, I should start going to bed earlier and getting up earlier!
Ha ha. It’s a lovely thought. Sometimes. 😉